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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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Su-35 was offerred to india aswell for MRCA as india needed a good strike fighter jet that can also do a interceptor job in a single sortie (omnirole) and should have an AESA after Mig-35 lost the race but we dint bother ... yes you are right there were rumours that russia might sell su-35s to pakistan almost two years back but like now even then it was a bluff to get a certain arms deal from india where russia was one of the suppliers but eventualli americans won it same is the story this time but all hub bul watan pakistani members on this forum are acting way too emotional and hoping against hope ... well good luck

challo ji good luck with it :tup:

BHai patience hai aap me.. bore ho ja raha hoon.. sab ek hi line pe debate kar rahe hain... Ek do log hain who bring variety other wise this like India-Pakistan Peace process. KHaya piya kuch nai ... glass toda 12 ana... :p:
BHai patience hai aap me.. bore ho ja raha hoon.. sab ek hi line pe debate kar rahe hain... Ek do log hain who bring variety other wise this like India-Pakistan Peace process. KHaya piya kuch nai ... glass toda 12 ana... :p:
time paas achha hai per :D
If this was being done in a many vs many fight(as it is usually), that is a great target for any wingman or other aircraft to blow out of the sky.

The Su-35 needs to switch over to the same FLCS setup as the F-22. TVC ONLY when needed.

Very well pointed out bro.
Though it may set the bar high as far as the entertainment aesthetics and of an airshow is concerned.But in a dog fight ,one can't afford to lose momentum.So, it has a very limited utility in a combat /dogfight in which you do not expect your adversary to be alone.

Even with those powerful engines (that may be superior in performance to the previous editions of flanker) the Su-35 still is a big target.Dance it may on it's tail but with that amount of exposure courtesy the shape of this maneuver and drag that comes with it, this is like a target practice for the wingman of your opponent (as you have mentioned).

Gun guns! if you are good : no need to waste a previous sidewinder.

PS: One can expect that the pilot in the cockpit would know all the shortcomings and pitfalls that may come along with that amount of maneuverability.
When your missiles can do all the talking then you do not require it.It's an age of LOAL and HOBS missiles.Those magical arrows have reduced the workload of your pilot.
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what if i told you india is already making MKIs in india from raw material level :azn:
Of course it is. That was the reason for ToT for licensed local assembly but you're forgetting something: it's not 100%. You are still heavily dependent on Russia, France, Israel.
anyway good luck with your dreams no harm in dreaming :enjoy:
Are you delusional? :crazy: Who said I was dreaming? :laugh:
Haan bas wo toh hai ...FB bekar ho gaya hai aaj kal.... twitter pe log alg pagal hain.. Online Social sites will die slowly..
point is why pakistanies are so emotional and exited over rubbing indian self confidence and harm indian interests... then be it afghanistan or be it kashmir or be it owr ecomony or be it owr internal or international affairs ?
its a buyers market question is will russia anger india with sale of su-35 to pakistan but if russia does question is what will or what can india do .......

my assesment is india will then systamaticalli over a period of time for spares will do a la china policy on russia (make indian spares for russian equipment in indian innoventorry like china did with russia after russia stoped Mig-21 spares to china and J-7 was born)

and guess what we have all the supporting infra for that + USA will /is more that ready to jump in any such situation and support india fulli to the best of its abilities....

now what does this means to india and what does it means to russia you can speculate yoursefl :cheers:

Listen Pal this was thing of the past most recently Russians are loosing share to there Western counter parts .The old Romance is over now .India sees Russia as partner but Russia sees both India & Pak as partner markets ,You guys didnt buy any thing remarkable which was offered by any other country .For every competitive bid Russia has lost .I see W/W for both Russia and Pak with this deal .Either you end up buying more Russian things or Pak end up opening of major Western Market or both can have deal ,Its called three way
Of course it is. That was the reason for ToT for licensed local assembly but you're forgetting something: it's not 100%. You are still heavily dependent on Russia, France, Israel.

Are you delusional? :crazy: Who said I was dreaming? :laugh:
well we know that we are not 100% to the goal but at least we are working on it rather than blaming others for owr misfortunes deu to owr own blunders , plunders and surrenders and making sazishee maqboozze :sarcastic:

but dont worry sooner than later we will achieve what we want :cheers:

Listen Pal this was thing of the past most recently Russians are loosing share to there Western counter parts .The old Romance is over now .India sees Russia as partner but Russia sees both India & Pak as partner markets ,You guys didnt buy any thing remarkable which was offered by any other country .For every competitive bid Russia has lost .I see W/W for both Russia and Pak with this deal .Either you end up buying more Russian things or Pak end up opening of major Western Market or both can have deal ,Its called three way
well if russia sells to pakistan what can we do about it but it will make sure that switch over to USA , Israel and France or germany , japan for owr needs its a buyers market you have cash go ahead whose stopping you :azn:

even now we have a balance of saught and thats what troubling russia .... good luck and cheers mate :cheers:
what if i told you india is already making MKIs in india from raw material level :azn:
Of course it is. That was the reason for ToT for licensed local assembly but you're forgetting something: it's not 100%. You are still heavily dependent on Russia, France, Israel.
anyway good luck with your dreams no harm in dreaming :enjoy:
Are you delusional? :crazy: Who said I was dreaming? :laugh:
well we know that we are not 100% to the goal but at least we are working on it... :sarcastic:
but dont worry sooner than later we will achieve what we want :cheers:
Yes, I can see that you are indeed getting closer to 100% self-reliant goal.. by buying more and more. :azn:

Here's a reminder, thanks to ni8mare's informative list...

