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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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Sarcasm aside, I don't think it makes a damn difference to the Indo pak conflict scenario.It may make things a little bit more expensive for India as the move will need to be countered. However, if either party feels at all threatened by the buildup of the other, the nuclear threshold will be lowered. So it will be a case of "if we go we will take you with us". So while kids will get excited on either side while squeezing their pimples, the older ones amongst us will raise an eye brow and a groan and a hope that one day both the countries will see the light of the day, resolve their differences, open up the borders to free trade and resolve to spend their meagre resources on the betterment of the hungry and naked shelterless masses that inhabit both the countries.

Can't even disagree on a single sentence. However, it takes two to tango. The Indians have been offered countless opportunities under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif to mend ties even to the displeasure of many including me. India didn't take this opportunity, but instead its army opted to flare up tensions at the border regions. We all know this. Whilst we all want peace and prosperity between both nations, India being the bigger nation needs to get off the high horse and accept the ground realities. Find a suitable solution to the Kashmir conflict and stop financing and aiding terror on Pakistani soil.
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Don't put words in mouth. But yes I can assure you, Conventionally we can give you quite a good thrashing as well.

Secondly, you need to look at your multiple freedom movements, and how they would a manipulate a skirmish on the border.

Do read this:

India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war - The Times of India

SOS. Army is Seeing More Suicides.

597 military personnel have committed suicide in last 5 years, government says - The Times of India
I dont watch TV. So what you are saying is Pakistan is conventionally superior to India?
Don't want to interrupt your discussion, but one thing I want to share as visitor to both countries that a normal Pakistani is living in far better conditions than a normal Indian.
If you take GDP as a base for military purchases then Pakistan couldn't have even buy what it has today.
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sheher bassa nahi maskharre pehle aa gaye :sarcastic:
Breaking News: Earth quack in office of RAW Delhi, Mumbai, Kabul and Indian high Commission in Pakistan.
Everyone saved only burn injuries reported.:rap::rap::rap::rap:

15 Bell AH-1Z Viper, 10 WZ-10 Thunderbolt, almost 10+ MI 35 and now SU 35.
its gonna be like Aj mai uper Asman nechy India hy PECHY PECHY

Why u need those above junks.....your JF17 Shuper Dupper Fighter is all enough for India.
Indeed, if u plan to buy.. then be ready with your Shiny begging bowl as usual.
Don't put words in mouth. But yes I can assure you, Conventionally we can give you quite a good thrashing as well.

Secondly, you need to look at your multiple freedom movements, and how they would a manipulate a skirmish on the border.

Do read this:

India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war - The Times of India

SOS. Army is Seeing More Suicides.

597 military personnel have committed suicide in last 5 years, government says - The Times of India

Yes I agree we have problems, but so do you. Even with all these problems we are conventionally supirior.

You say our military is falling apart, demoralised? Well 90,000 of your great soldiers surrendered to our 'demoralised army'. This demoralised army divided your country in half.

Look, we have multiple aircraft carriers, nuke subs, direct energy weapons development, space technology etc, now you think these are also delusions?

Even if half of our military gets blown up, still we will have supiriority.
Don't want to interrupt your discussion, but one thing I want to share as visitor to both countries that a normal Pakistani is living in far better conditions than a normal Indian.
If you take GDP as a base for military purchases then Pakistan couldn't have even bought what it has today.

You should visit Indian Occupied Kashmir and talk to the ordinary folks there, see what they say how they talk about India, and how they respect Pakistan!
but first it has to be true its just a rumour now .... give me link where there are 10 Mi-35 baought or russia selling pakistan su-35 any link any russian or report by defnce weekli like janes .... na soot na kapas aur julahe lathhamm lathhaa :haha:

