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Taliban threaten to target MQM

Finally one earth they are going to do one good it would have been far better if Pakistan Army would have done this job and take on terrorist MQM and its chief don Altaf Bhai the mass murdered and the bhatta head of Karachi and also street crimes

yeah finally your brethren Talibans and their ****** Bakri extremist freinds had the courage to come out in the open and call out a jihad against MQM ...
These terrorists are doing one thing very good that they are killing ANP & MQM leaders. It is good for Pakistan that these terrorists parties members are dying daily even these political parties are also invovled in spreading terror & chaos in Karachi.
yeah finally your brethren Talibans and their ****** Bakri extremist freinds had the courage to come out in the open and call out a jihad against MQM ...
Yes because Mass murderers MQM led by Altaf Bhai and also street crimes specialists will be destroyed really very soon either by Taliban or Army they have done enough damage to Karachi they will pay the price for it
this is WHAT MQM wanted they wanted to make TTP threaten them so they can carry on playing their MAZLOOOOOOOOOOM CARD!!

MQM politics is simple always try to play innocent in every possible situation like sitting in government with first a dictator then PPP and still claiming innocense!

controlling karachi and then blaming everything even 12th may on others!

and now instigating TTP and playing innocent!
You can thank Saudi Arabia for all terrorists acts inside Pakistan, You know those lovely charities, just love to make contribution to Terrorist cause.

nope not really i don't see bomb blasts and killings in Saudi! when clearly AL QAEDA is an arab organisation while taliban is more of an asian thing!

sad part is in pakistan the self proclaimed jihadis along with mullahs along with the ordinary man does NOT understand arabic nor the quran! hence just believes whatever he is told! all these so called sucide bombers are promised a green channel ticket to janaat along with lots of money for family left behind they take the deal! thinking it is a win win situation!
this is WHAT MQM wanted they wanted to make TTP threaten them so they can carry on playing their MAZLOOOOOOOOOOM CARD!!

MQM politics is simple always try to play innocent in every possible situation like sitting in government with first a dictator then PPP and still claiming innocense!

controlling karachi and then blaming everything even 12th may on others!

and now instigating TTP and playing innocent!

Every other day they threaten to leave government. It would be nice if they did. However, they have no intentions at all to do that. Its just blackmailing kiliing more people for more power. On a sider note, they have got a full army full of heavy arms sitting at 9.0. The only way to get rid of them is by using Pak Fooj like 92 operation.
Nabil Gabol was on TV, and said that there is very high chance that there would be military op in Karachi before election, and then with a conversation with Shahid Masood on twitter, he says the same thing.

Things could be getting interesting, with NW op also in the air.

Let's see what this operation, if it does happen, will bring. Karachi will get rid of all the terrorist elements or not, and whether this would lead to an even bigger mess?
1. How many people die in 'sh*tty' Swat and Waziristan everyday through gun violence?
2. How many people die in Karachi everyday through gun violence?

MQM is in govt. in Sindh but you never ask why it has not been able to stop violence in Karachi? Why it does not leave the govt. on this one principle that govt's first responsibility is safeguarding life and property. If the govt. has failed, it should leave the govt and sit in opposition.

You cant save Karachi through cheap and popular statements if you cant do it while in govt.

It turns out on reflection that Karachi is more sh*tty place under MQM than Waziristan/Swat.

That's a lot of ******** in one post. Do you have some childhood trauma from Karachi? Would you like to come out of the closet?

The other is Indian supported (MQM)

You're racist piece of ****. We hate India the most as we were hurt the most by them
That's a lot of ******** in one post. Do you have some childhood trauma from Karachi? Would you like to come out of the closet?

You're racist piece of ****. We hate India the most as we were hurt the most by them

They think putting their heads inside the sand will solve their problems. It is high time Karachi people declare PML-N, PPP & ANP terrorist parties as they are involved in all this bloodshed in Karachi.

They blame MQM for bhatta, go in Jauhar area where there are new houses being constructed & ask the Landlord/owner of the house he will tell you ANP goons from Pehalwan goth & PPP thugs from Bhittaiabad comes & ask for bhatta, this should be reported by this coward media too. Same thing is happening in Ispahani road, Liyari, Banaras, etc etc. Only good posh peaceful areas to live in Karachi are those where there is MQM presense.
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