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Taliban Military Chief Mullah Baradar captured by Pakistan

Well atleast now the people who keep accusing Pakistan of harboring the Afghani Talibs should Shut up as this news can put a stop to all of the crap.

But its also a wake up call for those Pakistanis who insist that the Good Taliban are not misusing Pakistan soil.

Here comes another fanboy low on knowledge and high on patriotism.

Is Gen Pasha ex ISI Chief or the serving one and this is what he said.

For any turnaround, the Pakistani state needs to initiate a radical course correction. The state cannot neutralize the insurgency in FATA or elsewhere within the existing ideological paradigms, articulated eloquently by ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who described Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud - the Pakistan Army's most relentless tormentor - as a "true patriot". Shuja Pasha also defended the Taliban in an interview with Der Spiegel, stating: "Shouldn't they be allowed to think and say what they please? They believe that jihad is their obligation. Isn't that freedom of opinion?"

Speechless are you. Back to the books young man.



Listen kid, this is the first time anyone is mentioning this. I did a google search and only ones mentioning this same story are indian blogs and indian websites. Do you think indians would and americans would have not jumped if the gun if there was a real source of this info? You and your indian monkey friends are confusing this with Hamid Gul's statement. He was the one who said it, not the current guy. It even matches Hamid gul's statements word to word.

It's funny ISI pinpointed Baitullah to CIA, yet its leader thinks he is a patriot. Use some logic and rationality before making these idiotic statements.

So off you go to the books again (hopefully not indian ones this time).
"Well atleast now the people who keep accusing Pakistan of harboring the Afghani Talibs should Shut up as this news can put a stop to all of the crap."

And the eight years of denials and dissemblance before this? What's that say about accusations of Indian intrigue eminating from Afghanistan. Intrigue, btw if true, that would endanger Afghans, NGOs, and forty nations worth of soldiers from ISAF. With all those eyes about whose lives are at stake by India messing with Pakistan from somebody else's yard, who would tolerate such?

Yet without proof, everybody here and nobody else anywhere else have lapped that up. It's not true. The afghan taliban and TTP have come from the same roots. Men like Nek Mohammad and Baitullah Mehsud FOUGHT the northern alliance in Afghanistan and have NEVER held any regard for the Indians.

You'd best consider the web of lies that have been spun for eight years about the afghan taliban not existing on your lands. Baradar's capture isn't the only example. Here are two more-

Held By The Taliban-David Rohde NYT Oct. 18, 2009

"OUR first Pakistani home was in Miram Shah, the capital of North Waziristan. Two large sleeping rooms looked out on a small courtyard. One even had a small washroom, separate from the toilet, for showering...

...All day, a parade of random Pakistani militants stopped by the house to stare at us. I felt like an animal in a zoo. Among them was a local Taliban commander who introduced himself as Badruddin. He was the brother of Sirajuddin Haqqani, who led the Haqqani network, one of the most powerful Taliban factions in the region. Miram Shah was its stronghold."

Here's another-

Quetta Shura No Longer Poses A Threat: Ahmad Mukhtar-DAWN Dec. 11, 2009

After years of denial that the Quetta Shura didn't exist we awake one morning to read its been DESTROYED. Sure. Well at least it exists, correct?

Since this story I've been told at this board

1. Mukhtar was ill

2. Mukhtar was drunk

3. Mukhtar meant the TTP not the Quetta Shura (as though he doesn't know the difference in either nor where S. Waziristan versus Balochistan might be)

Now if a grand lie has been spun on this topic for eight years despite all that forty plus other nations in Afghanistan have insisted otherwise, what else might you have been lied about?

Something has changed for the better in Pakistan today. Very, very much so. I think I know what it is but I doubt those here or the Pakistani public are ready to read it.

Doesn't matter...for now.

Man I am shia, just like you. However, I have to make one thing clear. No matter how much we might hate these taliban fundoos who kill shias, you cannot deny india is supporting these ****** TTP. People who know insiders in the army and ISI will tell you that army and ISI know that india is supporting these haramis big time. These guys are a menace, no doubt about it, but without indian help they would be nowhere near as powerful.

