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Taliban praises Delhi, says it’s not anti-India

You do that?????????????????????? let me know who does...

The whole world knows who does that, but we do not speak of it so as not to hurt religious feelings of Hindus! Your kind should exercise the same and must try to remain civil on matters that they have no understanding of!

The one with incoherent ideas should not ask the other to remain civil.

I need not go in to arguments of who is incoherent and who as not. Suffice to say, try and remain civil and so will we.
New Delhi: The Taliban has come out with a rare praise of India for reportedly standing up to the US over the Afghan situation, and promised that Afghanistan won't be used to hurt Indian interests.

In a commentary on its English website, the Taliban called India "a significant country in the region" and said Indians were well aware of the "aspirations, creeds and love for freedom" of the Afghan people.

"It is totally illogical they should plunge their nation into a calamity just for the American pleasure," it added, referring to media reports that India won't get militarily involved in Afghanistan.

The Taliban commentary on "Voice of Jehad" website followed a visit to New Delhi by US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta this month ahead of America's planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.

It said Panetta wanted India to play a more important role in Afghanistan on the security front but that the Indians gave him a polite 'no'.

"Although full details of (the) negotiations have not come out, it seems the host's answer was negative... (Panetta) spent three days in India to transfer the heavy burden to their shoulders, to find an exit and to flee from Afghanistan.

"Some reliable media sources said the Indian authorities did not pay heed to (US) demands and showed their reservations, because the Indians know or they should know that the Americans are grinding their own axe.

"No doubt India is a significant country in the region but is also worth mentioning that they have full information about Afghanistan because they know each other very well in the long history.

"They are aware of the Afghans' aspirations, creeds and love for freedom. It is totally illogical they should plunge their nation into a calamity just for the American pleasure."

It said the Taliban wanted "to have cordial relations on the basis of sovereignty, equality, mutual respect and no interference in each other's internal affairs.

"We have made it clear that no one would be allowed to use the Afghan soil for anyone's detriment."

The commentary assumes significance because India along with Iran and Russia played a major role in keeping alive the Northern Alliance when the Taliban ruled Kabul. The Alliance ousted the Taliban after 9/11.

Many in New Delhi have been opposed to the Pakistan-backed Taliban fearing that a return of the militia to Kabul would benefit Islamabad.

The commentary seemed to be an attempt by the Taliban to assure New Delhi that it need not worry despite the militia's close ties with Pakistan, India's arch foe.

Manorama Online | Taliban praises Delhi, says it's not anti-India

The way things are shaping up in Afghanistan....there are possibilities of a Mixture of Taliban and Pro NATO leadership leading Afghanistan...if this happens it would be good for India if there are Taliban leaders with a soft view of India....
New Delhi: The Taliban has come out with a rare praise of India for reportedly standing up to the US over the Afghan situation, and promised that Afghanistan won't be used to hurt Indian interests.

In a commentary on its English website, the Taliban called India "a significant country in the region" and said Indians were well aware of the "aspirations, creeds and love for freedom" of the Afghan people.

"It is totally illogical they should plunge their nation into a calamity just for the American pleasure," it added, referring to media reports that India won't get militarily involved in Afghanistan.

Manorama Online | Taliban praises Delhi, says it's not anti-India

Looks more like a threat to me :p

We will like them if they stop attacks on afghan civilians, go back on their shariah law rules, and full freedom to womens...
The world is changing and the taliban should change with the world....

Better take care of your own country. Afghans can take care of their's.

It is actually a very well worded, sugar coated, veiled threat that Afghans love freedom and that India should not enter this war to please America as the consequences may not be favourable.

Should they also accept you as the new Prophet? The world is changing indeed, and you need to get your act straight. Afghans have never demanded that you go back on Hindu laws and culture so your stupid advise is not welcome!

Then by the same logic, should you not discourage the US until they reconstruct Afghanistan & Iraq as they were before the US unleashed the terror war?


I never said i am prophet... And why the hell should they dictate us on hindu laws Dumb? There was never a code for hindu laws or anything like that.. Every law was based on justice..
And i have every right to advice, as my country is helping rebuilding Afghanistan helping its people, with indian taxpayers money, particularly when u guys are destrroying them and its economy..
And now ur post is very unwelcome and its better if u shut.......

People probably don't like drinking cow piss and washing their places of worship with cow piss, neither do they like praying to elephants dicks and what not!!!

Do not speak of things that you do not understand we can remain civil!

U know i can reply in the most uncivilised way regarding things about ur religion, but i wont..
U know y?
I am civilised while u r not...
the last thing that i ever wanted is to have an appriciation from the Taliban.
any way they are too part of the Afgan people, if they are ready to reliquish their fire arm and ready to change their mullah ideology and be part of the new Afgan government then we have to accept them but and ask the afgan security forces to keep a eye on them.
It is actually a very well worded, sugar coated, veiled threat that Afghans love freedom and that India should not enter this war to please America as the consequences may not be favourable.
We dont care, we do not want to get militarily involved anywhere.. we have a history which is a proof of our standing.

Should they also accept you as the new Prophet? The world is changing indeed, and you need to get your act straight. Afghans have never demanded that you go back on Hindu laws and culture so your stupid advise is not welcome!
The laws which are barbaric are barbaric, please stop being a jerk and wake up.

