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Taliban strike US Bagram Air Base

may be the Taliban was celebrating new year party when the firecrackers accidentally fall in USA base hahahaha
aameen sum ameen . KHUDA barkaat daly is kar e kher main :D

We should have no glee in seeing casualties of American soldiers. They are just following the inhumane and illegal orders of the White House to bomb Pakistan in acts of terrorism. However it would be profitable to know that their runways got severely damaged, parked aircraft got hit, weapons cache destroyed... These type of things. Even though there is the concept that the more of their people die, the less people around to kill our civilians, we should exercise restraint as the hostilities aren't there yet.
What a load of crock. The more the merrier I say, or at least an eye for an eye.
^^ the enemies should be killed before they kill you- nothing wrong there-

The same innocent amrikan soldiers following orders killed our soldiers- not once but on two separate occasions-
Under some able/ ghayratmand leader amrika would have been declared as an official enemiy- since we dont have and untill we dont have such leaders- we can only wish them death-
As per Press TV breaking news US Bagram airbase north of Afghan capital hit by missiles - waiting for details
Looks like 2012 is going to be bad year for United Snakes :devil:

You know what, to be very fair. United snakes of America is the biggest terrorist on planet. Not because it is killing muslims and palestine and Israel and WOT and blah blah blah islamist crap. But because it has use pakistan as a proxy against India and indian interest throughout. It acts out of closet. Chinas similar attempt is visible, snakes attempt is very covert.

It is non-trustworthy and chanakys in India know this very well. If at all times comes when India is in better position wrt america, it will be the first to kick the yankees on their rear with full blow.
i dont think soldiers should be called as terrorist.This is the govt who gives orders and they follow it.
Thats when so called non-state actors come in handy. US should learn from its ally.

It already proficient in that field. Ever heard of civilian contractors ?

^^ the enemies should be killed before they kill you- nothing wrong there-

The same innocent amrikan soldiers following orders killed our soldiers- not once but on two separate occasions-
Under some able/ ghayratmand leader amrika would have been declared as an official enemiy- since we dont have and untill we dont have such leaders- we can only wish them death-

Assadbhai I know how you feel but we must not get frustrated and go down to their level. All life is precious to us. However we can be happy to know that after 10 years Taliban and Americans are talking and this should be considered a blue on blue
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