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Taliban Military Chief Mullah Baradar captured by Pakistan

Ohh really....then what is drone attacks??? Isn’t the part of WoT. I understand you are upset for obvious reasons."

ALL-GREEN should be upset and the reasons that are so obvious have been alluded by him. You are ignorant and flaming.

There's been ONE drone attack in NWFP since they commenced in 2004. ONE. None in the last one and one-half years. Bannu in November 2008.

Read like an offensive to you? Get your facts straight before flaming away.

The US drone attacks are attacks in cooperation with Pakistan in a very limited part of FATA, not even NWFP.

You could start by figuring out what the different acronyms stand for ...

And yes, we understand that since India goes pee pee merely contemplating the repercussions of a full fledged war with Pakistan, that you lot would like nothing better that have the US do that which you can't.

Ain't happening.

Thanks AM,

First of all it’s not the matter of India-Pakistan. If US is helping Pakistan to get out of difficult situation, what is the problem??? Even this action has support and cooperation of Pakistan govt. Don't you support these actions?

PS - by the way, I really like your posts.
Thanks AM,

First of all it’s not the matter of India-Pakistan. If US is helping Pakistan to get out of difficult situation, what is the problem??? Even this action has support and cooperation of Pakistan govt. Don't you support these actions?

PS - by the way, I really like your posts.

aww geee :oops: now I feel bad for flaming back at you.

Anyway - back to drone strikes in Karachi, even if Pakistan operated the drones that would be a no-go. Too densely populated.

Besides, relative to some parts of FATA, local governance and security institutions are far more established and government writ applies.

Issues in Karachi can be taken care of through old fashioned raids, if not by the police then by intel, as in this case.
Too late. I saw your link and, oh my, I'm wrong. There was ONE attack at Jani Khel, also in Bannu, a year ago next month. So?

This, btw, is derailing an important topic and thread which I really don't appreciate. You've no case for an "offensive" in NWFP. Not even remotely so don't press the issue.

Why is GoP and army and ISI helping US? This is the same US letting india continue its terrorism in Pakistan and has done nothing to stop it. Let's not forget their (india's) support for Baloch insurgency. US is putting a blind eye on that. I believe army and ISI have some plan up their sleeve. They know india is supporting terrorists in Pakistan, and that americans are letting them do it, and they still help the americans. They cant be that stupid.

Why wahabi saud did call US(Ya amrica madad) when saddam had invaded on Kuwait?? why they did jihad with help of US.???
Why wahabi kings eating interest from their billions dollars in US???
Why Karzai have to go wahabi king in saudia to negotiate with taliban???
why their was no inquiry or operation against Saudia even 8 out of 9 hijackers were saudi in 911 suicide attacks???

fundos have no answer of above any questions.
Too late. I saw your link and, oh my, I'm wrong. There was ONE attack at Jani Khel, also in Bannu, a year ago next month. So?

That’s why I realized my mistake and removed the post

This, btw, is derailing an important topic and thread which I really don't appreciate. You've no case for an "offensive" in NWFP. Not even remotely so don't press the issue.


It’s really not my intention to derail the topic or flame. I understand this topic is of real importance to you

Why wahabi saud did call US(Ya amrica madad) when saddam had invaded on Kuwait?? why they did jihad with help of US.???
Why wahabi kings eating interest from their billions dollars in US???
Why Karzai have to go wahabi king in saudia to negotiate with taliban???
why their was no inquiry or operation against Saudia even 8 out of 9 hijackers were saudi in 911 suicide attacks???

fundos have no answer of above any questions.

Man I am shia, just like you. However, I have to make one thing clear. No matter how much we might hate these taliban fundoos who kill shias, you cannot deny india is supporting these ****** TTP. People who know insiders in the army and ISI will tell you that army and ISI know that india is supporting these haramis big time. These guys are a menace, no doubt about it, but without indian help they would be nowhere near as powerful.
People who know insiders in the army and ISI will tell you that army and ISI know that india is supporting these haramis big time. These guys are a menace, no doubt about it, but without indian help they would be nowhere near as powerful.

Is it the same ISI whose present chief called TTP leader HM a TRUE PATRIOT in front of the WORLD PRESS sometime back?

Is it the same ISI whose present chief called TTP leader HM a TRUE PATRIOT in front of the WORLD PRESS sometime back?


I believe you're talking about an ex-chief, and referring to Baithullah. The reason he called him was because of his role in Afghan-soviet war. I will not go into more detail because I would just be taking the topic off-topic.
Is it the same ISI whose present chief called TTP leader HM a TRUE PATRIOT in front of the WORLD PRESS sometime back?


No ISI chief called Baitullah a patriot and whoever did call him a patriot was to scare the Americans into calling India off the borders.
I believe you're talking about an ex-chief, and referring to Baithullah. The reason he called him was because of his role in Afghan-soviet war. I will not go into more detail because I would just be taking the topic off-topic.

Here comes another fanboy low on knowledge and high on patriotism.

Is Gen Pasha ex ISI Chief or the serving one and this is what he said.

For any turnaround, the Pakistani state needs to initiate a radical course correction. The state cannot neutralize the insurgency in FATA or elsewhere within the existing ideological paradigms, articulated eloquently by ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who described Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud - the Pakistan Army's most relentless tormentor - as a "true patriot". Shuja Pasha also defended the Taliban in an interview with Der Spiegel, stating: "Shouldn't they be allowed to think and say what they please? They believe that jihad is their obligation. Isn't that freedom of opinion?"

Speechless are you. Back to the books young man.


On the topic I see this as watershed milestone in the relationship between ISI and CIA. It will be interesting to see how the good Taliban will react when they get this news.

To the Indian Poster, there is nothing wrong if he was found in Karachi as in the old days they could freely roam in Pakistan given the good relations shared by the two countries in Mullah Omar's time and hence even after the official support had been cut off they would have easily established alternative networks.

Well atleast now the people who keep accusing Pakistan of harboring the Afghani Talibs should Shut up as this news can put a stop to all of the crap.

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