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Talibanisation in karachi

You must be real stupid to call on a person from another nation to go back where ever they belong...if that is your low level standard of thinking and understanding than why is this forum even online there are Mods and ppl who are born in one place living in another place than what made Britons finger into others nations and waiving their own flag over others nation???
A senseless childish statement coming from a briton what is your education level??>> sitting in Canada and feeling patriotic about Pakistan ails Pakistan...does it makes any sense? No that just plain dumb of you..do u want me to open a poll about this statement most of them will nail you into the ground..whereever i am or i'm not u don't have to poke your nose into others life got it.
My Brother
the problem is honestly speaking we are not a nation. We are groups with common interests which are promoted much ahead of national interests. After decades we have seen progress in the development of infrastructure of Karachi. Why!! because for the first time funds that were needed were released to us. A lot has been done and a lot more needs to be done. But the problem remains that we as a nation are divided and therefore any new ideology /individual interest preceeds national interests. The day we start thinking as a nation is the day we will realize all the problems that face us, choose a direction to move in and then single mindedly move forwards as a nation. Till we learn to do that there will always be strife and killing nad mayhem in the name of this and that.

Funny isn't it I asked a friend of mine from karachi why people have a gun he said such a simple yet self explanatory answer because the other guy has it too.

As the infrastructure has grow in our city has the police force grown too??

Our interest remains with our ethnic groups because we feel they will protect us and take care of us has our police force done that no it has failed on those counts the system needs a push before it starts working and the police force needs to be restructured to shape the age of today we need to have towns that have a strict no gun policy and move ahead people hold guns because they don't trust the police force I don't know where in down south you are from but up in Scotland the cops themselves don't even carry a gun it is very rarely seen as a public tool this is the level of protection we need.

The question isn't what is the problem my question is what is the solution to it the first step.
stick to the topic plz
English is not my father's language.

osamaziadxb;dear sir!
English is not my father's language
i dont mind it sir ,but its the language of the fourm?:rofl:

plz explore more of your kind knowledge, regurding the subject.
till now what ever you are trying to say , doesnt reach to any logical frame!
So if the taliban do take over karachi what will be the consequences?
care to explain anyone?
You must be real stupid to call on a person from another nation to go back where ever they belong...if that is your low level standard of thinking and understanding than why is this forum even online there are Mods and ppl who are born in one place living in another place than what made Britons finger into others nations and waiving their own flag over others nation???
A senseless childish statement coming from a briton what is your education level??>> sitting in Canada and feeling patriotic about Pakistan ails Pakistan...does it makes any sense? No that just plain dumb of you..do u want me to open a poll about this statement most of them will nail you into the ground..whereever i am or i'm not u don't have to poke your nose into others life got it.

Firstly MODS dont talk like U. They Believe in Pakistan and know the aspirations there but still maintain a sense of fair play. U come across as 16 year old who does not care if Pakistan defaults on its international commitments and gets penalised for it. Whats wrong with Sharia if the people of Pakistan think its better for them ?


Ps : Please post a defence thread and lets see your intellect before u pontificate otherwise go back to YOU tube and have some coors and maccers
First instead of replying about each and every thing I WOULD SUGGEST YOU STICK TO THREAD'S TOPIC rather like girly trying to fight..
Are you official representative of Mods here always neutral? secondly is this you level and standard that you keeping trolling on forum telling ppl who they are and where they should go back? did you see me ever telling you that ur an Indian or whatever with false flags?Again Mods are aware of what you said and not what i said i rightly replied for you are the one trying to create an atmosphere of Insult to others living abroad and i hope Mods are reading what you've posted.

Ps: Give me a topic i shall think about posting a "Defense" thread and don't tell me you do not troll on youtube and this if this is you level of intellect to call youtube a drainage subway you are gravely mistaken there are great many informative contents there as well tagging it like that shows your low ability to understand things. Over N Out..continue the topic of this thread.....
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Funny isn't it I asked a friend of mine from karachi why people have a gun he said such a simple yet self explanatory answer because the other guy has it too.

As the infrastructure has grow in our city has the police force grown too??

Our interest remains with our ethnic groups because we feel they will protect us and take care of us has our police force done that no it has failed on those counts the system needs a push before it starts working and the police force needs to be restructured to shape the age of today we need to have towns that have a strict no gun policy and move ahead people hold guns because they don't trust the police force I don't know where in down south you are from but up in Scotland the cops themselves don't even carry a gun it is very rarely seen as a public tool this is the level of protection we need.

