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Taliban lashing woman for listening music !

They are nutjob terrorists.

The negative impact this has on Pakistan is huge. From the point of view of exporting their ideology.

These pricks are nothing but headache for Pakistan.
Very sad affairs...

It was very known that Taliban coming to Kabul will never be good for Afghan women and the region.

Supporters were supporting for only Political gain... still unsure about benefits... because most are negative impacts only.
This is hardly lashing. It is token punishment to enforce moral ideals. Note that the backs are covered by multiple layers of cloth. Cloth that is thin burqa material, and does not even tear. Also you can make out that the man carefully positions the woman first, and checks her back carefully before begining. This is definitely to my mind a clear indication that he is checking for an undergarment padding or protection of some sort and it's outer extent before he decided where to land the lashes. Probably put on before the woman is brought in. The ease with which the woman gets up and walks off at the end, each time, is clear testament to that. Let us not demonize what is clearly a socio-cultural tradition and not what it is being made out to be in an attempt at dehumanisation.
Wow. Never heard it justified this way before.

You could have a bright future with the taliban PR department. Apply fast!
Let them do what they want it's not within our borders and doesn't affect us, we are not the world police, leave that to the USA
Very sad affairs...

It was very known that Taliban coming to Kabul will never be good for Afghan women and the region.

Supporters were supporting for only Political gain... still unsure about benefits... because most are negative impacts only.
Why didn't India come to rescue Afghan people?? and ANA ? I thought you guys were Chaddi buddies ?
Why didn't India come to rescue Afghan people?? and ANA ? I thought you guys were Chaddi buddies ?

There are millions like her. And we have opened our homes to them since the early 90s when I was in college.
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Afghans are claiming that the trouble started when a Pakistani official at a border post misbehaved with an Afghan woman. Her video went viral. And some men from the Afghan side attacked and killed the Pakistani official and two others in retaliation. This is all over the internet.
Afghan claims mean nothing because the IEA warriors are always scouting for something to cope with, sometimes it's stolen footage from Middle Eastern conflicts or years old footage, other times it's a made up story to justify their destructive chauvinism. It could be true but the chance is small given their track record.

Are you Afghan?

There are millions like her. And we have opened our homes to them since the early 90s when I was in college.
Take them all 😹👍🏻
dgaf tbh, their country their rules
just stop this stupidity from spilling over into our country (which it will...)
Why didn't India come to rescue Afghan people?? and ANA ? I thought you guys were Chaddi buddies ?

We made one-time mistake by getting involved in the Srilanka incident and learned the very hard way.

Can we say the same for Pakistan?? they are repeating the same mistakes again and again.
We made one-time mistake by getting involved in the Srilanka incident and learned the very hard way.

Can we say the same for Pakistan?? they are repeating the same mistakes again and again.
You seems to be very sad about Afghan women, why not send your troops to Afghanistan to help Ashraf Ghani Govt ?? They did your dirty work in the region, and you leave them to Taliban ?
You seems to be very sad about Afghan women, why not send your troops to Afghanistan to help Ashraf Ghani Govt ?? They did your dirty work in the region, and you leave them to Taliban ?
If India had a land corridor to Afghanistan they might try
Their country their rules...

Let them do whatever they want , just do it on other side of fence
Too bad the Taliban are not interested in keeping their brand of Islam on their side of the fence.
Afghan claims mean nothing because the IEA warriors are always scouting for something to cope with, sometimes it's stolen footage from Middle Eastern conflicts or years old footage, other times it's a made up story to justify their destructive chauvinism. It could be true but the chance is small given their track record.

Are you Afghan?

Take them all 😹👍🏻

Eventually we would happily work out a union with our Afghan brothers had we a common border with them. Which by right we should have in the form of a 100 km corridor via Gilgit Baltistan. I honestly do not know why Pakistan and India cannot have the same relations, or Pakistan and Afghanistan or Pakistan and Iran or indeed Pakistan and erstwhile East Pakistan historically. I see us liked by each and every Muslim population of note around the world. Except tragically our own blood brothers.

We made one-time mistake by getting involved in the Srilanka incident and learned the very hard way.

Can we say the same for Pakistan?? they are repeating the same mistakes again and again.

After Sri Lanka was the Maldives. Before Sri Lanka was Bhutan. And Sikkim. And East Pakistan. The Sri Lankan campaign was complicated. There were world powers arrayed against us. And an internal population with blood ties in the conflict that meant we could never treat it just as a ordinary military campaign. And all said and done, lets face it. Sri Lanka has always been difficult for us. Even historically from Lord Ram's time.

Too bad the Taliban are not interested in keeping their brand of Islam on their side of the fence.

Based on my discussions with both sides, both friends, its more a case of too bad the Taliban do not recognise the fence. Now that is tricky for the PA, especially spread thin facing us on their eastern flank. And then their troubles with the Iranians too further compounds the deployment challenges. Things not looking good with the Chinese either with the CPEC Authority being abolished effectively? Did not delve too deeply into it, but when Chinese online users start getting hostile then its a sure sign that its coming from way on top per the Party mood. Maybe not a break yet, but definite friction. And the heat that follows.

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