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Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

US & Other western forces are "occupying" Afghanistan. If US can justify killing hundreds of civilians and occupation.....then i see every reason why Talibans should fight against these murderers.......

Since when did the whole world started caring about Afghanistan? Go have a look what's happening in Zimbabwe...Mugabe is ruthlessly killing people there...why don't US or NATO invade that country and protect the people there? Let me answer it for you......that country has nothing, absolutely nothing and that's the exact reason why no one even bother reporting it, let alone invading it.

US & Nato are in Afhanistan to achieve their own interests/goals. They are not here to protect the people, as many people are claiming in this thread.

Parashuram1, so far you have only reported one side of the story. You are portraying Talibans as murderers, rapist etc. What do you think about US & Nato actions? What do you have to say about those soldiers who have raped & killed hundred of innocents people? Talk about hypocricy, eh? You can see Talibans doing this & that but you won't see what the foreign murderers have done to that country?

I have no sympathy for US soldiers......they are not there for a noble cause...and nor have done any thing special to earn my or other people's respect. They have killed countless of people and they deserve same fate.

Talibans are freedom fighters and they are fighting those a***holes who have occupied their country. How hard is it to get this in your mind?
lol, don't give me that cr@p about civilian casualties, you might want to watch this video and see what ordinary Afghanistan have to say about you people occupying their country:

YouTube - You won't see THIS on CNN: Afghan Refugee Describes Horror of US Bombings (Clip 4)

looks like its your time to leave Afghanistan:wave:
Funny enough, Afghan population is diverse with different minds and majority don't seem to want Taliban back. May I ask how would you rate that as compared to a couple of people?

As for violence "because of Americans", since when has Afghanistan been calm in last 22 years (minus the 8 years of NATO invasion)? Afghan nationals flooding Western countries as exiles and refugees, pleading our governments to take them in.. Do you think our economies are here to take care of other countries? Then what are your governments for?

We also have economies that can come under strain and if your governments cannot treat your own citizens with freedom and respect, why should we accommodate them?

For all those years before the "American done 9/11", what had either America or us Europeans done to either Afghanistan or Pakistan? Do yourself a favor and think about it.

Apart from ridiculous conspiracy theories ranging from US President ordering an attack on his own citizens, to (God knows how and why) Indians and Israelis being involved in this, I would say that USA only retaliated after being attacked on 9/11.

BTW, aren't these the same 40+ NATO countries that don't want their soldiers to die for an American cause (a false cause)?

That is because we have limited manpower and a lot of Europe's (Switzerland excluded) armies are engaged in Afghanistan, taking a heavy toll of European economies. Not because we don't agree that terrorism should go unpunished.

What's more, many terrorist plots foiled here in Europe these days (Germany being the recent and the British and French a lot of times) somehow connects to the troubled region of your borders with Afghanistan.

And please, this is not just an American cause; you have no idea regarding how the entire West cooperates with each other and stays respecting each other's culture and religion unlike some regions that we discuss.

I agree that Americans and entire NATO has done wrong things in the past, many out of big-headedness of idiotic leaders and for that they have been appropriately punished. But what is happening now is a result of promoting extremist fanaticism in the region which resulted in an unforgivable terrorist act.

Had NATO bombed and left Afghanistan and your bordering regions, right now both Afghanistan as well as your own dear country would have been engulfed in the primitive and torturous rule of the Taliban extremists and you won't be sitting here commenting on internet..since Taliban would have banned every media in your country and also been a threat to other stable democracies in the region such as your persistent enemy and neighbours, the Indians.

If NATO had not done it, Iran would have done it (please read up on how Iran was about to go on a war with Taliban for massacres of Shia minority) or if Taliban had engulfed your entire region, Indians would have taken a potential military action in response to Taliban threat.

So either ways, whether NATO had or not invaded, Taliban was going to be ousted by either of your neighbours for their terrorism.
Funny enough, Afghan population is diverse with different minds and majority don't seem to want Taliban back. May I ask how would you rate that as compared to a couple of people?

