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Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

Since you are all so opposed to the idea of NATO and Western countries and their 'terrorism', why don't you openly hold a consensus and tell the US government to withdraw and that you want Taliban to stay? Why pretend to support the other countries who are needlessly losing so many soldiers? After all, Germany, France and other European states have done nothing to you. You hate the US, then tell the NATO to clear off.
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All those suicide bombings, killing of the civilians, killing of the teachers, killing of the jounalists, blowing up school kids etc dont look true to you? if you dont believe this then you shouldnt believe what the TTP do either, otherwise you are nothing but a hypocrate.

Does that include yourself too, as drone attacks which kill children and women also fall into this.

Anyways, please don;t hide behind a UN flag and add your location and then lets see where your country stands ethically huh...........
Religious glasses?They were perfectly fine under the Afghan Taliban.Ever since the coalition forces came,they made life even worst.No mother wished her son to be a fighter,but when they are faced with such circumstances,a foreign invader,they wouldn't mind giving birth to many sons,to be a freedom fighter

What do you mean perfectly fine? Have you seen the condition of people there? Massacres! Its easy for you to talk when you and your family is settled in a Western country with all civic freedoms and rights. The Taliban have constantly supported terrorists, massacred even Shia and Hazara Muslims of Afghanistan and even Iran was about to go on a war with Taliban had it not been an invasion from NATO. You call that "fine"?

There are two type of Taliban,Afghan and TTP.Even the Afghan Taliban admitted they are not related to TTP,but back to the topic.Whatever the Pakistani French guy was saying,which is actually my whole points is that its his view,he has his rights to express his opinions on this forum.

This is where the line between expressing opinions and supporting a terrorist organization comes. You people think that democracy means doing anything is freedom of expression. Then why have traffic laws, fines, arrests and even a police force? Why not just let everyone do anything?

You tend to take the words of a terrorist organization that half the world is opposed to, rather than the words of someone who has documented the very atrocities of these barbarians?

Don't you think that so many countries have a similar conclusion after various investigations despite all being different from one another? What co-relation do you find in USA, NATO, Iran, Russia, India and China agreeing that Taliban are terrorist organization? Tell me.

For the people of Afghanistan and us both are wrong

Did the people of Afghanistan 'demand' their wonderful government to extradite a terrorist that the United States demanded? All the conspiracy theories that are here on this site regarding how "Foreigners are invading Muslim countries" is just seriously laughable.

Afghan people are opposed to US troops opening a military base in their country, not ridding them off the Taliban. You seem to represent entire Afghanistan.. amusing. Till yesterday, Afghan women couldn't breathe fresh air outside, couldn't move outside at their free will, couldn't even get treated by a "stranger" doctor and men couldn't roam free without having beards or covering their heads with turbans. No music, internet, information, amusement, media, channels etc and now you are telling me that foreigners "invaded" Afghanistan for selfish gains? This shows you don't know half of what life is under the Taliban. You wouldn't be talking like this if you lived as a woman under the Taliban rule.

We also have Afghan refugees here in Switzerland, in small numbers but they are here. Just come and ask them the difference they feel after the invasion and before the invasion. You will know.

Taliban as well as US/NATO soldiers who have invaded a country for own interests.

FYI NATO has more than 100 bases all around the world and that includes Asia.

They have even used your country as a base numerous times. If they already have a pact with your government, why would they needlessly invade your immediate neighbour? Don't you think its idiotic waste of resources to just invade another resource-less, barren country for absolutely no relative gains?

I might want to agree that the Iraq invasion might have been for material gains of Iraq's oil-rich terrain. But what justification do you have for Afghanistan?
Since you are all so opposed to the idea of NATO and Western countries and their 'terrorism', why don't you openly hold a consensus and tell the US government to withdraw and that you want Taliban to stay? Why pretend to support the other countries who are needlessly losing so many soldiers? After all, Germany, France and other European states have done nothing to you. You hate the US, then tell the NATO to clear off.

Have you heard the word Occupation?

For the love of God do yourself a favour go look up in the dictionary.

Iraq is under a foreign occupation, so is Palestine and now Afghanistan.

Occupation breeds fundamentalism and resistance and reactionary politics, its an undeniable political fact.

Under any foreign occupation resistance is inevitable and justifiable, even under the Geneva conventions. Ever read the Geneva conventions?

Germany France and other European forces are all "Occupying" forces. If you justify occupation, then you must be prepared to hear counter arguments that justify or applaud Talibs/Afghans/natives killing the occupiers.

And if you can't stomach people justifying killings of your soldiers, then go demand your govn't to pull out your troops, that's the only way they'll be safe.