We are retiring our old helis, maybe we can donate a few to Pakistan,
but first it has to be true its just a rumour now .... give me link where there are 10 Mi-35 baought or russia selling pakistan su-35 any link any russian or report by defnce weekli like janes .... na soot na kapas aur julahe lathhamm lathhaa :haha:
4 is initial batch once got these than others will come automatically
Russia, viceministro Esteri: cooperazione con Pakistan non minaccia relazioni con India
Mosca e Islamabad sono attualmente in trattative per la fornitura di elicotteri multiruolo russi Mi-35M e degli ultimi jet da combattimento Su-35
di Velino International 1815 09 settembre 2015 fonte ilVelino/AGV NEWS/Sputnik Nižnij Tagil
  • 7676300d-d179-4c3a-bb8d-ffc60cd6b0de_medium.jpg
Nižnij Tagil, 18:15 - 09 settembre 2015 (AGV NEWS)

La maggiore cooperazione militare tra Russia e Pakistan non avrà effetti negativi sulle relazioni tra Mosca e Nuova Delhi. Lo ha detto il viceministro degli Esteri russo Sergei Ryabkov. Mosca e Islamabad sono attualmente in trattative per la fornitura di elicotteri multiruolo russi Mi-35M e degli ultimi jet da combattimento Su-35. “Non credo che i contatti in discussione causeranno gelosia da parte di una delle due parti”, ha detto ai giornalisti Ryabkov aggiungendo che i legami tra i paesi sono in continua evoluzione, non solo militare ma anche in altri settori, compreso quello energetico.

Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday. Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets. "I do not think that the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov told journalists. Pakistan is Russia's closest partner, Ryabkov said, adding that the two countries’ ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy. Relations between India and Pakistan have been strained since the end of British rule seven decades ago. They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have repeatedly accused each other of violating the truce.

Russia, viceministro Esteri: cooperazione con Pakistan non minaccia relazioni con India (09 set 2015) - ilVelino/AGV NEWS


Russia, Deputy Foreign Affairs: Cooperation with Pakistan does not threaten relations with India

Moscow and Islamabad are currently in negotiations for the supply of multi-role helicopters, Russian Mi-35M and the last fighter jet Su-35

The increased military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have negative effects on relations between Moscow and New Delhi. This was stated by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Moscow and Islamabad are currently in negotiations for the supply of multi-role helicopters, Russian Mi-35M and the last fighter jet Su-35. "I do not think that the contacts in question will cause jealousy on the part of either party," Ryabkov told reporters adding that the ties between the countries are evolving, not only military but also in other sectors, including energy.

Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday. Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets. "I do not think That the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov Told journalists. Pakistan is Russia's closest partners, Ryabkov said, adding That the two countries' ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy. Relations between India and Pakistan sono stati strained since the end of British rule seven Decades August They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 Following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have accused each other of Repeatedly Violating the truce.
Russia, viceministro Esteri: cooperazione con Pakistan non minaccia relazioni con India
Mosca e Islamabad sono attualmente in trattative per la fornitura di elicotteri multiruolo russi Mi-35M e degli ultimi jet da combattimento Su-35
di Velino International 1815 09 settembre 2015 fonte ilVelino/AGV NEWS/Sputnik Nižnij Tagil
  • 7676300d-d179-4c3a-bb8d-ffc60cd6b0de_medium.jpg
Nižnij Tagil, 18:15 - 09 settembre 2015 (AGV NEWS)

La maggiore cooperazione militare tra Russia e Pakistan non avrà effetti negativi sulle relazioni tra Mosca e Nuova Delhi. Lo ha detto il viceministro degli Esteri russo Sergei Ryabkov. Mosca e Islamabad sono attualmente in trattative per la fornitura di elicotteri multiruolo russi Mi-35M e degli ultimi jet da combattimento Su-35. “Non credo che i contatti in discussione causeranno gelosia da parte di una delle due parti”, ha detto ai giornalisti Ryabkov aggiungendo che i legami tra i paesi sono in continua evoluzione, non solo militare ma anche in altri settori, compreso quello energetico.

Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday. Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets. "I do not think that the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov told journalists. Pakistan is Russia's closest partner, Ryabkov said, adding that the two countries’ ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy. Relations between India and Pakistan have been strained since the end of British rule seven decades ago. They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have repeatedly accused each other of violating the truce.