As for violence "because of Americans", since when has Afghanistan been calm in last 22 years (minus the 8 years of NATO invasion)? Afghan nationals flooding Western countries as exiles and refugees, pleading our governments to take them in.. Do you think our economies are here to take care of other countries? Then what are your governments for?

We also have economies that can come under strain and if your governments cannot treat your own citizens with freedom and respect, why should we accommodate them?

For all those years before the "American done 9/11", what had either America or us Europeans done to either Afghanistan or Pakistan? Do yourself a favor and think about it.

Apart from ridiculous conspiracy theories ranging from US President ordering an attack on his own citizens, to (God knows how and why) Indians and Israelis being involved in this, I would say that USA only retaliated after being attacked on 9/11.

That is because we have limited manpower and a lot of Europe's (Switzerland excluded) armies are engaged in Afghanistan, taking a heavy toll of European economies. Not because we don't agree that terrorism should go unpunished.

What's more, many terrorist plots foiled here in Europe these days (Germany being the recent and the British and French a lot of times) somehow connects to the troubled region of your borders with Afghanistan.

And please, this is not just an American cause; you have no idea regarding how the entire West cooperates with each other and stays respecting each other's culture and religion unlike some regions that we discuss.

I agree that Americans and entire NATO has done wrong things in the past, many out of big-headedness of idiotic leaders and for that they have been appropriately punished. But what is happening now is a result of promoting extremist fanaticism in the region which resulted in an unforgivable terrorist act.

Had NATO bombed and left Afghanistan and your bordering regions, right now both Afghanistan as well as your own dear country would have been engulfed in the primitive and torturous rule of the Taliban extremists and you won't be sitting here commenting on internet..since Taliban would have banned every media in your country and also been a threat to other stable democracies in the region such as your persistent enemy and neighbours, the Indians.

If NATO had not done it, Iran would have done it (please read up on how Iran was about to go on a war with Taliban for massacres of Shia minority) or if Taliban had engulfed your entire region, Indians would have taken a potential military action in response to Taliban threat.

So either ways, whether NATO had or not invaded, Taliban was going to be ousted by either of your neighbours for their terrorism.


you know, when i read your posts i can't help but laugh, you can say whatever you want because ground reality is different!;)
Whatever the reasons, that wasn't it. America pays for all its fuel via Kuwait. Our oil companies haven't any contracts. See who won the latest bids.

As I told other members here, I might want to agree and this is purely on the basis of the fact that neither I as a civilian nor most members here (I assume you as well) are aware of the internal matters that might have happened during the entire Iraq course. It is just an opinion. I might be wrong as well.

Oil? Sure, it's an element but only in the broader geo-economic sense. It's in America's interest to see gulf oil available to the world at market prices. We import very modest amounts from gulf states. Our navy secures sea-lanes to include the Straits of Hormuz.

Why? When our neighbors (such as Europe, Japan, S. Korea, and Taiwan as just a few examples) suffer disruptions to the flow of market-priced energy, it affects America.

There is no doubt about it at all. After all, that is the main reason why U.S maintains a CBG in the region isn't it.

No nation so benefits from the global trading system as America thus it pays for us to maintain such a system. That system is dependant on the smallest and largest having free, unfettered access to market-priced energy. No system, btw, has so benefited the world. Look at global net worth since W.W.II compared to anytime previous. Then look again since 1991 when the U.S.S.R. collapsed.

Certainly the kind of global system mentioned has benefited the world economy like never before, but I was merely pointing out that there might have been some secret dealings which are perhaps the reason for potential accusations against NATO. It until proven, remains doubtful. That's all.
Again with the that! I said I might agree with you about Iraq, But what logic does US have to occupy Afghanistan when it has base in YOUR country already? What wonders were Taliban doing before the invasion came? I didn't see empire state buildings all over Afghanistan or women freely allowed to work or be even treated by "stranger" doctors.

I work in the UN, buddy. I am aware of these things much better than you could ever be.

See you can't even stomach criticism, you resort to going off topic.

