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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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& Oscar is an air force analyst ?seriously ?
Welldone I'm sure you are going to be the next director of NASA ?lolzz

Even going to west in search of a new massive platform will be a deadly mistake for IAF ?
From 10 years on words IAF can't cut itself from Russia even if it wants to kill all of its +flying cofins (mig 21s,23,25, 27s) jaguars ,sea harriers if you take out this junk IAF won't be more then 300 fighters in numbers hugely dependent on your mirages & mig 29s ,SU30 mki but it will be a fast fast , reactionary force ?
I think IAF should go & get as much as Rafael it can get from France , so it can fill in more number with modern day fighters in its inventory ,so at least 20 years from now IAF still stands as modern force ?
By going to USA is like shooting on your own foot , cause USA orders take long times to be delivered ?& surly no TOT ?
Israel,Japan or Korea havnt produced any platform yet ,they just can give you mutipliyers in radar or other specs ?
Best thing IAF should learn is not to buy any fighter jets in large numbers ?
So , end of the story let Pakistan get what it wants & India can get better then that from the same buyer ?

Ohh baba,
He can mix it with VODKA , you never know ?lolzz

Berkut , is in process of modernisation & will be modified in conning few years for more experimentation.
But it will be inducted later in good numbers ?

No its their very special project , they have kept it under covers so no one can think for buying it ?
Russians would have dumped it ,if its not that good but they didnt ?
All they want is to sell as much as SU-30---TILL SU 35 & then get SU -37 & 47S for themselves ?
For as long as you've been on this forum, you've never once been right. Get over yourself.
Will not take any step detrimental to India’s security...We have a plan : Russia

Russia on Thursday said that it will never take any step detrimental to the security and safety of its special strategic partner India.

Russian Embassy here issued a statement in the backdrop of a report that said Russia and Pakistan were in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets.

“Time and again, the Russian leaders have stated at the highest level that Russia will never take any steps detrimental to the security and safety of our special and privileged strategic partner ? India, or the security structure in the South Asian region, or any other region for that matter,” the statement said.

“This assurance is fully valid today as it was valid yesterday. This is the guideline of our President’s foreign policy concept,” it said.

“As regards the newspaper report from Nizhni Tagil, it is a sheer case of overstatement by the agency, on the one hand, and of overreaction by a section of the Indian media, – on the other,” it added.
Will not take any step detrimental to India’s security...We have a plan : Russia

Russia on Thursday said that it will never take any step detrimental to the security and safety of its special strategic partner India.

Russian Embassy here issued a statement in the backdrop of a report that said Russia and Pakistan were in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets.

“Time and again, the Russian leaders have stated at the highest level that Russia will never take any steps detrimental to the security and safety of our special and privileged strategic partner ? India, or the security structure in the South Asian region, or any other region for that matter,” the statement said.

“This assurance is fully valid today as it was valid yesterday. This is the guideline of our President’s foreign policy concept,” it said.

“As regards the newspaper report from Nizhni Tagil, it is a sheer case of overstatement by the agency, on the one hand, and of overreaction by a section of the Indian media, – on the other,” it added.

There comes another analyst. Man these Indian asses are now burning black thick smoke. Do you know how many times this above statement posted by Indians in this thread?
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Sputnik International came up with a great quote summarizing India's habit with acquiring arms...

"India has an epic story of purchasing – or, rather, non-purchasing – ... "

New Helis for India: Close to Deal After Threats From Boeing, US Army?

Whatever Indians might believe, this line here perfectly summarizes how the world sees your "purchasing" power. I think the Russians sensed it, and in time, the French and others will as well. The world arms market would rather make every single dollar available, even the "pennies" in Pakistan, than to end up like the French who are waiting on the worst customer imaginable.
Irbis-e PESA radar of SU-35 with 300 km detection range of fighter size target and 100 kk lockon will be a great asset. Will be like mini AWACS for Pakistan
If the negotiations reach an advanced stage, I think the PAF will request 1 squadron (18 aircraft) and base them in Baluchistan with Southern Air Command.

If the first phase is successful, then we might see a second or even a third squadron down the line (totalling 36 or 54 Su-35s). We might end up capping the JF-17 induction program to 150, especially if the Su-35 plays a central role in air superiority missions. The medium-weight category will be carried by the F-16, for which I still expect used and surplus airframes to be pursued, to bring the fleet to its 1988/89-plan of 110.

