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Taliban threaten to target MQM

Must you be so hurtful ! :cry:

*Troll mode ON*

Once they're done with us they'd be visiting you soon so learn to love them ! :P

Lolz U r such a funny person..Keep your troll mode off please... Talibs are not welcome in my country..We don't need them.They have support there in Pakistan and we have only AJTR to support them so nothing much to worry about..
You people should understand an organization like this TTP will only cost Pakistan with it's sovereignty.

Pakistan lost its virginity, oops I mean sovereignty to US, when it allowed drone strikes within its borders. Once you lose it like that, you become a fair game for everyone.

So if Taliban claim bomb attacks, suicides attacks in Pakistan, they are following the same rule which we have laid out for others. A state must not act in the way Pakistan conducted itself in the last decade. If Pakistan had not allowed a foreign state to conduct operations inside, it could have had a higher moral authority to stop non-state attacks. The predicament you see of Pakistani state is precisely this contradiction we have been living with!
Pakistan lost its virginity, oops I mean sovereignty to US, when it allowed drone strikes within its borders. Once you lose it like that, you become a fair game for everyone.

So if Taliban claim bomb attacks, suicides attacks in Pakistan, they are following the same rule which we have laid out for others. A state must not act in the way Pakistan conducted itself in the last decade. If Pakistan had not allowed a foreign state to conduct operations inside, it could have had a higher moral authority to stop non-state attacks. The predicament you see of Pakistani state is precisely this contradiction we have been living with!

moral authority cant stop animals like talibans!
well they were drinking blood of innocent pakistanis long before abottabad & salala, just listening IMRAN,s magical spell cant solve the situation onthe ground, nor can stop the animals like talibans ?
& sorry we dont want the dam dialoge with animals!
Pakistan lost its virginity, oops I mean sovereignty to US, when it allowed drone strikes within its borders. Once you lose it like that, you become a fair game for everyone.

So if Taliban claim bomb attacks, suicides attacks in Pakistan, they are following the same rule which we have laid out for others. A state must not act in the way Pakistan conducted itself in the last decade. If Pakistan had not allowed a foreign state to conduct operations inside, it could have had a higher moral authority to stop non-state attacks. The predicament you see of Pakistani state is precisely this contradiction we have been living with!

Had Pakistan done its job to prevent the Taliban from flourishing in Pakistan, the drones wouldn't have started in the first place. Pakistan would have the higher ground in the eyes of its population that they are fighting against the Taliban instead of looking like puppets when the U.S. started the drone attacks and have the Taliban accused Pakistan of betraying them and legit reasons to try to overthrow the Pakistani govt.
Its good to see that MQM is trying to defend our city from Taliban
we don't want Karachi to be turned into a piece of sh*t like swat or waziristan

if you want to practice your evil tribal laws and customs then stay in the tribal areas

btw i don't get it why Taliban is asking help from Sindhudesh liberation army i thought GM Syed and his followers were anti mullah
Its good to see that MQM is trying to defend our city from Taliban
we don't want Karachi to be turned into a piece of sh*t like swat or waziristan

if you want to practice your evil tribal laws and customs then stay in the tribal areas

btw i don't get it why Taliban is asking help from Sindhudesh liberation army i thought GM Syed and his followers were anti mullah

Basically, anyone involved in Anti-State activities or ideology is Mullahs' friend.
Sindhi Nationalists have time and again openly called for the separation of Sindh from Pakistan and a leader of Mian Sahab's stature has sided with them. That's height of Desperation on Mian Sahab's end.
Its good to see that MQM is trying to defend our city from Taliban
we don't want Karachi to be turned into a piece of sh*t like swat or waziristan

if you want to practice your evil tribal laws and customs then stay in the tribal areas

btw i don't get it why Taliban is asking help from Sindhudesh liberation army i thought GM Syed and his followers were anti mullah

GM Syed is a terrorist, didn't you see how he killed some guys in Safoora area. So a terrorist of TTP supporting terrorist of BLA & GM syed terrorist. Wish they all burn in hell.

And plz don't mix TTP terrorists with tribal innocent people, TTP are terrorists & they are killing everyone.
Its good to see that MQM is trying to defend our city from Taliban
we don't want Karachi to be turned into a piece of sh*t like swat or waziristan

1. How many people die in 'sh*tty' Swat and Waziristan everyday through gun violence?
2. How many people die in Karachi everyday through gun violence?

MQM is in govt. in Sindh but you never ask why it has not been able to stop violence in Karachi? Why it does not leave the govt. on this one principle that govt's first responsibility is safeguarding life and property. If the govt. has failed, it should leave the govt and sit in opposition.

You cant save Karachi through cheap and popular statements if you cant do it while in govt.

It turns out on reflection that Karachi is more sh*tty place under MQM than Waziristan/Swat.
GM Syed is a terrorist, didn't you see how he killed some guys in Safoora area. So a terrorist of TTP supporting terrorist of BLA & GM syed terrorist. Wish they all burn in hell.

And plz don't mix TTP terrorists with tribal innocent people, TTP are terrorists & they are killing everyone.

