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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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Russian oil depended economy is going down the drain due to sanctions. They need money. They prefer selling Pakistan original SU-35 instead of them losing money and seeing PAF flying Chinese made clone of SU-35. :cheesy:
Russians are not only selling jets, they are buying strategic friendship and leverage in the region against US domination. Indians are pretty much depended on Russian hardware. Sooner or later, Russian knows Indian will come back to them.
Dam.Indian media ,trying its best to put water on the super fire in the ugly dhotis ?lolzz
No one sacrifices a bishop for a pawn.
& Gandhi always smiles at everything ?lolzz
Can you do the same ,SU35 to Pakistan ?right
man, so many threads are running on su 35 for pak. you will know who is desperate for what..:lol::agree:
Try to count the post , its 60% Indians trying to save their country on PDF ?
Self denial is the indian virtue ?lolzz
Pak-Russia talks on Su-35 pressure tactics to get Pak-fa deal from India? | idrw.org
If you don't know who is selling us SU 35 then why you bother to post here ?lolzz
Mr ,india4never ?lolzz
Can you give any source on Russia's answer towards your deal ? lol Am Indian whatsoever :D because am Indian4Ever



The PAF logo on a fighter. That is a first

And i think you should also design a picture in which Su35 firing missile at India :D

India accounts for 40 percent of Russia 's military exports .

No sane country will want to spoil this so that they can make a few pennies by selling to the enemy of its biggest client.
first look which country has such dreams in the first place :sarcastic:

rather they say russia will sell wepons to pakistan over indian reservations as india is in no position to loose russia (what they forget is ammount of russian jobs online if something of this type ever happens) but then since they think they have China as a friend who also happens to buy 40% of russian hardware like india russia will side by china and pakistan alliance forgeting pakistani equation with chechen rebels and ukrien and what india did for russia when russia needed it most :coffee:
Most probably Russia playing with Pakistan and Pakistan also for two reasons
1- Russia want India to get jets from Russia only
2- Pakistan is telling USA if not you provide high tech weapons we can purchase from Russia.
It is game if Pakistan needs these type of Fighter we can get from China easily since we can't trust bear so that the Bear.
Pakistan and Russia are seriously building their defence trade the Mi35 is solid proof that this is not a game of pressure .
And I posted something related about this Su-35 deal, and my post was deleted because of "spreading rumors".
Bhai i was one before u said SU 35 paf to buy every one acted like as they acted once to a a scientist who said human will fly one day and they said he is crack from mind

Anyway SU 35 is king in air it is top of line jet only F 22 and T 50 surpases him but it can stil be threat to both these
You can\t play the same "afford to lose" card with the limited number of suppliers when you own industry sucks at producing anything on it's own. Russia also sells to China so what did you do?
China is big market....why Russia will take risk losing big maket of India for tiny deal with Pakistan

I am not saying its going to happen but Russia's stance towards Pakistan is changing.

1. sales of RD93 engine over Indian objections.
2. entry of Pakistan in SCO over Indian objections.
3. lifting of self imposed arms embargo on Pakistan.
4. sales of Mi35 attack helos to Pakistan albeit in limited numbers which is Pakistan's problem not Russia.
I thought Pakistan is in BRICS
Sir I fully believe that Su35 is coming to Pakistan only few questions regarding Su35.

1. India is going for the Super Sukhoi Program then what are the advantages of our Su35 over Super Sukhoi 30MKI.

2. Is it 100% sanction proof though it is not of US origin

3. How much Su35 is needed to counter and have deterance IAF.

4. Can you confirm Su35 sale to China.

5. Can Su35 beat j31 in air fight.

Good janab yeh indians bus Chabar Chabar kaar rahe hai.

1. Gawadar has more security than chabar.
2. Gawadar have more infrastructure than chabar.
3. Gawadar can only provide the route to central Asia.
4. Gawadar is the only port option for the chinese to reach arabian ocean.
5. Gawadar and all CPEC project have been finalized and deal signed and $40Bn transfered
via wiretransfer.
6. Indians are Idiot to deny Su35 the best fighter plane in asia.
7. Su 35 is the export sucess with hundereds of Russian, Chinese and now pakistani order.
8. Russia have now pakistan as a friend because they realise better defence market than indians and will provide pakistan with the woldclass and best tech. whom India don't have any answer.
Iwould not be as jingoistic as you but I do agree with most of your post. Iran is currently under sanctions and with the problems with dealing with the Iranian regime in the current environment it is impossible to go down that route.
ÌF the russians do agree to sell and PAF DO agree to buy the deal is still far away a lot can still go wrong. I do not see PAF in any shape to integrate a newer platform till2020 so A deal needs to be signed by 2017-18. Let us see what happens.
Wallekum Assalam. Thanks for all the pics and information about radar range, weapons, dogfight video with F35.
Janaab is there any confirmed news on the sale of Su 35 or we are just beating the bush because if the news is confirmed for the talk is it necessary that the deal will takes place and if the deal does not take place and Indians make the deal with the Russian for the Su35 than the problem would be.

All our Chanting, all ITTSII BINNI DOT BIKINI and all uploads of pics, video and Mashallah...... would be waisted and these Indians members don't have to do anything or to say anything and we will be back with JF17.