I would just be interested in seeing how these fighters would even be equipped. Will PAF deal with the HMD/S and munitions itself? Would Russians release a long-range AAM?
A country had
dream to reach through warm waters. for that she had payed heavy price and even broken into pieces. if she can fullfill its dream to give away some jets. I belive it will be great business. it will be great shift in world power. as I see europ almost blocked the trade ways for russia and nato getting strong. russia going to have safe trade through china and pakistan. what money they going to have through warm wathers. it will b much more then what india trade with russia and end of the day india will want to get into this mighty project. As per my idea 75 persent world business will be get through pakistani land or waters. and no country can win wars or can do trade if it doesnt have strong navy and army. china russia will do every thing to protect their bussines intrests and giveing away some jets and subs not a bad price.hope you guys will understand what my point is...


Thank you---your's is the most important post----. It is amazing that how the things have changed over the years---what was only a dream---only in one's imagination---is close to becoming a reality. So many wars---and so many campaigns---all in a failure---and when it happens---it just pops out of nowhere----.

China---Russia---Pakistan----Gwadar----in the next 10 years---nothing will be the same---.

I am literally surprised at the screw up of the united states in Pakistan----every American policy failed when it came to Pakistan---.

And I think that if acquired----initiall target needs to be 3 sqdrn---out of which 2 sqdrn procured immediately---and the funds for the 3rd sqdrn funds diverted for 2 sqdrn's of deep strike aircraft---you know which---by now.
@Horus, and dear moderators there are so many threads on SU-35 that I have actually lost track of what is going on. Kindly merge them if possible.
question is... Russia will make India angry for this tiny deal with Pakistan

Anyway....Keep Dreaming....
My question is based on simple fact around 70% weapon inventory is still Russian can you afford to loose 70% vendor ,When India can buy both from US and Russia why Russia cant supply both sides

question is what will russia do

do you realli think it will give away prospects of selling india 100+ FGFA/PAKFA to sell pakistan couple of squads od su-35

tell me if you are a factory owner and you have a good old coustmer who is buying most of your produce will you upset buisness terms with him just because his competitor( who always bought its stuff from your compititor ) wants to buy some stuff from you and that too in 1/10 the ammount of merchandise which your old coustmer has already made deal with you and is in talks to do a simmilar deal for your next project :azn:

if im in your shoes i will onli go for the smaller coustmer when he is ready to dish owt a impressive premium for my goods and that too in cash + on my terms /.... question is are you in a position to make such a deal :coffee:

im not trolling or making a flame bate simple buisness talk nothing personal ... OK :tup:
This is not how Intl business works ,Us is selling to Pak and India ,Long are the days gone when you can squeeze french not to sell to Pak and they made sure they squeeze last drop from you
Well look at it this way, at least you're one of the few people who can sleep well at night in Hindusitan. ;)

Yes, Obviously, Russia arming Pakistan with jets Su 35 will be great for PAF, with the caveat of higher costs. Look at it this way, moor's' law isn't working in case of aircrafts. As the planes get advanced their costs also go up. with each new generation the tech is getting superior.

Given the operating costs and ownership costs, also taking into account the time of availability. Pakistan AF needs to have at least 4 Squads to outmatch India in technical terms of airspace defense. (I am hoping the PAF won't go Kamikaze with such equipment but I wont be surprised if they do). You guys will need quite some moolah to keep this birds flying. All the best, if you go ahead and get them.
it would be kinda weird to buy the Su-35 when Indian has hundreds Su-30MKI. which is basically the same in performance to the Su-35

the J-16 would make more sense since it comes with Chinese avionics and weapons that India does not posses, and so would have no experience with their capabilities.

F-16,JF-17, and a few dozen or more J-16 would be a powerful trio.

You should provide a credible source for the above highlighted part, since you mention it about 10 times a day in every PAF thread. Or else I ll request Mods to take action against you. Again provide a credible source not your favorite Wiki. Provide a source which particularly mention that US techs are putting in the codes in F 16. Not maintenance related issues.
check it yourself if you dont beleve wikepedia like links im noty entitelled or answerable to you :haha:
it would be kinda weird to buy the Su-35 when Indian has hundreds Su-30MKI. which is basically the same in performance to the Su-35

the J-16 would make more sense since it comes with Chinese avionics and weapons that India does not posses, and so would have no experience with their capabilities.

F-16,JF-17, and a few dozen or more J-16 would be a powerful trio.

Su 35s and Su 31 MKIs are not the same. Been discussed in depth in earlier posts
Su 35s and Su 31 MKIs are not the same. Been discussed in depth in earlier posts
no they aren't but India is upgrading it's Su-30MKI to Super 30's which is practically the same level as the Su-35.
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