Get off that moral high horse and face reality.
Again with the that! I said I might agree with you about Iraq, But what logic does US have to occupy Afghanistan when it has base in YOUR country already? What wonders were Taliban doing before the invasion came? I didn't see empire state buildings all over Afghanistan or women freely allowed to work or be even treated by "stranger" doctors.

Under any foreign occupation resistance is inevitable and justifiable, even under the Geneva conventions. Ever read the Geneva conventions?

I work in the UN, buddy. I am aware of these things much better than you could ever be. Since when does the NATO map include Afghanistan and Iraq to call it a declared occupation? This is occupation is just a result of over-cooked conspiracy theories by extremists in your country as I take notice here in this forum. Many members admire illogical and totally unacceptable statements so willingly!

I was speaking from a general perspective and since we are a neutral country, I am not worried what NATO has to do or not to do or what the Pakistani government and citizenship feels. However, supporting extremist terrorism like the Taliban have shown in their many documentaries, an audio-visual proof, is wrong and irrespective of religion is against Humanity.

Might I remind you that the flight of numerous minorities to your neighbourhood was because of a very similar ideology that the Taliban offshoot in your country has been operating on. In the end, it is your responsibility as a Pakistani national to establish peace in your area of the world such that it doesn't adversely affect either you or your surrounding regions.
I can find no credible sources that this attack even happened. anyone have a link from a major news source and not some blog?
What do you mean perfectly fine? Have you seen the condition of people there? Massacres! Its easy for you to talk when you and your family is settled in a Western country with all civic freedoms and rights. The Taliban have constantly supported terrorists, massacred even Shia and Hazara Muslims of Afghanistan and even Iran was about to go on a war with Taliban had it not been an invasion from NATO. You call that "fine"?

This is where the line between expressing opinions and supporting a terrorist organization comes. You people think that democracy means doing anything is freedom of expression. Then why have traffic laws, fines, arrests and even a police force? Why not just let everyone do anything?

You tend to take the words of a terrorist organization that half the world is opposed to, rather than the words of someone who has documented the very atrocities of these barbarians?

Don't you think that so many countries have a similar conclusion after various investigations despite all being different from one another? What co-relation do you find in USA, NATO, Iran, Russia, India and China agreeing that Taliban are terrorist organization? Tell me.


Did the people of Afghanistan 'demand' their wonderful government to extradite a terrorist that the United States demanded? All the conspiracy theories that are here on this site regarding how "Foreigners are invading Muslim countries" is just seriously laughable.

Afghan people are opposed to US troops opening a military base in their country, not ridding them off the Taliban. You seem to represent entire Afghanistan.. amusing. Till yesterday, Afghan women couldn't breathe fresh air outside, couldn't move outside at their free will, couldn't even get treated by a "stranger" doctor and men couldn't roam free without having beards or covering their heads with turbans. No music, internet, information, amusement, media, channels etc and now you are telling me that foreigners "invaded" Afghanistan for selfish gains? This shows you don't know half of what life is under the Taliban. You wouldn't be talking like this if you lived as a woman under the Taliban rule.

We also have Afghan refugees here in Switzerland, in small numbers but they are here. Just come and ask them the difference they feel after the invasion and before the invasion. You will know.

FYI NATO has more than 100 bases all around the world and that includes Asia.

They have even used your country as a base numerous times. If they already have a pact with your government, why would they needlessly invade your immediate neighbour? Don't you think its idiotic waste of resources to just invade another resource-less, barren country for absolutely no relative gains?

I might want to agree that the Iraq invasion might have been for material gains of Iraq's oil-rich terrain. But what justification do you have for Afghanistan?

Omg, i'm speechless! This is soo much BS in one post that i'm left wondering if you have a brain or not!

You might want to check post #30 to get educated about Taliban!
Read the UNAMA data on civilian casualties. Your taliban can't help but kill afghan civilians at a rate of nearly 3:1 over ISAF. That is, at least when they aren't hiding behind the skirts of afghan women and using them for shields.

Can you read? Here-

UNAMA Press Release On Civilian Casualties 2009

Don't strain your eyes even though the truth may hurt an irhabist apologist like yourself.

i know who are TTP terroristes (don't call them talibs plese)"

Fool. For what do you think TTP stands? Let me help you-Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan:rolleyes:

What you saw in SWAT and Buner and what the people of FATA have lived under for seven years is what the Afghan people experienced daily between 1996 and 2001 under taliban rule. They are one and the same. You know it. Jana knows it. We all know it.

You would happily foist on the afghans that which you won't accept for yourselves in Pakistan. That is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy and cruelty.