The question isn't what is the problem my question is what is the solution to it the first step.

Bane Blade.
Brother there are always more questions then there are solutions, in case of pakistan. It has been such a big mess that it will take decades to sort it out.
The solutions start with and end with economy. I remember during the times of Omar(RA) a man was convicted of burglery and sentenced to have his hand chopped. When Omar(RA) heard of this incident, he asked the man why had he stolen a piece of bread. His answer was that my children are hungry and i cant find a job. Omar(RA) set the man freesaying that it is the responsibility of the state to provide means of earning to each and every man . Till such time that we do, we have no right to punish the people.
Till we sort our economy out, and provide means of earning to the masses, we cant in all honesty expect them to live honest lives. So this is the angle that needs to be sorted out first.
Secondly, we have knowingly and willingly, made achievement of justice such a tedious job that nobody wants to approach the courts for justice at all. There is a good mechanism of small courts in localities where trials of minor crime go on in RHuanda. can we try it in our pakistan? I would like to have your thoughts.
the police is in a mess. There are too few, too illequipped ,and too corrupt policemen in our country. i am sure there are a lot odf honest ones there as well but they ar e a minority. i think the police needs to be reorganized from the start. We need to recruit people interested in a career in Policing in 8th class. take them through 4 yrs of military style hard training and continue their education to intermediate. At this level they start diversifying into specializations and get taken through BSC and if needed MSC. Their specific training should be geared toawards the speciality that they adopt. They should then be posted in localities from where they have come. the whole Policing system should be under the Justice system and not under the local politicians. We need to continue with their education throughout their careers like the Army does. If these guys are then equipped with the right equipment, they will do a lot of justice to the police than our poor illeducated andilltrained policeman, who is afraid half the time that the next car that he stops might be that of some big wigs son and might earn him a suspension. the local police in many ways is going to be more responsible in keeping their area clean and crime free than people form outside who have no affinity for the local populace.
The justice system needs a reprieve and an overhaul, with appreciation for the honest and punishment for the corrupt. If we sort these 2 angle out our cities in general will become cleaner.
Even if you dont want to go for my Ideal system, make the area DSP?SP responsible for the crimes in their thaana. More than a certain number of crimes and they get suspended. It might work, but we need to keep a close check on how crime is reported. As for each crime recorded, tens of them go unrecorded.
For more organized systems like mafia, it needs to be covert ops by Army supported by local police. In a city like Karachi, areas like Sohrab Goth can be cleared out with one surprise operation.
what are your opinions.
The solutions start with and end with economy.

Till we sort our economy out, and provide means of earning to the masses, we cant in all honesty expect them to live honest lives. So this is the angle that needs to be sorted out first.

Araz, you guys were one of the fastest growing economy in the region just a few years back. Pakistan has the spending power.

Pakistan Lifts Salaries, Subsidies Ahead of Elections (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Your unemployment rates were not bad :

You were not far away from INDIA, in the World Economic Forum's first Financial Development Report:
Pakistan’s Financial Services Sector Economic Pakistan

I guess the war on terror has slowly eroded FII money! Add to that massive influx from Afghanistan, inflation, political instability, unstable relationship with INDIA .... and you can see why pakistani rupee is not going anywhere!

Secondly, we have knowingly and willingly, made achievement of justice such a tedious job that nobody wants to approach the courts for justice at all. There is a good mechanism of small courts in localities where trials of minor crime go on in RHuanda. can we try it in our pakistan? I would like to have your thoughts.
the police is in a mess. There are too few, too illequipped ,and too corrupt policemen in our country. i am sure there are a lot odf honest ones there as well but they ar e a minority. i think the police needs to be reorganized from the start. We need to recruit people interested in a career in Policing in 8th class. take them through 4 yrs of military style hard training and continue their education to intermediate. At this level they start diversifying into specializations and get taken through BSC and if needed MSC. Their specific training should be geared toawards the speciality that they adopt. They should then be posted in localities from where they have come. the whole Policing system should be under the Justice system and not under the local politicians. We need to continue with their education throughout their careers like the Army does. If these guys are then equipped with the right equipment, they will do a lot of justice to the police than our poor illeducated andilltrained policeman, who is afraid half the time that the next car that he stops might be that of some big wigs son and might earn him a suspension. the local police in many ways is going to be more responsible in keeping their area clean and crime free than people form outside who have no affinity for the local populace.
The justice system needs a reprieve and an overhaul, with appreciation for the honest and punishment for the corrupt. If we sort these 2 angle out our cities in general will become cleaner.
Even if you dont want to go for my Ideal system, make the area DSP?SP responsible for the crimes in their thaana. More than a certain number of crimes and they get suspended. It might work, but we need to keep a close check on how crime is reported. As for each crime recorded, tens of them go unrecorded.
For more organized systems like mafia, it needs to be covert ops by Army supported by local police. In a city like Karachi, areas like Sohrab Goth can be cleared out with one surprise operation.
what are your opinions.