By involving India in it you are deraling this thread.
but neverthless
You think India is supporting them bcoz you hope India is supporting them....by blaming India you get an emotional justification for why a fellow pakistani will kill another and get to clear your concscious of fighting them, not because they oppose what you stand for but because they are traitors(as they are supported by India).

For India there are no reasons to support them coz if they succeed
in there objetectives they pose much greater threat to India than any of your past or present govts.
for we dont want to support them bcoz our ideology conflict on most basic level as they(TTP) being hardcore islamist and India being a secular nation.

but watever makes you feel better.... as long as you get rid of the menace :toast_sign:
I did a google search and only ones mentioning this same story are indian blogs and indian websites. Do you think indians would and americans would have not jumped if the gun if there was a real source of this info?

Crap. Shows your poor skills in google. Try again fanboy.

It's funny ISI pinpointed Baitullah to CIA, yet its leader thinks he is a patriot. Use some logic and rationality before making these idiotic statements.

Again Fanboy knowledge. He was your PATRIOT till he became to ambitious. Have you forgotten the accord signed by GOP with him.
Your posts are high on something but low on substance. Have you wondered why the mighty PA needed CIA help if they knew where BM was on Pakistani territory ?

So off you go to the books again (hopefully not indian ones this time).

You really make me laugh when you say Spielgel source is Indian ?

I probably know much more about Pasha and Gul than you know about the ISI.

Back to books and some googling for u to avoid future faux paux's. I know you have no reply so the cover up bluster will do for now.

By involving India in it you are deraling this thread.
but neverthless
You think India is supporting them bcoz you hope India is supporting them....by blaming India you get an emotional justification for why a fellow pakistani will kill another and get to clear your concscious of fighting them, not because they oppose what you stand for but because they are traitors(as they are supported by India).

For India there are no reasons to support them coz if they succeed
in there objetectives they pose much greater threat to India than any of your past or present govts.
for we dont want to support them bcoz our ideology conflict on most basic level as they(TTP) being hardcore islamist and India being a secular nation.

but watever makes you feel better.... as long as you get rid of the menace :toast_sign:

That's a strawman argument. In other words, pretty much nothing will be good enough for you. You're putting words into my mouth and trying to read my mind. We have inside government confirmation of indian terrorism from several sources. If you don't want to believe it then don't, I couldn't care less. What I am merely saying is that Pakistanis know indian support for terrorism, so why are they helping americans who are letting indians do this?

As for why it's not good for india, those arguments have been dealt with. I will not go into that because that's off-topic.
But its also a wake up call for those Pakistanis who insist that the Good Taliban are not misusing Pakistan soil.


Well the same way the bad Talibans are misusing the Afghan end of it. So whats the point, these guys are bad just like the ones that are killing us. They dont respect the rule of either country but then atleast we are putting in more effort then all of you guys combined. But I didnt expect anything better from the likes of you and the S-2 because the do more BS is easy to say and hard to do. Becuase when you and your guys are just talking the talk we are actually walking the walk.
"Well atleast now the people who keep accusing Pakistan of harboring the Afghani Talibs should Shut up as this news can put a stop to all of the crap."

And the eight years of denials and dissemblance before this? What's that say about accusations of Indian intrigue eminating from Afghanistan. Intrigue, btw if true, that would endanger Afghans, NGOs, and forty nations worth of soldiers from ISAF. With all those eyes about whose lives are at stake by India messing with Pakistan from somebody else's yard, who would tolerate such?

Yet without proof, everybody here and nobody else anywhere else have lapped that up. It's not true. The afghan taliban and TTP have come from the same roots. Men like Nek Mohammad and Baitullah Mehsud FOUGHT the northern alliance in Afghanistan and have NEVER held any regard for the Indians.

You'd best consider the web of lies that have been spun for eight years about the afghan taliban not existing on your lands. Baradar's capture isn't the only example. Here are two more-

Held By The Taliban-David Rohde NYT Oct. 18, 2009

"OUR first Pakistani home was in Miram Shah, the capital of North Waziristan. Two large sleeping rooms looked out on a small courtyard. One even had a small washroom, separate from the toilet, for showering...

