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Taliban praises Delhi, says it’s not anti-India

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Afghan Taliban's India praise good omen for Kashmir

Chief Reporter
NEW DELHI: In a significant and a rare development that could puzzle many minds in Pakistan, the Afghanistan Taliban has praised New Delhi for reportedly refusing to toe the United States line on Afghanistan. The Taliban has also assured India that it would not allow Afghanistan to be used against India.
This development is not only disturbing for the terror machine in Pakistan but also for some in Kashmir who have been trying their level best to rope in Afghanistan Taliban in the so-called battle of freedom in the name of Islam.
In a commentary on its English website, the Taliban called India “a significant country in the region” and said Indians were well aware of the “aspirations, creeds and love for freedom” of the Afghan people.
“It is totally illogical they should plunge their nation into a calamity just for the American pleasure,” it added, referring to media reports that India won’t get militarily involved in Afghanistan.
The Taliban commentary on “Voice of Jehad” website followed a visit to New Delhi by US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta this month ahead of America’s planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.
It said Panetta wanted India to play a more important role in Afghanistan on the security front but the Indians gave him a polite ‘no’.
“Although full details of (the) negotiations have not come out, it seems the host’s answer was negative… (Panetta) spent three days in India to transfer the heavy burden to their shoulders, to find an exit and to flee from Afghanistan.
“Some reliable media sources said the Indian authorities did not pay heed to (US) demands and showed their reservations, because the Indians know or they should know that the Americans are grinding their own axe.
“No doubt India is a significant country in the region but is also worth mentioning that they have full information about Afghanistan because they know each other very well in the long history.
It said the Taliban wanted “to have cordial relations on the basis of sovereignty, equality, mutual respect and no interference in each other’s internal affairs.
“We have made it clear that no one would be allowed to use the Afghan soil for anyone’s detriment.”
The commentary assumes significance because India along with Iran and Russia played a major role in keeping alive the Northern Alliance when the Taliban ruled Kabul. The Alliance ousted the Taliban after 9/11.
Many in New Delhi have been opposed to the Pakistan-backed Taliban fearing that a return of the militia to Kabul would benefit Islamabad.
The commentary seemed to be an attempt by the Taliban to assure New Delhi that it need not worry despite the militia’s close ties with Pakistan, India’s arch foe.
This is seen as a setback for the Pakistani terror circles because Kashmir is the reason Pakistan started utilising militant groups as not only proxies, but more specifically as “weapons” against India, in what is commonly known in security circles as Pakistan’s “Bleed India” campaign.
Calls were being given to Afghanistan Taliban from Kashmir in the name of Islam and in fact some of the Taliban reportedly gave their services for the cause of Kashmir. But, the changed stance of Afghanistan Taliban is going to make Pakistan’s ‘Mission Kashmir’ fragile.
Chola, Samantk and Mav3rick

please stop the flame war and stay on the subject.
the thread is not about Hindu superiority over Islam and its past practices and the present.

but about this new turn in taliban attitude of actually realising that there is a world beyond the well.
mind you 99.9% of Muslim population doesnt agree with Taliban/ AQ ideology.. my Indian fellow members know it because they have a good Muslim population in India who I am sure are as much Indian and peace loving as the Indians that are on this forum.
blaming us or Indian Muslims for the Taliban lifestyle is really a waste of time because we are also against it.

think over it and consider this sudden change of heart. dont just dismiss it like Bush family, show it you are better than them and if they have taken a first tentative step towards the table not towards their holster then welcome it.

soon time will tell how well meaning the Talliban are but lets not be hasty, all will be clear and you guys will have a higher moral ground of giving them the chance. if the things work out , you get the praise of all the countries in the region, even Pakistan and if it doesnt, well you gave them the chance and can get the acknowledgement that you did.
What you state is good but it all depends on the Pakistani establishment which is already wary of Indian intentions in the region. There are enough fanatics who will say that by going along Taliban we as isolating Pakistan.

Anyways, I guess India is committed to help Afghanistan inn their development and will support anyone who has the same sentiment at the core. So peace!
Yes, anyone thinking without religious goggles can tell, try once. Sati system was banned decades ago, wake up smell the coffee and stop ranting Sati sati everywhere, it is illegal India.

Same rant, will you grow up now, its late already.

I thought you were just ranting, did not know that you are ignorant and brainwashed too.. Sati practice was banned by the Britishers first and we adopted that law after independence.

Taking Irafan's advice, I will not go in to details. However, just Google on Sati practices today and you will not speak on the subject again!