The point is that war in Afghanistan is a collective punishment to all Afghans, whether Taliban or not, they're all Afghans and they don't deserve such heinous punishment. At the end of the day ordinary Afghans are suffering and this collective punishment cannot be justifiable even if AQ is complicit in 911 and the Talibs gave them sanctuary, ordinary afghans do not deserve a decade long occupation under foreign boots.

they have every right to pick up a gun and fight off the invaders. this is a natural G-d given right that requires no permission. Read the Geneva convention you'll get a better idea.

You talk about oppressing the minorities, heck your coalition buddies are hand in glove with hiring Tajik, uzbek, etc minorities through bribes and whatnot to do your dirty work.

What moral standing does the coalition have when they hired criminal drug lords and war lords with history of mass murder on their cuffs to represent Afghanistan on your behalf?

You mentioned that you work for the UN, no wonder why UN is so incompetent and impotent when it has fools like you at their disposal.
What do you mean perfectly fine? Have you seen the condition of people there? Massacres! Its easy for you to talk when you and your family is settled in a Western country with all civic freedoms and rights. The Taliban have constantly supported terrorists, massacred even Shia and Hazara Muslims of Afghanistan and even Iran was about to go on a war with Taliban had it not been an invasion from NATO. You call that "fine"

My bad,not perfectly fine,but definitely MUCH BETTER under the Taliban regime then the USA regime,Go look up on the statistics.You talk about the Taliban having constantly supported the terrorists.What about USA backed Israel,who is considered a terrorist state for the illegal occupation of Palestine.

This is where the line between expressing opinions and supporting a terrorist organization comes. You people think that democracy means doing anything is freedom of expression. Then why have traffic laws, fines, arrests and even a police force? Why not just let everyone do anything?

Another man's terrorist can be another man's freedom fighter.If that's the case,and Don't judge me on how I see democracy.I definitely know what is democracy,and how its system takes place. Was he going around spreading rumors on this forums or misbehaving around?He merely supported the Taliban. You expect people to believe your every footstep.Just because another country call its a terrorist organisation,you expect every other country to do so.

Don't you think that so many countries have a similar conclusion after various investigations despite all being different from one another? What co-relation do you find in USA, NATO, Iran, Russia, India and China agreeing that Taliban are terrorist organization? Tell me.

That was years ago.Now times have changed,people are more opposed to the War in Afghanistan now,go look up the survey I showed you,even the Afghan feels that life became MUCH WORST before the USA came.Now show me a source that says Iran almsot wanted to invade Taliban before NATO invaded
ordinary afghans do not deserve a decade long occupation under foreign boots.

The only ones that believed the the Afghan Government is illegitimate. are those that believe in Taliban Ideology. And those that recognized the Taliban Government when they rose to power (3 countries, mostly for Geo-Political reasons).

Also perhaps you think the Afghan people deserve a life time of misery living under the Taliban?
How did SHE come to power? Is she a U.S. backed warlord too? Were there other elected women like her during the taliban regime between 1996-2001. Was ANYBODY elected then?

By asking this questions,I don't think you are understanding the point of this article I pasted here .Its to prove that even with US occupation in Afghanistan,it remains no help.Please,read the article.

For your information,she is against the Taliban, but the article I send you to is to tell you that she believes that the warlord appointed by the US,is still no different.I will ask you the very same question

Do you give any thought whatsoever to your musings before your fingers reach the keyboard?

Do you give any thought whatsoever to your musings before your fingers reach the keyboard?

Yes I do.
Lol, your the one who's denying the truth not me! But after all, like they say "Truth is bitter than the lie" and "The truth hurts most"!

BTW, aren't these the same 40+ NATO countries that don't want their soldiers to die for an American cause (a false cause)?

Sometimes,no matter how much you explain to this people,they just won't see it from your point of view.They keep looking back at the past,yes it was true,they did supported the US.But they didnt know that,the same countries,EU,now wants their troops out of their country,and lesser money spend on Afghan war,as the people of their countries stated.
Terrorism of any kind is to be condemned.

Generally, people who grip weapons, who kills others, needs to keep to themselves in their minds the possibility of being killed in return. Right or wrong. This applies to any party.

