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Taliban strike US Bagram Air Base

After all this is the right story they have been waiting for to go down hard on Iran or even Pakistan. Who knows..?

yes yes and that will be last nail of super power coffin . USA can't afford a small scale war dear let alone a full scale war with countries which are sitting on nose of 80% world oil route .
yes yes and that will be last nail of super power coffin . USA can't afford a small scale war dear let alone a full scale war with countries which are sitting on nose of 80% world oil route .

lets say,they attack pakistan then what will be your step against them??
you can't do zero against them,accept it or not..
Press TV enjoys a bad reputation... My take, a fake news..
lets say,they attack pakistan then what will be your step against them??
you can't do zero against them,accept it or not..

and you think your trolling rants deserve a reply by me?:lol:
lets say,they attack pakistan then what will be your step against them??
you can't do zero against them,accept it or not..

No one is interested in your words of wisdom... Kindly keep your off topic bla bla with you..
Hows many terrorists got killed? Hope alot of them !!! May 2012 prove the worst year for the terrorists !!!!!!!!!
Gift of "Friendship" from Talibans....lols.

I don't believe in this Taliban stunt.

It is only a hoax, some people in authority do this kind of practical stunts to make us believe in their statements, so that their bills and policies get approved.

If audience can believe in 9/11 than they can believe in any thing.
No other news site is showing this, including the Pakistani ones.
Taliban strike US Bagram Air Base
Sun Jan 1, 2012 8:16PM GMT
The Taliban militants say they have struck the US Bagram Air Base in the north of the Afghan capital Kabul with nine missiles in an attack, which left many casualties.

Taliban militants have claimed responsibility for the attacks, saying they have fired 9 long-range missiles on the strategic base, killing dozens of soldiers.

Afghan officials have confirmed the attacks, but ruled out any fatalities.

The latest attacks come as the Obama administration is trying to reach some kind of a cease-fire agreement with the Taliban. Press TV

One goal of renewed talks with the militants would be to identify cease-fire zones that could be used as a steppingstone toward a full peace agreement.

The trust-building measures under discussion involve a would-be Taliban headquarters office and the release from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, of about five Afghan prisoners considered affiliated with the Taliban.

Those steps were to be matched by assurances from at least part of the Taliban leadership that the militants would cut ties with al-Qaeda, accept the elected civilian government of Afghanistan and bargain in good faith. AP

I wonder about the quick communication of media with the responsible. US army shall consider hiring these media men in their communication dpt.
I also wonder, how well Iran TV is connected to all so called Taliban attacks!
I also don't understand this surge in attacks, while US is preparing to leave!!!!
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