Russia, viceministro Esteri: cooperazione con Pakistan non minaccia relazioni con India (09 set 2015) - ilVelino/AGV NEWS


Russia, Deputy Foreign Affairs: Cooperation with Pakistan does not threaten relations with India

Moscow and Islamabad are currently in negotiations for the supply of multi-role helicopters, Russian Mi-35M and the last fighter jet Su-35

The increased military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have negative effects on relations between Moscow and New Delhi. This was stated by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Moscow and Islamabad are currently in negotiations for the supply of multi-role helicopters, Russian Mi-35M and the last fighter jet Su-35. "I do not think that the contacts in question will cause jealousy on the part of either party," Ryabkov told reporters adding that the ties between the countries are evolving, not only military but also in other sectors, including energy.

Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday. Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets. "I do not think That the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov Told journalists. Pakistan is Russia's closest partners, Ryabkov said, adding That the two countries' ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy. Relations between India and Pakistan sono stati strained since the end of British rule seven Decades August They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 Following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have accused each other of Repeatedly Violating the truce.
Can't even disagree on a single sentence. Howeerver, it takes two to tango. The Indians have been offered countless opportunities under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif to mend ties even to the displeasure of many including me. India didn't take this opportunity, but instead its army opted to flare up tensions at the border regions. We all know this. Whilst we all want peace and prosperity between both nations, India being the bigger nation needs to get off the high horse and accept the ground realities. Find a suitable solution to the Kashmir conflict and stop financing and aiding terror on Pakistani soil.
Agreed. I think the rhetoric has been stronger on the Indian side than on Pakistani side.However as it happens the interference is on a "tit for tat and a bit more" basis and is from both sides.Strategically India has such a vast territory and different regions vying for independence, it cannot afford to add to it. There is also a very blatant element of passing the buck when it comes to adverse outcomes. Anything wrong in Pakistan has invariably got "foreign hands" behind it and vice versa. Look at how the rhetoric has been racked up in India by Modi as he seems incapable of handling the internal crises in India. The Nooras are no different. Till we have sanity prevailing on both sides we wont have peace. Till we dont have peace our defence expenditures and the futility of the Zero sum game will continue. The people will continue to suffer and the kids on the net will thump their chest and eulogize their idiotic and corrupt leaders and arm sales amounting to Billions when for one twentieth of the cost you can do so much more for your country's development

Russia-Pakistan Military Cooperation Not Threatening Relations With India
© AP Photo/ Francois Mori
18:21 09.09.2015Get short URL
Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday.

NIZHNY TAGIL (Russia), September 9 (Sputnik) — Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets.

"I do not think that the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov told journalists.

Pakistan is Russia's closest partner, Ryabkov said, adding that the two countries’ ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy.

Relations between India and Pakistan have been strained since the end of British rule seven decades ago. They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have repeatedly accused each other of violating the truce.

Read more: Russia-Pakistan Military Cooperation Not Threatening Relations With India

Russia-Pakistan Military Cooperation Not Threatening Relations With India
© AP Photo/ Francois Mori
18:21 09.09.2015Get short URL
Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday.

NIZHNY TAGIL (Russia), September 9 (Sputnik) — Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets.

"I do not think that the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov told journalists.

Pakistan is Russia's closest partner, Ryabkov said, adding that the two countries’ ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy.

Relations between India and Pakistan have been strained since the end of British rule seven decades ago. They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have repeatedly accused each other of violating the truce.

Read more: Russia-Pakistan Military Cooperation Not Threatening Relations With India
the fact that as usual Indians Chutya media share this news... where as FM report was published by all international media hahhaha SU yaan F22 mil raha hey kay nahe but tumse bare chutya koom nahe dekhi hahahahha

Lol :lol :
Use some common sense dude.
You can undrdtand basic business .
Russians need our money to maintain that Pak Fa.
We also have our own parallel program like AMCA .
They simply cant ignore a 150 billion $ market.

We have a lots of other option for buying weapons .But for Russia , thry cant just replace Indias place with sme other nation.
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