Moral of the Story don't speak too loud before the final call bakki aap log jayda samajdhar hai.

Khuda Haffiz.
@batmannow Without naming names and revealing any identities, I know someone personally who facilitated the on-going talks for Su-35 from the Pakistan side. I came to know about it much earlier before it got into the news. But obviously the deal is not done unless it's done. But let me tell you one more thing that the hopes are very high. Until unless something drastic happens and it's over, let us all keep our fingers crossed and pray for Indian defeat.
PLEASE dont quote any of your sources names ranksor even the fact that you know them on an open forum. There has been too much of this I know this or that and not only is this harmful cor the country it could b3 danderrous for you and the person involved. We have had to deal with a recent incidence of such nature. We dont want a repeat of it. Only published open media and authenticated news please. Just some friendly and very sincere advice.
Kind regards
is it possible to check indian commercial ships crossing arabian sea route by SU 35 alone ?

Pakistan's objective has and will always (likely) to be able to prevent India from blockading Pakistan's merchant shipping and to safeguard its maritime operations and interests. It would endeavor to achieve this through the combination of air support, surface vessels and submarines. Pakistan is getting additional submarines (6 I think) and several surface vessels in this context.

Currently the air support is primarily with the JF-17 of Sqd# 2 (Minhas) at Masroor base Karachi. As far as providing air support and fleet cover over its territorial and exclusive economic zone waters is concerned ... the JF-17 is quite adequate. Further induction of the JF-17 at Masroor is quite likely, as it is in process of replacing out the older Mirages and F-7s. The thunder is evolving and its later blocks will be much more potent.

Su-35 will definitely extend the reach and enhance the potency of that cover. Especially so, when viewed in the context of the strategic aspects of the CPEC and Gwadar scenario and Chinese interests.

Pakistan Navy is too small to blockade Indian shipping. It can cause hindrances at certain corridors for a certain time but that is about it. Furthermore air power alone cannot totally enforce a blockade.
lol.. you pakistanis are really fools..
pakistani is not US or china to buy 2 expensive fighters at same time.
Turkish TFX, j-31, j-20, SU 35!!!!!!!!!!! what is this?? list of fighter jets of neighboring countries!!??? shame on you pakistanis to show proud on some else product. Turkey and china is not pakistan, they are developing fighter jets for themselves and for export, not to gift pakistan. you neither have the financial capacity nor have the infrastructure to buy these fighters simultaneously. an order for Su-35 means deal for j-31 is dead. with only 7 billion $ you think that you can buy all these fighters??? :lol::lol: now think who is in delusion.
india is developing AMCA, and will have PAK FA in a JV. so two 5 gen fighters as the same time. pakistanis, don't consider yourself as powerful as US or china. even with a defense budget of $45 billion(drastically increasing in every year) india found it little bit difficult to maintain to two 5 gen. fighter programs. so what you pakistanis can do with only $7 billion!!??

russia is going to introduce pak fa in 2016. india will get it in 2018. by the time pakistan(if they order the SU-35) have su-35.

no, like in 1971.
even without indian interference east pakistan would have fallen, india simply stole the glory
Bhai i was one before u said SU 35 paf to buy every one acted like as they acted once to a a scientist who said human will fly one day and they said he is crack from mind

Anyway SU 35 is king in air it is top of line jet only F 22 and T 50 surpases him but it can stil be threat to both these
I know, right?
Pakistan's objective has and will always (likely) to be able to prevent India from blockading Pakistan's merchant shipping and to safeguard its maritime operations and interests. It would endeavor to achieve this through the combination of air support, surface vessels and submarines. Pakistan is getting additional submarines (6 I think) and several surface vessels in this context.

Currently the air support is primarily with the JF-17 of Sqd# 2 (Minhas) at Masroor base Karachi. As far as providing air support and fleet cover over its territorial and exclusive economic zone waters is concerned ... the JF-17 is quite adequate. Further induction of the JF-17 at Masroor is quite likely, as it is in process of replacing out the older Mirages and F-7s. The thunder is evolving and its later blocks will be much more potent.

Su-35 will definitely extend the reach and enhance the potency of that cover. Especially so, when viewed in the context of the strategic aspects of the CPEC and Gwadar scenario and Chinese interests.

Pakistan Navy is too small to blockade Indian shipping. It can cause hindrances at certain corridors for a certain time but that is about it. Furthermore air power alone cannot totally enforce a blockade.

So i must say Pakistan is gonna buy them cuz of Russia's interest in CPEC as world portrayed before Pakistan a failed sate/economy,if not in short numbers we are gonna see them in Pakistan Air force tag Soon :smart: InshAllah in at least 2 squadrons or so Thts what is called truth prevails and God is the only source of Fame.:china::pakistan::crazy_pilot:
I am not able to understand role of Su-35 for naval patrol.
As they are single seat fighter excel in Air superiority role & excellent dog fighter.
It would be make more sense to procure Su-30s which are dual seater & have more ground attack capability compared to Su-35 .
In economic sense also Su-30s fair good because only RAF operate it in small nos.
So, spare parts would be costly & scare compared to widely used Su-30s
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