Again I will tell you if the practices are barbaric it will and should be opposed wherever we can, killing women inside a whole stadium is termed barbaric, if you support good for you, we neither care neither support it but will morally reject it.

Look, I guess we have very different understanding of barbaric practices, such as sati and burying of newborn girls alive.
Taking Irafan's advice, I will not go in to details. However, just Google on Sati practices today and you will not speak on the subject again!
Look, I guess we have very different understanding of barbaric practices, such as sati and burying of newborn girls alive.
Kindly quote us some link over your alligation of SATI being still practiced in INDIA.
The INDIA you are talking about is long gone, and in modern India we are agumenting widows to get married and have a good life with a second chance.
Just do not spew things out of your brain farts and mental marterbations
Full Text:

Afghan Taliban's India praise good omen for Kashmir

Chief Reporter
NEW DELHI: In a significant and a rare development that could puzzle many minds in Pakistan, the Afghanistan Taliban has praised New Delhi for reportedly refusing to toe the United States line on Afghanistan. The Taliban has also assured India that it would not allow Afghanistan to be used against India.
This development is not only disturbing for the terror machine in Pakistan but also for some in Kashmir who have been trying their level best to rope in Afghanistan Taliban in the so-called battle of freedom in the name of Islam..

this author is delusional....

first of all -- this actually suits Pakistan better. It helps shut the dotties traps! It's only them who keep yapping about Afghanistan being used by Pakistan for nefarious purposes, this and that.

it also shows that the talebs are not the ''cat's paw'' or ''veritable arm'' of any Pakistani institution. They are a purely Afghan phenomenon and in fact -- they had little even to do on Kashmiri conflict

Kashmiri conflict is an indigenous nationalist movement of Kashmiri people and by Kashmiri people. So to connect those two is fool-hardy and a typical failed attempt on indian media part to cause perception management

Off topic post,
yet let me remind you that our caste system is better compared to your sect system that allows one sect to bomb the others mosque...

both are wrong....but on the broader scheme of things, people don't care about sect.

at least Sunnis and Shiias can study at the same schools and drink from the same water fountains. They can marry eachother without fear of being publicly stripped and thrashed....so your comparison is quite retarded.
Taking Irafan's advice, I will not go in to details. However, just Google on Sati practices today and you will not speak on the subject again!
First off, Sati is not the topic here, Taliban is and accrodingly my statement was we will never support them and we will no co-operate them if they continue with their barbaric laws. However, if they are ready to turn a new leaf then it is all good.

You must have had a big urge for trolling now bringing female fratricide into this thread. Anyways, I will speak on it when I like but I will not speak to a brainwashed person who cannot even comprehend the difference between something which is illegal and legal.
this author is delusional....

first of all -- this actually suits Pakistan better. It helps shut the dotties traps! It's only them who keep yapping about Afghanistan being used by Pakistan for nefarious purposes, this and that.

it also shows that the talebs are not the ''cat's paw'' or ''veritable arm'' of any Pakistani institution. They are a purely Afghan phenomenon and in fact -- they had little even to do on Kashmiri conflict

Kashmiri conflict is an indigenous nationalist movement of Kashmiri people and by Kashmiri people. So to connect those two is fool-hardy and a typical failed attempt on indian media part to cause perception management

You supported them hoping that you can use them against India.
Then you got money from US to kill the same Talibs you supported a day before!
Then you dared to kill them.
Then Talibs killed the hell out of you by suicide bombs.
Moral- don't try to play smart or don't support the terrorists.
both are wrong....but on the broader scheme of things, people don't care about sect.

at least Sunnis and Shiias can study at the same schools and drink from the same water fountains. They can marry eachother without fear of being publicly stripped and thrashed....so your comparison is quite retarded.
You're right. Comparison is truly retarded because in India, people don't go and blow themselves to kill people of other casts.
thats the reason you are not in the current admistrative group who holds the key to Pakistans nuks
@all those who quoted that post like you Ashokdeiva

please accept my sincere apologies for having to read his post before we could delete it.
after reading that nonsense, I guess every single one of us feels numb in the head due to the loss of a thing called "common sense"

lets sit together and mourn over it

WHY oh Allah, why o Bhagwan did you give a keyboard to the likes of him to make such moronic post that leave us dumb and idiot just by having the misfortune to read it
This is just stupid on a collosal level

The taliban would skin hindus alive

Why not open a temple to some god and see how friendly the taliban are

Some article dosent change ground realities
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