The only causes you take up are ones you believe over your life.
If you're not comfortable with the possibility of meeting the same fate that you wish to others, don't be a keyboard hero.

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The only ones that believed the the Afghan Government is illegitimate. are those that believe in Taliban Ideology. And those that recognized the Taliban Government when they rose to power (3 countries, mostly for Geo-Political reasons).

Also perhaps you think the Afghan people deserve a life time of misery living under the Taliban?

Taliban are only one group, there are more than a dozen groups fighting the coalition occupying forces, they come from all backgrounds and ethnicities and they see the govn't under the foreign boots as illegitimate, otherwise why would they be fighting the coalition forces? Your ignorance on the issue is really out of proportion.

Who rules afghanistan is up to Afghans to decide, how can you justify European/American countries deciding the fate of the Afghans through brute force and oppression?
You misread my post. I didn't talk anything about legitimacy here. I'll repeat:

Generally, people who grip weapons, who kills others, needs to keep to themselves in their minds the possibility of being killed in return. Right or wrong. This applies to any party.

I did not single out anyone.
Who rules afghanistan is up to Afghans to decide, how can you justify European/American countries deciding the fate of the Afghans through brute force and oppression?

That's quite a statement considering the brute force and oppression. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan with prior to 9/11.
"the article I send you to is to tell you that she believes that the warlord appointed by the US,is still no different."

You miss MY point. The woman is a member of a parliament of an Afghanistan in which she couldn't have had ANY voice previously. There was no parliament and women had NO voice. Afghanistan's politics are highly imperfect. No kidding. So too Pakistan's.

But it starts with imperfect politics. Education and continuously scheduled elections are the key to transformation and it won't be radical nor overnight any more than it shall in Pakistan. It will be evolutionary change.

Absent such, however, you have no alternative as a citizen of either but to be ruled by the power of the gun. Plain and simple. Those are your alternatives. In Afghanistan democracy will be supported or it shall be a theocratic autocracy that is medieval. In point of fact, the largest warlords in Afghanistan are the taliban. For Pakistan, democracy or a return to another military junta.

Democracy offers the hope of change consistent with the desires of the populace. Neither of the other two are paths forward. The evidence of such is before you with respect to both already.

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You miss MY point. The woman is an member of a parliament of an Afghanistan in which she couldn't have had ANY voice previously. There was no parliament and women had NO voice. Afghanistan's politics are highly imperfect. No kidding. So too Pakistan's.

But it starts with imperfect politics. Education and continuously scheduled elections are the key to transformation and it won't be radical nor overnight any more than it shall in Pakistan. It will be evolutionary change.

Absent such, however, you have no alternative as a citizen of either but to be ruled by the power of the gun. Plain and simple. Those are your alternatives. In Afghanistan democracy will be supported or it shall be a theocratic autocracy that is medieval. In point of fact, the largest warlords in Afghanistan are the taliban. For Pakistan, democracy or a return to another military junta.

Democracy offers the hope of change consistent with the desires of the populace. Neither of the other two are paths forward. The evidence of such is before you with respect to both already.

Man,really,you are going off topic S-2.You are missing out my real point for showing you this article here.

Ok let say,yes I do agree with you,democracy has entered Afghanistan,and its a positive change.At least a good start,But this doesn't mean other troubles are solved either.

For example Opium trade was at its highest and is responsible for 90% of growing drugs in Afghanistan, increased instability in the region and more.

But the fact I do not understand is,what is the real point of USA invading Afghanistan.Is it was the fact the people there were oppressed?Is it was the fact that Osama Bin Laden is located there and to avenge for the 9/11 incident which was reportedly to be that "they hated freedom",or was it for other strategic purposes.

And if you really cared for the fact,that the women are not facing enough freedom, or there is freedom right abuse,why wouldn't you target countries such as Somalia,why Afghanistan.Think about it

Education is important and I do agree with you,but to achieve that,there must be stability of the region.And,seeing how it is going,its going to take much longer than expected to achieve that.
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