They are all trying to do the bidding of our enemies. GMs and TTPs are one and the same. Inshallah they'll all be whipped off the map

1. How many people die in 'sh*tty' Swat and Waziristan everyday through gun violence?
2. How many people die in Karachi everyday through gun violence?

MQM is in govt. in Sindh but you never ask why it has not been able to stop violence in Karachi? Why it does not leave the govt. on this one principle that govt's first responsibility is safeguarding life and property. If the govt. has failed, it should leave the govt and sit in opposition.

You cant save Karachi through cheap and popular statements if you cant do it while in govt.

It turns out on reflection that Karachi is more sh*tty place under MQM than Waziristan/Swat.

Swat is MUCH more peaceful than either of the 2!

How can one even compare an urban city of 18 million to a rural, remote, sparsely populated tribal area anyways
They are all trying to do the bidding of our enemies. GMs and TTPs are one and the same. Inshallah they'll all be whipped off the map

Swat is MUCH more peaceful than either of the 2!

How can one even compare an urban city of 18 million to a rural, remote, sparsely populated tribal area anyways

Actully its PTI,s fever in my friends head, & tht tells everyone sitting in the govt to leave the govt,for wht?
They themselves are the one who left the last elections boycoted , thn again they ask others to quite the govt , but can't they tell their dam distinguish members like son of leghari to resign from the PA!
Still their dam tusunami couldn't reach to islamabad against this croupt PPP govt?
Thts the dam kaos theory they are trying to implement now in which Pakistan should surrender itself to the proxies of US & nato (TTp , BLa ,SLa)
Whatever MQM is but its proving itself by supporting army in their fight on terror against TTp & Bla!
At least they openly took army,s side!
Not like a IK who still is afraid & cant take any word out of his mouth against TTp & BLa & their terrorist leadership?
MQM is the only party that openly talks against taliban. The rest of our so called leaders piss in their pants at the sound of taliban. MQM was the first party to warn us about the taliban invasion of Karachi from NW Pakistan. This later turned out to be true and Karachi was devastated by continuous bombings by talibani scumbags who were not even natives of Karachi. There is no doubt that the talibani pigs will continue to target MQM.
Hell Yeah! Couldnt get better than this! I hate MQM but I hate TTP even more, probably 100 times more! and I swear to god that I would love MQM for the rest of my life if they crush TTP's a$$ses. Every Pakistani should support MQM in this battle! Jiye Mutahida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thing with MQM is that despite their violent mafia ways they can be talked to, they can be reasoned with, they want to be part of the govt and mainstream society. TTP are savage animals of another kind. You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them, they only know two things, death and destruction.
MQM vs Taliban.

It will be similar to the Sunni Insurgents vs Shia Death Squads that we saw in Baghdad, Iraq.

The Sunnis struck with Suicide bombings in Shia neighborhoods and Shia Death Squads then went into Sunni neighborhoods and gunned down hundreds of people.

Same will happen in Karachi.

The Taliban will set up major suicide and car bombings in MQM neighborhoods but then MQM gunmen will round up and kill hundreds of Pashtuns in a vicious cycle of violence.
Pakistani Taliban threaten to target MQM

PESHAWAR: The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Friday threatened to target the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), vowing to ‘deal’ with the largest political party in Karachi, a spokesman for the banned extremist militant organisation said Friday.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan, in a statement issued Friday, said that they had decided to the MQM, vowing “not to show any mercy to the apostate tyrants of Karachi”.

MQM chief Altaf Hussain has been a vocal critic of peace talks with militants and his party has taken a visible anti-Taliban stance in the wake of the assassination attempt on 15-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai by TTP gunmen.

“How can we hold talks with those who fired shots on Malala Yousufzai, Shazia and Kainat? How can we talk about peace with those who beheaded personnel and officers of the army, police and FC?” the MQM chief said in a speech to party workers on Oct 20. Hussain has also urged the Army to take the ‘bold decision of acting against the terrorists’.

The Pakistani Taliban spokesman also called out to Pakistan’s judges to work for an Islamic system.

“I call out to all the judges who are part of Pakistan’s secular laws and courts: You will also be held accountable in front of God some day. Therefore, you should also work for an Islamic system rather than this godless system,” said Ehsan in the two-page statement.

Moreover, the Taliban spokesman also called out to separatist armed movements in Balochistan and Sindh provinces, urging them to “continue their fight in an Islamic way”.

“I urge the leaders of the nationalist parties in Balochistan and Sindh, like the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and the Sindh Liberation Army (SLA), to fight for their rights in an Islamic way,” said the statement. :guns:

The Pakistani Taliban also said that they were in the process of forming a strategy with regard to the upcoming general elections. :cheesy:

“We are in the process of forming a policy and will make it public it as soon as a final announcement for elections is made. All current political parties in Pakistan will be divided into three categories in that strategy,” it added.

However, the statement failed to specify what categories these would be.
Finally one earth they are going to do one good it would have been far better if Pakistan Army would have done this job and take on terrorist MQM and its chief don Altaf Bhai the mass murdered and the bhatta head of Karachi and also street crimes
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