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Taliban warn Bangladesh

^^ dude gandhi methods works on every human being,the human being don't need to be Highly educated to fall into Gandhis non-violence movement..
If someone slaps in your one cheek then let him give another slap in your other cheek too.

-Ghandhi and Munna Bhai.
tell me how this method will work with the Taliban?
man i think u don't know anything about gandhi..
the british were more blood thristy,agressive,perfect genociders ....but gandhi,without fighting any war,fought against Brit and kicked them away from india,and those Brit B A S T A R D S are living in a smaaal group of Islands now:rofl::rofl:
man i think u don't know anything about gandhi..
the british were more blood thristy,agressive,perfect genociders ....but gandhi,without fighting any war,fought against Brit and kicked them away from india,and those Brit B A S T A R D S are living in a smaaal group of Islands now:rofl::rofl:

If there were no WWII and if India itself did not become a loosing concern for brits then India would had been still ruled by red coat. :cheers:
If someone slaps in your one cheek then let him give another slap in your other cheek too.

-Ghandhi and Munna Bhai.

i am sorry buddy, but this method will never work with the taliban. if you turn your face for another slap, this slap would be alot harder.
man i think u don't know anything about gandhi..
the british were more blood thristy,agressive,perfect genociders ....but gandhi,without fighting any war,fought against Brit and kicked them away from india,and those Brit B A S T A R D S are living in a smaaal group of Islands now:rofl::rofl:

the british colonial power of that time with today's taliban is different, you still didnt answr the question, how can gandhi method defeat the taliban? give me a few details.
If there were no WWII and if India itself did not become a loosing concern for brits then India would had been still ruled by red coat. :cheers:
well if they tried to rule more they would have been ridded in hard way..nailed those skiiny brits P***Y and thos mens D**K would been cut..my our generation
and where the hell did u leave pak and bangla,u r both country was also india...:rofl::rofl:
if india didn't fight in 1971,there would be no bangladesh:hitwall::hitwall:
if india didn't fight in 1971,there would be no bangladesh:hitwall::hitwall:

Yes, we are sorry that 1,300 of Indian troops had to die in the fighting. What a big number of deaths in such a war? However, our deaths numbered a few million. Does it sound something to you? Could India win without our so many deaths? Also, could it win if we were fighting against you? We expect thanks, like your wartime generals do, from the Indians for giving them an easy win.

Now, our heroism seems to be ruining us. USA is calling us to join their war. They very much understand what we are and what our big-mouth neighbours are not.
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What bs is this? Ghandi Method on Taliban? haha, i dont think you wanna go and preach peace to a bunch of men who are only more than happy to use their ak's, my guess is you wont come out alive, still you can try :)
Though the British did a few terrible things, it is fair to say that on the whole they were more humane and civilized than most other conquerors. They believed in the rule of law and Gandhi's movement shamed their nation into recognizing that they must leave. There were other factors like WW2 of course, but primarily, they were willing to listen to non-violent means.

Trying that against the Taliban is stupidity. Just pick a gun and blow the brains off every Talib - that is the only way to defeat them.

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