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Taliban Military Chief Mullah Baradar captured by Pakistan

No AA there is an article in a German magazine quoting Gen Pasha first hand on how the taliban have a valid view point and at that time TTP was under the umbrella of the Taliban.

Shuja Pasha's men had the lead in this arrest. That makes no sense and is probably a weak/misquote. Hence the lack of adequate sources to prove that claim. The word "Patriot" was used in one sentence, that was to refer to the MEDIA's work in the post-Mumbai scenario.

I have no doubt that the TTP made a show of solidarity against India, but that was primarily to better their own image and carried little substance.
Pakistan Assessment 2009

For any turnaround, the Pakistani state needs to initiate a radical course correction. The state cannot neutralize the insurgency in FATA or elsewhere within the existing ideological paradigms, articulated eloquently by ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who described Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud - the Pakistan Army's most relentless tormentor - as a "true patriot

Please don't nit pick Hamid Mir. You did sign a peace pact with BM and handed over the administration to him till he showed the GOP a finger.

The world is not as blind as you think or wish them to be. Accept ISI under estimated them and move on. They are your enemies now.


That was one of the sites I was referring to. Let me repeat the obvious for the 100th time. If Pasha said this, where are all the mass articles that would have been written for him saying this? The german magazine site you're referring to does not contain such information. And the other obvious one for the 100th time, which is army got Baitullah killed and nearly killed Fazlullah if it considered them patriots? I give up if you don't get your head out of the sand now.

We have signed peace pacts with many people to give peace a chance. If they don't want peace then yes we go after them.
Shuja Pasha's men had the lead in this arrest. That makes no sense and is probably a weak/misquote. Hence the lack of adequate sources to prove that claim. The word "Patriot" was used in one sentence, that was to refer to the MEDIA's work in the post-Mumbai scenario.

I have no doubt that the TTP made a show of solidarity against India, but that was primarily to better their own image and carried little substance.

And I just went to the magazine website, and so mention of this incident.
Pakistan Assessment 2009

For any turnaround, the Pakistani state needs to initiate a radical course correction. The state cannot neutralize the insurgency in FATA or elsewhere within the existing ideological paradigms, articulated eloquently by ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who described Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud - the Pakistan Army's most relentless tormentor - as a "true patriot

Please don't nit pick Hamid Mir. You did sign a peace pact with BM and handed over the administration to him till he showed the GOP a finger.

The world is not as blind as you think or wish them to be. Accept ISI under estimated them and move on. They are your enemies now.

Actually the peace pact was signed with neither Fazlullah nor Baitullah and was signed with Sufi Muhammad by our genius President to score some political points, the army's action forced the reversal of that move.
Shuja Pasha's men had the lead in this arrest. That makes no sense and is probably a weak/misquote. Hence the lack of adequate sources to prove that claim. The word "Patriot" was used in one sentence, that was to refer to the MEDIA's work in the post-Mumbai scenario.

I have no doubt that the TTP made a show of solidarity against India, but that was primarily to better their own image and carried little substance.

Even if we accept your face saving explanation for a moment it still does not explain why the GOP signed a peace pact with them and handed over a part of your territory to them to govern ?

My point is that your ISI advised your govt. wrongly that TTP was manageable and they got it wrong. TTP like most deluded gangs thought they could take on the PA and lost.

However once upon a time ISI and BM and Co. were good friends.

Pakistan Assessment 2009

For any turnaround, the Pakistani state needs to initiate a radical course correction. The state cannot neutralize the insurgency in FATA or elsewhere within the existing ideological paradigms, articulated eloquently by ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who described Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud - the Pakistan Army's most relentless tormentor - as a "true patriot

Please don't nit pick Hamid Mir. You did sign a peace pact with BM and handed over the administration to him till he showed the GOP a finger.

The world is not as blind as you think or wish them to be. Accept ISI under estimated them and move on. They are your enemies now.


