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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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This is confusing, because if PAF is actually looking at SU35, then it is not just the aircraft that matters, but the fact that whole new thinking has to take place. SU35 is a 'heavy' an asset that never existed for PAF. How do they go about it? What are the implications and above all, what are the aims?
Clearly, there aren't many options available in the heavy class. Not Typhoon, not Rafale and certainly not US ones. Chinese flankers are there, but i don't think China can re-export what is basically Russian tech.
In tht interview he simply said ..we are looking for next gen fighter, both in east and west...he didnt mention any specific one.. So was asking you..if you have any idea..which options are being evaluated / judged by PAF, other than su 35?

Our original security requirement for 40 Block-52s is half complete thus pending. As the Air Chief said, PAF is looking both East and West, all depends what meets PAF's doctrine....additional F-16s, J-10 or even some rumours on F/A 18 Hornets and then you have SU-35 and further down the line J-31.....all depending on developing scenarios.
Will not take any step detrimental
to India’s security:Russia.

New Delhi, Sep 10: Russia today said that it will
never take any step detrimental to the security
and safety of its special strategic partner
India.Russian Embassy here issued a statement in
the backdrop of a report that said Russia and
Pakistan were in talks on the delivery of Russian
multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest
Su-35 fighter jets.
“Time and again, the Russian leaders have stated
at the highest level that Russia will never take
any steps detrimental to the security and safety
of our special and privileged strategic partner ?
India, or the security structure in the South Asian
region, or any other region for that matter,” the
statement said. (Also Read: India, Pakistan
membership in SCO to be finalised in 2016:
“This assurance is fully valid today as it was
valid yesterday. This is the guideline of our
President’s foreign policy concept,” it said.”As
regards the newspaper report from Nizhni Tagil, it
is a sheer case of overstatement by the agency,
on the one hand, and of overreaction by a section
of the Indian media, – on the other,” it added.

Will not take any step detrimental to India's security:Russia | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com
India needs to learn they can't stop growing Pakistan and Russia relations the sooner they realize it the better for them.
India needs to learn they can't stop growing Pakistan and Russia relations the sooner they realize it the better for them.

But we can OUT SPEND you by a Factor of SIX at least

So First the French decided NOT to supply avionics for JF 17
because of Mirage 2000 upgrades and RAFALE deal

AND Now the Russians dont want to loose their Biggest client
Reports are coming in for deal for 75 fighter jets of Sukhoi-35 , bit bigger order then expected
are u sure about 75 if it is than it gonna be bhale bhale :chilli::chilli::china::china: for paf

Or we could focus on our economy first and then decide to procure something worthy may be after 4-5 years down the road?
A nation with $ 19 billion in her savings account, for national security purposes, can spend $ 2 billion tomorrow and get stuff on cash. The only thing like I've said many times is, Pakistan is being smart about it. She doesn't want to tick off the WB and the IMF (both of which have a lot of Indian influence).

So if Pakistan can push ahead making economic progress for two more years, by the end of 2017, part of the CPEC would be functional, electric issue would be resolved, the country would be sitting around $ 30 billion cash, so middle finger for the IMF. It can secure loans directly from the manufacturing country for anything due to loan to cash ratio.

This is where both Shariffs are playing great together. Bad Cop (Gen. Raheel) and Good Cop (NS) when it comes to India. Gen. Raheel will issue a strong war-like message to keep Indian in reality check, the next week, NS will send MANGOS to keep their leadership calm. This is perfect aggressive-passive diplomacy and it works. Tells the Indians to remain at bay and at the same time, with a smile, it says "we don't want war, here, have some Mangos". All this is buying time for 2 more years. Then, India won't be issuing these silly statements, knowing there are over 400 4th gen jets to intercept whatever they have to send. Just like the Cold Feet doctrine has seen its end, and just like the "Naval Blockade" has seen its end.

So in the next 2+ years, you'll see a bump in the defense spending. By 2018, the defense budget of Pakistan will be around $ 12-14 billion. And heavies would come, the JFT's will be further advanced to block III.

In the current scenario, the JFT fires a BVR missile from JUST as much distance as the SU-30 and the Mirage 2000 or the F-16 would, in the Indo-Pak scenario. So majority of the work is going to be depending upon missiles. In dog fight, JFT can take on all Indian strike platforms but SU-30 and Rafale (when it comes). The -16 can take on the SU-30 and Rafale. Starting 2018, you'll see orders on the table for more assets and much modern at that. You just have to wait.

Like i said, the Pakistan running on little budget till the 2010,isn't the Pakistan now, sure isn't the Pakistan of 2018. A faster growing economy with a potential to be the top11th economy in years to come, requires a much stronger defense. Now there is money, and only time required for two more years to establish the system, strengthen it and get a few big project live or parts of those, live.

A LOT of new stuff is coming to Pakistan's all three forces. Just watch how it unfolds by 2018!!
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