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Taliban strike US Bagram Air Base

We were so upset about just our soldiers, but what about the countless victims from these drone strikes? The ones that are reduced to simple numbers on our media.

Basically they come to the region to kill us and we should have sympathy for them?

I don't see Pakistan, the taliban, or Iran for that matter anywhere near US or Europe.
Assadbhai I know how you feel but we must not get frustrated and go down to their level. All life is precious to us. However we can be happy to know that after 10 years Taliban and Americans are talking and this should be considered a blue on blue

Thats more to get frustrated at- 10 years- Millions of (Muslim) innocent men- women- infants- deaths later- Amrika is talking to the Talibans-
Thats more to get frustrated at- 10 years- Millions of (Muslim) innocent men- women- infants- deaths later- Amrika is talking to the Talibans-

Clearly they did not win hearts and minds. But Assadbhai what goes round comes round. Look Osama wanted to bleed them economically. Hence the attack on twin towers a symbol of capitalism. Even though he may be dead today one in 6 american is on food stamps. Nearly 20% are unemployed. They have a unsustainable debt of 14 trill plus. They are withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan and for the first time they are reducing expenditure on defense.

America is on its way out. Anyway we are happy at any loss to Americans but unlike Americans we have been brought up to value all life brown black white etc
Pakistanis are not zalim, nor do we thirst for blood, but to expect us to sit there and be so forgiving when our people get massacred indiscriminately is bogus. We have families, friends just like they do, but do they think about the people they drop bombs on from Bagram on a joystick?

Just saying.
Pakistanis are not zalim, nor do we thirst for blood, but to expect us to sit there and be so forgiving when our people get massacred indiscriminately is bogus. We have families, friends just like they do, but do they think about the people they drop bombs on from Bagram on a joystick?

Just saying.

You are right mate it is difficult to maintain ones dignity with the atrocities and war crimes committed by American troops world wide.
Watch BLACK HAWK DOWN movie and you will know how exactly Freedom Fighter treat with invader! especially US!
**** that must me a friendly fire accident ! Since Taliban isn't the US enemy .... :rofl:

what you want to say?-

Taliban did a "mohmand" on US- just like US did on us :D-

The drones strikes Pakistan from this base- I hope the drone control jockey died in this attack--
what you want to say?-

Taliban did a "mohmand" on US- just like US did on us :D-

The drones strikes Pakistan from this base- I hope the drone control jockey died in this attack--

Just wait for news ticker "

Biden lodges protest with Mullah Omar , NATO delegation to visit Taliban HQ :rofl:
Looks like 2012 is going to be bad year for United Snakes :devil:
Not only the US of A. It's gonna be a bad year for the entire world. According to the Mayan calendar, the world will end by 21st Dec 2012 preceded by huge natural catastrophes. That means you and me don't have a hope in hell too! Damn!
Even the friends of US, Talibaanz are attacking them.....I guess thats how their frienship growz up.......:D
Yes...yes...! That must have been a case of friendly fire! Do'h! Those dim-witted Talibanese and Yankees!
I don't believe in this Taliban stunt.

It is only a hoax, some people in authority do this kind of practical stunts to make us believe in their statements, so that their bills and policies get approved.

If audience can believe in 9/11 than they can believe in any thing.

Ok what about this new

A US-led soldier has been killed in a bomb explosion in southern Afghanistan, marking the first NATO casualty in the war-torn country in 2012, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announces.

The trooper lost his life “following an improvised explosive device (IED) attack in southern Afghanistan, yesterday," the ISAF said in a statement on Tuesday.

NATO did not reveal the exact location of the incident or the nationality of the victim, saying, "It is ISAF policy to defer casualty identification procedures to the relevant national authorities."

A total of 566 US-led troops, most of them Americans, were killed in Afghanistan in 2011.

On Sunday, the Taliban militants attacked the largest American military base in Afghanistan on the first day of 2012 despite US efforts to negotiate with the militant group.

Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, said that fatalities had been caused after the militants hit the US Bagram Air Base north of the Afghan capital, Kabul, with nine missiles.

Afghan officials also announced that the heavily-fortified airbase had been hit by a barrage of rockets, but said that the attack did not cause any casualties.

The militant group has recently intensified attacks against US-led foreign forces in the war-torn country despite Washington's efforts to give concessions to the Taliban and begin talks with them.

The US has reportedly demanded Qatar to provide the militants with an office where Washington can embark on negotiations with the militants planned for early 2012.
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