Do look into the situation and circumstances which lead to the pact, if you can't then please don't mention it.

And as for our blindness, the world becomes blind when something is for not of their concern or meaning, if it is, then their blindness goes away.

So similarly, when our strategic goals are infront of us, we will become blind, same as when US, UK and other of their puppets go blind.

If you blame us for pacts, i believe same is being done by your side and even has done it for the last many years in Afghanistan.

I do remember how the Italians paid the local taliban for not attacking them till their deployment, so what is that called ?? bribe, pact or what ???

Through the same US and world's aid money, the locals, NGOs bribe & do pacts with the taliban to not attack them.

So carrot and stick policy is being used by you also, if we do, then don't cry like little babies or bring in the blindness thing, as you guys then become blind when do the same things, but when we do, then the blindness goes away.

Get your own house in order, then come and tell us.

Do show some hypocrisy, but not by crossing the limits.
Now you shoot the messenger after stating this?

"I did a google search and only ones mentioning this same story are indian blogs and indian websites."

Odd that you knew of the International News story but didn't mention it and now claim an ad hominem attack.

Fact is there are forty plus nations and their soldiers, NGOs galore, the world's media and a whole country full of Afghans that haven't seen these heinous Indians doing squat from within Afghanistan.

Fact is Baitullah Mehsud, his mentor Nek Mohammad, Mullah Faizullah and others of the TTP had fought with the Afghan taliban against the N.A. prior to 9/11. They hated the Indians with a passion but got along fine with Omar, Haqqani, Hekmatyar, and OBL/Zawahiri.

The TTP don't need Indian help for either money or weapons and if the GoA and the rest of the world for a minute had proof of Indian intrigue eminating from Afghan soil they'd boot their azzes out so fast they'd make Usain Bolt look like a tortoise.

Indians are no fools. There's little they can add to your troubles which began the day you let the Afghan taliban onto your lands. They sure as fcuk wouldn't do so from a neighbors house with forty plus guests watching every move.

FATA boyz aren't any fools either. Join the F.C. or join the TTP? Who did you guys hold up highest? TTP were tight with the men from Afghanistan and those of FATA saw the writing on the wall and the Musharraf government waffle. That which you've sown you shall harvest. You've been doing so since the Shakai Agreement-

Five Militants Pardoned For Peaceful Life: Aliens Asked To Surrender By The 30th-DAWN April 25, 2004

There is no proof that PA or ISI lead to BM and HM's death. The only ABSOLUTE proof is that a CIA drone took him out.

The only other proof is that the pact was signed with the representative of BM and he broke it.

The rest of most posts here including AA and TK are feel good posts without substance.

There is no proof that PA or ISI lead to BM and HM's death. The only ABSOLUTE proof is that a CIA drone took him out.

The only other proof is that the pact was signed with the representative of BM and he broke it.

The rest of mosts posts are feel good posts without substance.


Wow, if CIA is that good to have found BM on its own, then they should have no problems in finding OBL, AL Zahwiri, Mullah Omar and the Afghan Taliban leadership. SO why don't they ??

Why couldn't they do that in 9 years time, if they are so damn good ???

ISI is making these strikes so successful, otherwise, the CIA led strikes led to more collateral damage compared to eliminating the number of terrorists.
Do look into the situation and circumstances which lead to the pact, if you can't then please don't mention it.

And as for our blindness, the world becomes blind when something is for not of their concern or meaning, if it is, then their blindness goes away.

So similarly, when our strategic goals are infront of us, we will become blind, same as when US, UK and other of their puppets go blind.

If you blame us for pacts, i believe same is being done by your side and even has done it for the last many years in Afghanistan.

I do remember how the Italians paid the local taliban for not attacking them till their deployment, so what is that called ?? bribe, pact or what ???

Through the same US and world's aid money, the locals, NGOs bribe & do pacts with the taliban to not attack them.