All the items listed below are actually happening:
Brahmos JV program
SU 30MKI (42 NOS)=4.2 BN
Helicopter upgrade=2 bn
Frigate and destroyer upgrade=?? (recently passed will be with VLS shtil-1 etc)

All the items listed below are actually in process:
Su-30 upgrade = 5 bn

All the items might happen in future:
SUBs deal = 10 bn
Keep working on it. :big_boss:
Of course it is. That was the reason for ToT for licensed local assembly but you're forgetting something: it's not 100%. You are still heavily dependent on Russia, France, Israel.

Are you delusional? :crazy: Who said I was dreaming? :laugh:

Yes, I can see that you are indeed getting closer to 100% self-reliant goal.. by buying more and more. :azn:

Here's a reminder, thanks to ni8mare's informative list...

Keep working on it. :big_boss:
well we are not till the mark cause we were way to laid back and that too deu to corruption in highrarchy of owr beurocracy and political elite but since Namo is here and he is uncorruptable he has initiated the publick private initiative that was long long overdeu we have started to get some positive results and soon when all indian private players will eneter this field we will certainli become a force to recon with just like owr automotive IT , Pharma & industry yes we are late but at least we are now working on it like never before it will take some time but indiactions are very positive .... there is no short cut to sucsess
well we are not till the mark cause we were way to laid back and that too deu to corruption in highrarchy of owr beurocracy and political elite but since Namo is here and he is uncorruptable he has initiated the publick private initiative that was long long overdeu we have started to get some positive results and soon when all indian private players will eneter this field we will certainli become a force to recon with just like owr automotive IT , Pharma & industry yes we are late but at least we are now working on it like never before it will take some time but indiactions are very positive .... there is no short cut to sucsess
I'm afraid bureaucracy and corruption is so deep rooted in that part of the world that it will be a long while before India is anywhere near 100% self-reliance status. We might be looking at at least 25 yrs or more if we look at what India was trying achieve a few decades back. We also have to bear in mind the fact that the West and Russia do not wish to see India self-sufficient, otherwise it's a loss of business for them.
I'm afraid bureaucracy and corruption is so deep rooted in that part of the world that it will be a long while before India is anywhere near 100% self-reliance status. We might be looking at at least 25 yrs or more if we look at what India was trying achieve a few decades back. We also have to bear in mind the fact that the West and Russia do not wish to see India self-sufficient, otherwise it's a loss of business for them.
cant say about pakistan but things ahve already started to look positive ever since modi came to power its too earli no dought but its making an impact earlier when i use to go to any fgoverment office the clerk always use to come after 11 o clock and dint wait for 5 minutes past 5 o clock now he is there at 9:30 and can be found till 5.30 and thats the basic level if you check owr top beurocracy they are even more focussed and disciplined now and deu to things like RTI & sting operations and drive by this goverment and by putting all goverment files online for every one to check them and making procedures like filling of tax returns or applying for things like driving liecesnse or paasport or goverment tenders thru internet has changed the system and doing corrution deu to manupulations is becoming ever more difficult and they (beurocrats)are much much more cautious to do any saught of corruption

now for self sufficiency well no one will give you there buisness or buisness secrets until you have strong internal base and are open /ready to share profits with them and make them your partners and can increase there profits if they asses its profitable they will invest in you and your conception ...... thats why whole world wants to invest in india by this they just wont get profit after cheaper production cost but also create a new breed of consumers for there other products and then make profit of it too ...... its simple buisness and thats what we are doing and we have skills , labour and resolve for that ... just keep watching picture will be clear in couple of years
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Sukhoi Su-35 Fighter Aircraft

Russia may be working out a deal to sell Su-35 aircraft simultaneously to Pakistan and China, making it the biggest order of the most advanced in-production fighter in Russia.

While Pakistani officials admitted to an international journal last week that they are considering buying SU-35, confirming earlier reports emanating from Russia, China is already in talks to buy 24 Su-35 aircraft from Russia.

A Russian source told Defenseworld.net, given that Russian weapon sales to Pakistan was a sensitive issue with its traditional partner, India, a way would have to found in which it would not appear that Russia was selling aircraft which are more advanced than the Su-30MKI with India.

One of the ways being considered was that the aircraft would be sold to China in stock form and then transferred to Pakistan after necessary modifications as per Islamabad's requirements. The source clarified that it was too early to speculate on the nature of the transaction and a lot depended on decisions taken at the political level. However, it was for sure that Moscow would not do anything that would disturb its relationship with New Delhi, the source added.

The Su-35 comes with NIIP Irbis-E passive electronically scanned array radar and the 117S engine which are more advanced than the radar and engine on board the Su-30MKI with India.

Another reason for Russia to sell to Pakistan, either directly or through China is the fear that the latter copies Russian platform and components and sells to foreign customers, the foremost among them is Pakistan.

Is Russia Offering China, Pakistan A Su-35 Aircraft Package Deal?
@Beast @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @MastanKhan @jaibi
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