...All day, a parade of random Pakistani militants stopped by the house to stare at us. I felt like an animal in a zoo. Among them was a local Taliban commander who introduced himself as Badruddin. He was the brother of Sirajuddin Haqqani, who led the Haqqani network, one of the most powerful Taliban factions in the region. Miram Shah was its stronghold."

Here's another-

Quetta Shura No Longer Poses A Threat: Ahmad Mukhtar-DAWN Dec. 11, 2009

After years of denial that the Quetta Shura didn't exist we awake one morning to read its been DESTROYED. Sure. Well at least it exists, correct?

Since this story I've been told at this board

1. Mukhtar was ill

2. Mukhtar was drunk

3. Mukhtar meant the TTP not the Quetta Shura (as though he doesn't know the difference in either nor where S. Waziristan versus Balochistan might be)

Now if a grand lie has been spun on this topic for eight years despite all that forty plus other nations in Afghanistan have insisted otherwise, what else might you have been lied about?

Something has changed for the better in Pakistan today. Very, very much so. I think I know what it is but I doubt those here or the Pakistani public are ready to read it.

Doesn't matter...for now.


My 2 lines were actually for you! glad you noticed. As far as the rest of your post goes not worth reading as it is the same garbage over and over again. So thanks for putting in the effort but no thanks. Good job by our guys and thanks for what ever role yours played in it. Have a nice day. :pakistan:
Great work! I was sensing Karachi needs to be swiped when Hakimullah made a run for Karachi when he got injured.

I've personally driven into these Afghan areas around the Super highway and let me tell you its nothing short of tribal area, the Afghans have encroached upon our land, that was paid for in FULL by Pakistani land owners back in the 70s. I own a small property there too, and was driving in to check how salvageable is that property. Half the time I was redirected by Afghans with axes telling me "Pakistanis can't go through this street". In freakin Karachi!

I asked a real estate guy why doesn't anybody drive them out. He said that its a human rights issue, the HR organizations raise holy hell, whenever there has been a forced evacuation attempted.

Now the Taliban BOSS is being recovered from that region. The government needs to address this issue before it gets out of hand.
Well the same way the bad Talibans are misusing the Afghan end of it. So whats the point, these guys are bad just like the ones that are killing us. They dont respect the rule of either country but then atleast we are putting in more effort then all of you guys combined. But I didnt expect anything better from the likes of you and the S-2 because the do more BS is easy to say and hard to do. Becuase when you and your guys are just talking the talk we are actually walking the walk.

Hold your horses and open your blinkers. Me and S2 have time and again maintained that there is no good or bad Taliban this side or that side of the border. Its your fellow brothers who have made this distinction. Please read Fundamentalist, Illumanitus and Zahid hamid comments before pontificating.

My stand is all taliban are bad.

I probably know much more about Pasha and Gul than you know about the ISI.

Back to books and some googling for u to avoid future faux paux's. I know you have no reply so the cover up bluster will do for now.


So no serious reply from you since your lie got busted and that's why you have to resort to personal attacks. Good going.
Hold your horses and open your blinkers. Me and S2 have time and again maintained that there is no good or bad Taliban this side or that side of the border. Its your fellow brothers who have made this disticnction. Please read Fundamentalist, Illumanitus and Zahid hamid comments before pontificating.

My stand is all taliban are bad.


I didn’t want to come onto you so harshly but i was and am actually angry about the fact that the appreciation is always missing. As far as good or bad is concerned. Well there are many theories some are true some are not. And one of the facts is that when the bad talibans aka the afghani ones are bad in the US's books they are not bothering us and the same is reversed for US when it comes to the TTP which are bad again. Now I am glad to see that the US is putting in some effort and have actually targeted the TTP but can they also explain that what was the reluctance to do so for a long time. And they started doing it only once the Pak Army started closing in onto these guys. And also why is the US still not getting serious about the role the Indians are playing in Afg. Yes there is not concrete proof, but I am sure that you know that when they say once bitten twice shy is true in our case because we have not forgotten what happen in 71. And if given an opportunity they will not think twice in doing it again.

Thank you! :pakistan:

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