So carrot and stick policy is being used by you also, if we do, then don't cry like little babies or bring in the blindness thing, as you guys then become blind when do the same things, but when we do, then the blindness goes away.

Get your own house in order, then come and tell us.

Do show some hypocrisy, but not by crossing the limits.

I am not sure what you are crossing swords over ?

Most of your statements indirectly or directly support my contentions that are

1. Gen Pasha's statement shows that he considered TTP an asset once upon a time! He go it VERY WRONG.

2. GOP preferred handing the hydra BM its territory in order to curry favor and strategic depth! They got it very wrong.

3. The TOP leadership of the Good Taliban has made deep inroads in Pakistan civil society which till date you have all denied which was exposed by Mullah Brothers arrest! Hence atleast most here got it wrong.

4. Good Taliban will never attack PA? The jury is out on this after Mullah Brothers arrest.

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Wow, if CIA is that good to have found BM on its own, then they should have no problems in finding OBL, AL Zahwiri, Mullah Omar and the Afghan Taliban leadership. SO why don't they ??

Why couldn't they do that in 9 years time, if they are so damn good ???

ISI is making these strikes so successful, otherwise, the CIA led strikes led to more collateral damage compared to eliminating the number of terrorists.

And how can we forget that the good old CIA took their sweet time in taking out BM, and wanted nothing to do with him when he was openly killing the PA soldiers and civilians. Only after the PA took action against him and the pig was close to being caught he was taken out.
"Oh yes the mighty american out of arguments and all he can now resort to is personal insults."

It wasn't I that called linked sources "garbage".

"P!ss off but why am I arguing with a jar head."

You're not. "jar head" is a U.S. Marine. You are having your azz kicked by a former U.S. Army officer. You are a civilian puke.

"Why done you go join your comrads and do what you all do best kill innocent people and indulge in gay fantacies of your."

Afghan taliban killed two-thirds of all afghan civilians last year. Google UNAMA as you've proved to me you don't read. Btw, how "gay" does that make the taliban?

"Next time you respond to my post do that with respect"

Earn your respect, child.

"I didnt call you garbage which I should have. You dont agreee with me thats your right as it is mine."

I not only disagree with you, I provide a basis for that disagreement which is consistently missing from your unsupported diatribes.

Comprende puta?

Wow, if CIA is that good to have found BM on its own, then they should have no problems in finding OBL, AL Zahwiri, Mullah Omar and the Afghan Taliban leadership. SO why don't they ??

Why couldn't they do that in 9 years time, if they are so damn good ???

ISI is making these strikes so successful, otherwise, the CIA led strikes led to more collateral damage compared to eliminating the number of terrorists.

Maybe or maybe not but there is no evidence? Just curious why pass this information to the US when you donot wish drone strikes of your territory ?

Why not a good PGM from a PAF F 16 right up his throat?

Don't see you running to stake your equal claim to blame when a Drone strike goes wrong.

Just curious why do you need CIA help to arrest a crook in karachi?

"And how can we forget that the good old CIA took their sweet time in taking out BM"

Well we killed him and we killed Hakimullah Mehsud.

How much sweet time did you take with Abdul Ghani Baradar?:agree:

Silly argument. Both countries have tried their best to capture or kill these men as quickly as they could. I know America has because I've acquaintances developing intelligence for PREDATOR and they hate the TTP.

And how can we forget that the good old CIA took their sweet time in taking out BM, and wanted nothing to do with him when he was openly killing the PA soldiers and civilians. Only after the PA took action against him and the pig was close to being caught he was taken out.

See how convulated your arguments become.

TK says ISI pointed him out US who took action and now you state that he was about to be caught by PA, so just curious who in the ISI / PA betrayed his location to CIA so they could wipe out their asset before he was caught by the PA and spilled the beans?


I agree PA was just outside his house when he was taken out and thats why PA could not confirm for many weeks what happened to him.

It really cracks me up.


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