But then you have more corrupt nations .. consider Indonesia and India
rediff.com: India, Asia's 4th most corrupt nation

I feel, religion has taken a precedence over nation, in pakistan's case.
Araz, you guys were one of the fastest growing economy in the region just a few years back. Pakistan has the spending power.

The problem with pakistani economy is that the basic infrastructure is lacking and ,instead of concentrating on that we tend to gloss things over. The economic boom of the last couple of yrs was based on mostly construction and consumer industries. lacking financial soundness, once it encountered problems it crumbled.

guess the war on terror has slowly eroded FII money! Add to that massive influx from Afghanistan, inflation, political instability, unstable relationship with INDIA .... and you can see why pakistani rupee is not going anywhere!

What emptied our reserves were the rise in the price of fuel and the ineptness and bad reputation of our current setup. Hard times need hard and timely decisions and phenominal leadership. Zardari has been found lacking on all fronts. By the way we have always been supporting 3.5 Million guests from across the border, even through the nineties when our condition was even more dire. The WOT has resulted in a loss of 36 Billion $ to the exchequer over the yrs.
Araz, you guys were one of the fastest growing economy in the region just a few years back. Pakistan has the spending power.

The problem with pakistani economy is that the basic infrastructure is lacking and ,instead of concentrating on that we tend to gloss things over. The economic boom of the last couple of yrs was based on mostly construction and consumer industries. lacking financial soundness, once it encountered problems it crumbled.

guess the war on terror has slowly eroded FII money! Add to that massive influx from Afghanistan, inflation, political instability, unstable relationship with INDIA .... and you can see why pakistani rupee is not going anywhere!

What emptied our reserves were the rise in the price of fuel and the ineptness and bad reputation of our current setup. Hard times need hard and timely decisions and phenominal leadership. Zardari has been found lacking on all fronts. By the way we have always been supporting 3.5 Million guests from across the border, even through the nineties when our condition was even more dire. The WOT has resulted in a loss of 36 Billion $ to the exchequer over the yrs.

hmmmm , You were faring decent till 2005. Than came WoT. It was Pres Musharaff who invited US of A. , so why blame Zardari alone!.

Question is , Did pakistan miscalculate by being active ally in WoT. As it stands today, FII will be wary of long term investment in pak. Yet, your population and buying power remains a attraction. Honestly, you guys need a breather.
Till we sort our economy out, and provide means of earning to the masses, we cant in all honesty expect them to live honest lives. So this is the angle that needs to be sorted out first.
Secondly, we have knowingly and willingly, made achievement of justice such a tedious job that nobody wants to approach the courts for justice at all. There is a good mechanism of small courts in localities where trials of minor crime go on in RHuanda. can we try it in our pakistan? I would like to have your thoughts.

Your reasoning about the economy is perfectly true though I will quiz you again countries like the US have been through depression and recessions but still law and order is maintained, i would say education could play a key part in this system because I am not being racist but I feel that the Pakhtoon children have been denied education in schhools and then whatever they are taught they bring to the table which is why they resort to violence. I feel half the reason why Muhajir people don't stand upto the MQM's muscle side because they feel sort of protected against the Pakhtoon.

Small courts isn't a bad solution although I am not fully aware of the situation in Swat but truth be told that justice has been doled out on hundreds of cases that had it been circuit courts would have been pending for another ten years or god knows when. I also feel that we can have a setup where governement funded lawyers help the poor a sort of organisation where people come with their case deliberate with the Layer for thirty minutes present their arguements get their judgement and leave I feel such a setup would speed up the courts for I have talked to a judge and he said we don't delay the case lawyers don't turn up cases are not heard and time is constantly wasted.

the police is in a mess. There are too few, too illequipped ,and too corrupt policemen in our country. i am sure there are a lot odf honest ones there as well but they ar e a minority. i think the police needs to be reorganized from the start. We need to recruit people interested in a career in Policing in 8th class. take them through 4 yrs of military style hard training and continue their education to intermediate. At this level they start diversifying into specializations and get taken through BSC and if needed MSC. Their specific training should be geared toawards the speciality that they adopt. They should then be posted in localities from where they have come. the whole Policing system should be under the Justice system and not under the local politicians. We need to continue with their education throughout their careers like the Army does. If these guys are then equipped with the right equipment, they will do a lot of justice to the police than our poor illeducated andilltrained policeman, who is afraid half the time that the next car that he stops might be that of some big wigs son and might earn him a suspension. the local police in many ways is going to be more responsible in keeping their area clean and crime free than people form outside who have no affinity for the local populace.

