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Two billion Muslims do nothing Shame. Retired General Asim munier is only man in 2 billions with atomic bomb

Afghanistan's economy is in a shambles, and so is its society and people, no doubt about it, try as you might to spin it otherwise. Reality does not change.

Afghanistan's economy is in a shambles, and so is its society and people, no doubt about it, try as you might to spin it otherwise. Reality does not change.
You can say what you want, but history will always remember the Afghans as a proud and resilient people who have defeated superpowers time and again. From Alexander the Great to NATO, Afghans have shown the world that sometimes a nation's respect and principles matter more than money. They’ve stood up against invaders for centuries, fighting for their land and their way of life, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Look at their history—they defeated the British Empire in the 19th century, pushed back the Soviets in the 1980s, and made the longest and most powerful military alliance in history, NATO, leave their land. This is what true courage and determination look like. Afghans are proud of their heritage and their ability to stand tall, no matter who they face. Now look at us—250 million people, yet where is our respect on the world stage? Our society is in shambles because of internal betrayals, with leaders who sell out for personal gain. It’s not just about having money; it’s about having principles, pride, and the will to defend your nation’s honor. That’s what the Afghans have, and that’s what we need to learn from them."
Just as you wish to decide your personal beliefs for yourself, others are free to decide their personal beliefs for themselves. Judging the personal beliefs of others according to your own personal beliefs is impossible. And personal beliefs do not apply in situation of wars between countries but principles of international geopolitics apply.
Do you condemn genocide? Or is it geopolitics?
You can say what you want, but history will always remember the Afghans as a proud and resilient people who have defeated superpowers time and again. From Alexander the Great to NATO, Afghans have shown the world that sometimes a nation's respect and principles matter more than money. They’ve stood up against invaders for centuries, fighting for their land and their way of life, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Look at their history—they defeated the British Empire in the 19th century, pushed back the Soviets in the 1980s, and made the longest and most powerful military alliance in history, NATO, leave their land. This is what true courage and determination look like. Afghans are proud of their heritage and their ability to stand tall, no matter who they face. Now look at us—250 million people, yet where is our respect on the world stage? Our society is in shambles because of internal betrayals, with leaders who sell out for personal gain. It’s not just about having money; it’s about having principles, pride, and the will to defend your nation’s honor. That’s what the Afghans have, and that’s what we need to learn from them."

All of what you have said above may be true, but pride and honor are not sufficient for a functioning economy that delivers prosperity to the people. That is what truly matters.

Do you condemn genocide? Or is it geopolitics?

My personal beliefs are exactly that: PERSONAL. However, I will indulge you just this once. For me Surah 5:32 is enough.

Further, merely because any label is thrown about to serve a particular agenda does not make it applicable or even true.
My personal beliefs are exactly that: PERSONAL. However, I will indulge you just this once. For me Surah 5:32 is enough.

Further, merely because any label is thrown about to serve a particular agenda does not make it applicable or even true.
Is there a situation where you condemn murders or stay silent in all situations as a matter of personal belief?
Is there a situation where you condemn murders or stay silent in all situations as a matter of personal belief?

What "situation" is this that you are referring to and why does it matter to you what my personal beliefs about said "situation" may or may not be? You have your own personal beliefs, don't you? I do not care what they might or might not be.
My personal beliefs are exactly that: PERSONAL. However, I will indulge you just this once. For me Surah 5:32 is enough.

Further, merely because any label is thrown about to serve a particular agenda does not make it applicable or even true.
Why I feel you are a jew who is an expert in Islamic study
Why I feel you are a jew who is an expert in Islamic study

What you feel is up to you and none of my concern at all, since you are free to feel whatever you wish to feel, and I respect that freedom.
What you feel is up to you and none of my concern at all, since you are free to feel whatever you wish to feel, and I respect that freedom.
"I am free to judge people within my boundaries. When you justify massacres or genocide—acts condemned by the United Nations, which has called for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu—you reject the decisions of international bodies like the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the United Nations, which have declared Israel guilty of serious genocide . Israel, an artificial state, has rejected over 74 UN resolutions. Your unwillingness to accept these decisions indicates an irrational stance
From the other forum. BP2 said: "A God? What kind of god is it to let its servants be killed in unsuccessfull and futiles wars? These is why I'm now atheist."

He is "now" an atheist, but as a 'believer' he thought God is a politician. He stopped 'believing' because he thought God is a bad politician. Actually, he was not a believer when he thought God is a politician. The origin of politicizing religion is in disbelief.
I am free to judge people within my boundaries.

None of my concern.

When you justify massacres or genocide

Please stop lying. I have never done such a thing.

you reject the decisions of international bodies like the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the United Nations, which have declared Israel guilty of serious genocide .

Please stop lying. I have not rejected any facts in evidence.

Neither the ICJ nor the UN have made such a guilty declaration as you have worded it above. The ICJ has admitted South Africa's petition, issued a preliminary ruling, followed by three requests and a report from Israel to update the status of the war, but as far as I know, there is no verdict as of yet. It has accused both Hamas and Israel of war crimes from October 7 onwards, however that has not yet returned any final decisions either. Many UN "experts" have voiced their opinions on this matter, but, again, as far as I know, the UN has not passed any such formal binding resolution. How can I reject something as you claim that does not even exist, unless you wish to provide links to said declarations of guilt as you hysterically claim.

Israel, an artificial state, has rejected over 74 UN resolutions.

Last time I checked, Israel was very much a full member state of the UNO. recognized as an independent sovereign country by the majority of UN members. Nothing artificial about any of that I can see.

Your unwillingness to accept these decisions indicates an irrational stance

How you see me is irrelevant since I am only responsible for what I say, not for what you choose to misunderstand. The irrationality is all yours, not mine.
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