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'Talk to India over basing US troops to tackle terror groups'

Jeez, people! Does no one get that the Council on Foreign Relations is just a private "think tank"? It is not a proposal by the US president. It is not favoured by the American people and it is never going to happen!

It's just a suggestion, don't know why people are getting angsty about it.

Guantanamo is US controlled territory. Cubans cannot send troops there.

Philippine ask US to leave bases there and US complied. Once US have bases in India, US would leave immediately once asked to do so. The US bases there would still be Indian territory. Trust me, there is a lot of good with US bases in India. First the think tanks will talk about it. And then the military officials. and then soon, the officials will start test water.

No offense dude, either you are trolling, or your Mental capacity is regressing as we speak. I trust it is the former.

First off, think tank suggestion, not a government policy.

Second, Indian government in a Million years will never allow U.S. to build a base here. It is tantamount to Political suicide.
A Big Fat "NO" Uncle sam.......... Do not get us involved in this dirty game..... We have enough problems around us and we do not want to be a part of it...... Yes may be on intelligence sharing (if we have the capacity to)........ But then thanks for the Offer.....
This is great news. Maybe India can station a 100,000-200,000 American troops against the Pakistani border. It'll save darpoke India begging rest of the world all the time since 1989 (almost 25 years) for protection against four-times smaller Pakistan.
Think Tanks and American officials can wetdream all they want but not going to happen .

Anything that is impossible could become possible. I won't be surprised that India not only allow US to station troops there. But to sign a treaty to request American presence there. Time is not in the side of India in this one. You will see more and more articles about US base troops in India. And then the officials will start to talk about it. And then it can become a reality. Trust me on this one, in 20 years, US will have bases in India.
Anything that is impossible could become possible. I won't be surprised that India not only allow US to station troops there. But to sign a treaty to request American presence there. Time is not in the side of India in this one. You will see more and more articles about US base troops in India. And then the officials will start to talk about it. And then it can become a reality. Trust me on this one, in 20 years, US will have bases in India.

We can only laugh reading your posts . Just because a chinese american is having delusions does not mean it is going to be reality ..... lol .
So here it comes! The final objective of the Empire of America in the region is Hindustan with its fabled wealth,spices,music and aroma and it's servile people. They have been carefully crafting "terrorists"in India so that they have an excuse to come in and establish themselves as the Yankee Moguls.
This is great news. Maybe India can station a 100,000-200,000 American troops against the Pakistani border. It'll save darpoke India begging rest of the world all the time since 1989 (almost 25 years) for protection against four-times smaller Pakistan.
Biggest error in your argument......:agree:
Let uncle Sam in and Indian will never be regret with the decision, US is a superpower we don't need to colonized India, all we need couple thousand special ops troop on Indian land to protect India interest and keep terrorist away from harming India.
Anything that is impossible could become possible. I won't be surprised that India not only allow US to station troops there. But to sign a treaty to request American presence there. Time is not in the side of India in this one. You will see more and more articles about US base troops in India. And then the officials will start to talk about it. And then it can become a reality. Trust me on this one, in 20 years, US will have bases in India.

Dude. just give it up Man. You are not even trying anymore. Your trolling is so transparent.

I am beginning to think that your brain power is really corroding away. Not that it was impressive in the first place.

This is great news. Maybe India can station a 100,000-200,000 American troops against the Pakistani border. It'll save darpoke India begging rest of the world all the time since 1989 (almost 25 years) for protection against four-times smaller Pakistan.

Oh this is funny, After getting droned, Having 20 of your soldiers getting blown to Kingdom come and only throwing a hissy fit after that,

Best you stand in front of those NATO trucks boy, and go fight that frankenstein you created in the name of killing Yindoos.

So here it comes! The final objective of the Empire of America in the region is Hindustan with its fabled wealth,spices,music and aroma and it's servile people. They have been carefully crafting "terrorists"in India so that they have an excuse to come in and establish themselves as the Yankee Moguls.

I guess it iwas natural. Americans must have gotten tired of bombing the Islamists to stone age.

Oh wait, they were already there.
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Let uncle Sam in and Indian will never be regret with the decision, US is a superpower we don't need to colonized India, all we need couple thousand special ops troop on Indian land to protect India interest and keep terrorist away from harming India.

This is what I told Indians. But Indians here are prideful and will attack you instead, just look at the poster after your post. But pride comes before the fall. India is a basket case today. That is why its cheaper to hire a maid for a day than to buy a liter of gas. Ask Indians if that it true and they will deny it. If such a economic situation exists in America, people would have revolted and the government overthrown.
This is what I told Indians. But Indians here are prideful and will attack you instead, just look at the poster after your post. But pride comes before the fall. India is a basket case today. That is why its cheaper to hire a maid for a day than to buy a liter of gas. Ask Indians if that it true and they will deny it. If such a economic situation exists in America, people would have revolted and the government overthrown.

stop trolling. You keep posting the same thing over and over without any facts to back up your claim.

Even though it is pretty obvious that an American base will never be established in India, because there is no benefit that India, nor America could get.
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