Both points here in my opinion have to be looked in with great detail for they are like two toasts leaning on each other if one is removed the other automatically falls. The problems co-relate an uneducated cop who hardly earns a living would do anything to get a little extra money (bribery) and to protect his job wouldn't want to anger his senior officers (contacts). Whereas the point is if the cop was educated he would uphold the law and not take bribery and treat the SP's son equal to me (I have no contact unfortunately) the system can be seen in the motoway police I was impressed at how their system worked they are educated as well as better paid and don't care who you are or who's son you are. If you were to ask me I have a very good solution to stop bribery I would attach a mic to a radio that would be recording all the cop will say to the person he stops and a section will randomly pick an officer and listen to his daily routine this way we can listen if he is abusing his position. having said that I also feel that we should adress to their requirements and help them setup their own union that would deal with their problem though I know unions hae sounded poorly to people but in this case I am talking of a union of educated cops not uneducated hooligans. I 100% agree that the police academy need better training and better equipment and the paying system needs to be reformed.

The justice system needs a reprieve and an overhaul, with appreciation for the honest and punishment for the corrupt. If we sort these 2 angle out our cities in general will become cleaner.
Even if you dont want to go for my Ideal system, make the area DSP?SP responsible for the crimes in their thaana. More than a certain number of crimes and they get suspended. It might work, but we need to keep a close check on how crime is reported. As for each crime recorded, tens of them go unrecorded.
For more organized systems like mafia, it needs to be covert ops by Army supported by local police. In a city like Karachi, areas like Sohrab Goth can be cleared out with one surprise operation.

To locate blame on a thanna official is wrong you earlier yourself mentioned if a person is desparate and steals then the situation is different if your system would be adopted poor SP would be begging the politicians to help the people I think that every area will need to be given a different category and the lesser the crime the more the official gets as benefit to him.

As for the mafia that is truly an evil that can't die you will kill one mafia another will take over, these people deal with drugs dangerous things so crackdown is a temporary solution it needs a very strong clean sweep.

Awaiting your reply
I want to tell you something, MQM is not against pakhtuns, i u see last 4 years then u will see lot of infrastructural development in karachi!! Mustafa Kamal says he has spent more then 400bn rupees on karachi, tell me who peoples were the firms and builders who worked in karachi?? Almost all were pakhtuns!! Thats why i say MQM us not against pakhtuns!!

@baneblade, why u always ***** abt muhsharraf??
Every one knows that mushrraf told USA that he will b not a part of WoT, thats why Donald Rumsfeld said, we will take pakistan to the times of stones!!
And in musharraf's tenure economy grew with average 7%!! And our debt lowered to 27% of GDP from 67% of GDP!!
Just another MQM propaganda and anti Pakiatani Pushtoon hype by and hater ism by MQM and PPP to destabilize Karachi Sindh. These are well know businesses running by Pakistani Pushtoons bringing hard earn revenue for Govt for years and this MQM exactly is doing the same again on behalf of PPP and for them and US to bring Pakistani economy to 0..Only afghans should be send back to Afghanistan other than that Pakistani pushtoons are assets to Karachi for businesses if i am not wrong alot of sindhi are in Peshawar doing businesses Peshawar and n.w.f.p ppl and govt didn't harm them nor did they destroy their businesses.

No one is against Pakistani Pashtuns. I think MQM is rightly pointing out that the foreign trained and financed Afghans can target Karachi. Do you think they are loyal to Pakistan?
salman nedian it is a dangerous business to create an atmosphere of fear etc by MQM you know Karachi is the the business Hub of Pakistan Business capitol such news only daily basis can even crash stock exchange as well and when foreigners and govts withdrawn the invested money think about it...frankly yes MQM did work for Karachi for years but still problem of water and electricity remains the same even worsen so where is the money?? weren't these important projects forget about other projects these 2 projects are the lifeline of Karachi..frankly good ppl are with in MQM i don't deny it but than again i am not fan of MQM specially after watching Iltaf in india about Pakistan creation a grave mistake words out of parrots mouth Iltaf bhai..

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