We live by what is right, there is not a single twisted and barbaric "belief" in India that is not punishable by law so we will support only those who follow and support natural justice no matter where.

Then by the same logic, should you not discourage the US until they reconstruct Afghanistan & Iraq as they were before the US unleashed the terror war?
They dint ask us before coming to Afghanistan, they dont need to, neither did they asked you who considers Afghan as their backyard. US is not our ally that we discourage it, it has a mind of its own and a very stubborn one at that, We are doing what we feel is right.

How can illiterate retards consider themselves respectful or respected is beyond me.
it will remain beyond you because apart from your schooling you are still an illiterate at mind!

People probably don't like drinking cow piss and washing their places of worship with cow piss, neither do they like praying to elephants dicks and what not!!!

Do not speak of things that you do not understand we can remain civil!
In two sentences you have crossed the limit of civilness.. nobody in India forces anyother to do what you have described even if that is followed, which is not.. how dellusional can you really get.. Post reported.
We have to remember that the yankis warmed up relations with china back in the 70s. So we can consider this change in Indo-Taliban relations similar to that. The delusional Bhramins have realizedthat without taliban stability in AF is just a dream. :)

BTW indians, Taliban won't allow bollywood junk in their country.:D
We have to remember that the yankis warmed up relations with china back in the 70s. So we can consider this change in Indo-Taliban relations similar to that. The delusional Bhramins have realizedthat without taliban stability in AF is just a dream. :)

BTW indians, Taliban won't allow bollywood junk in their country.:D
Dude, please wake up.. dint you get cofee today?

There is no relation between Taliban and India, from where and how did you deduct that piece my very intelligent friend?

India should stay away from Taliban. It's their difficult time so they are being nice.

The problem is in their ideology so they can't be india's friend.
Praises from Terrorists will be last thing to receive for saner ones..
the last thing that i ever wanted is to have an appriciation from the Taliban.
any way they are too part of the Afgan people, if they are ready to reliquish their fire arm and ready to change their mullah ideology and be part of the new Afgan government then we have to accept them but and ask the afgan security forces to keep a eye on them.

I am sure that they would have had a moment to think over their past actions. since their fall it has had been a humbling experience for them

had Americans been more thoughtful and respectful of the Pasthon Population and had not given the sole representation right of Afghan setup to Northern Alliance then Taliban would have been History. but thats a past that cant be undone taliban rallied under the Pasthon nationalism banner plus the American atrocities and continued disregard to Afghan life, religion and local customs.

your last sentence tells me how much misinformed or sketchy your information about Afghanistan is.
this is what the mainstream media does to you, when you are only exposed to selective information.

the thing is, Taliban currently have the sole claim to represent the Pashton sentiment, whether we like it or not doesnt matter. whatever remains is left to the likes of Gulbadin & Yunis Khalis etc (Yunis Khalis group now merged with Taliban or Gulbadin after his death).

if you are expecting Hazara or Tajiks to keep an eye on Pashtons then you are kidding yourself. the deal has to be all or nothing.
meaning, Pashtons have to be part of the deal and power sharing, or this war will go on.

if must be shocking for some of you people but I have come across nonPashton Afghans who are now beginning to support Taliban and distance themselves from the American backed regime. in the earlier days that was unthinkable.

taliban are also realising that interaction with non-Taliban can be done without involving pointing a gun. whereas Americans now seem to prefer that idea just because they dont consider the locals at the same human level.

we cant force our will on them. the moment they realise that their friends, allies, neighbours or their current occupiers are trying to force a will or settlement that is not suitable to them... they will back out and things will be back on square one.

Americans are desperate for a face saving settlement here. there is no Chance with Iran or Pakistan now. China is out of question because most of the war effort seems to be aimed at China (containment) and secondly seeking Chinese help will be a political suicide and a great dent on the Yanky pride. which leaves them with a good old India that even the taliban seem to be warming up to and have not out rightly dismissed. just advised "caution" in its involvement in Afghanistan.

Taliban could have chosen to be completely hostile to the Indian involvement , due to its past history of siding with Northern Alliance and the Afghan communist regime during the Soviet occupation but they havent which shows some diplomatic maturity for all its worth and while it lasts they deserve a benefit of doubt
Have they requested or demanded help from your country? If not, then they have the exact same rights on you as you declare on them! Have they demanded that you stop the practice of sati where you forcefully burn widows on pyre with their dead husbands? Must be better then cutting hands of criminals! How many Hindus were committed for murder for practicing sati???
Going back to british rule now when you do not have anything to speak to. They did not ask our help but we gladly gave it to the ones who requested. Case closed, you are nobody to decide what we say and what we do not.

Yes you ASSHOLE, it was very fuckin civil of you to post what you did about Shariat laws!!! It is exactly this kind of ignoranct ranting that forces Muslims into violence. Leave us the **** alone if you don't agree with us but don't you dare try to impose your culture or laws on us!!!
Its not you who we are talking about we are talking about Afghanistan, please first follow shariat in Pakistan and then come back fighting for it. Seems like you are now very angry, have some water and then you can resume your downgraded insulting and inhuman ranting.
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