You don't argue well. We'll part here as you're undeserving of any more my time. Opposition is one thing. Stupidity and opposition is intolerable. There's an old adage-don’t argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Whoever said that must have met you.

"Shes an Afghan MP that speaks about the US-backed warlords currently in power,which is still no change from the current Taliban".

Fascinating. She must be an accomplished woman. I'm impressed.

How did SHE come to power? Is she a U.S. backed warlord too? Were there other elected women like her during the taliban regime between 1996-2001. Was ANYBODY elected then?

Do you give any thought whatsoever to your musings before your fingers reach the keyboard?:lol:

Omg, i'm speechless! This is soo much BS in one post that i'm left wondering if you have a brain or not!

You might want to check post #30 to get educated about Taliban!
Deny all you want to, buddy. The world doesn't think of it that way. Now you might want to ask that 40+ totally different countries are crazy with their experiences/ analysis/ conclusions reaching same agreement on Taliban or is there something not checked by the Pakistanis.

Feel free to disagree.
Read the UNAMA data on civilian casualties. Your taliban can't help but kill afghan civilians at a rate of nearly 3:1 over ISAF. That is, at least when they aren't hiding behind the skirts of afghan women and using them for shields.

Can you read? Here-

UNAMA Press Release On Civilian Casualties 2009

Don't strain your eyes even though the truth may hurt an irhabist apologist like yourself.

i know who are TTP terroristes (don't call them talibs plese)"

Fool. For what do you think TTP stands? Let me help you-Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan:rolleyes:

What you saw in SWAT and Buner and what the people of FATA have lived under for seven years is what the Afghan people experienced daily between 1996 and 2001 under taliban rule. They are one and the same. You know it. Jana knows it. We all know it.

You would happily foist on the afghans that which you won't accept for yourselves in Pakistan. That is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy and cruelty.

You don't argue well. We'll part here as you're undeserving of any more my time. Opposition is one thing. Stupidity and opposition is intolerable. There's an old adage-don’t argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Whoever said that must have met you.


lol, don't give me that cr@p about civilian casualties, you might want to watch this video and see what ordinary Afghanistan have to say about you people occupying their country:

looks like its your time to leave Afghanistan:wave:
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Deny all you want to, buddy. The world doesn't think of it that way. Now you might want to ask that 40+ totally different countries are crazy with their experiences/ analysis/ conclusions reaching same agreement on Taliban or is there something not checked by the Pakistanis.

Feel free to disagree.

Lol, your the one who's denying the truth not me! But after all, like they say "Truth is bitter than the lie" and "The truth hurts most"!

BTW, aren't these the same 40+ NATO countries that don't want their soldiers to die for an American cause (a false cause)?
"Shes an Afghan MP that speaks about the US-backed warlords currently in power,which is still no change from the current Taliban".

Fascinating. She must be an accomplished woman. I'm impressed.

How did SHE come to power? Is she a U.S. backed warlord too? Were there other elected women like her during the taliban regime between 1996-2001. Was ANYBODY elected then?

Do you give any thought whatsoever to your musings before your fingers reach the keyboard?:lol:

Fascinating. She must be an accomplished woman. I'm impressed. How did SHE come to power? Is she a U.S. backed warlord too? Were there other elected women like her during the taliban regime between 1996-2001. Was ANYBODY elected then?

Some people have a short memory span about the cages they were recently released from. I would say that barring the fact of sending a message across, the NATO has wasted its useful manpower on those who were proud of Taliban.

Ironically, this is not the mindset of majority of Afghans, as many honorable members claim here..LOLZ.

Do you give any thought whatsoever to your musings before your fingers reach the keyboard?

I doubt he does that.
"I might want to agree that the Iraq invasion might have been for material gains of Iraq's oil-rich terrain."

Whatever the reasons, that wasn't it. America pays for all its fuel via Kuwait. Our oil companies haven't any contracts. See who won the latest bids.

Oil? Sure, it's an element but only in the broader geo-economic sense. It's in America's interest to see gulf oil available to the world at market prices. We import very modest amounts from gulf states. Our navy secures sea-lanes to include the Straits of Hormuz. Why? When our neighbors (such as Europe, Japan, S. Korea, and Taiwan as just a few examples) suffer disruptions to the flow of market-priced energy, it affects America.

No nation so benefits from the global trading system as America thus it pays for us to maintain such a system. That system is dependant on the smallest and largest having free, unfettered access to market-priced energy. No system, btw, has so benefited the world. Look at global net worth since W.W.II compared to anytime previous. Then look again since 1991 when the U.S.S.R. collapsed.

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