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Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

Huh.. I would like to first see the face of a mother who lets her sons conduct such acts of horrors as Talibans. No true mother would ever want her son to be like a Taliban ever. How can you all support them after the kind of inhuman treatment they gave the Afghans? Didn't you see the condition of young women, men and children there? Why do all you see them with religious glasses on?

Religious glasses?They were perfectly fine under the Afghan Taliban.Ever since the coalition forces came,they made life even worst.No mother wished her son to be a fighter,but when they are faced with such circumstances,a foreign invader,they wouldn't mind giving birth to many sons,to be a freedom fighter

Friend, aren't there thieves, murderers etc in Pakistan? Do they go unpunished because they are also of your faith? Please think about this logically. This is a simple example to make you see what the Taliban is. You won't be able to live one day under Taliban, now that you are living in Singapore.

This is not about my faith,or being a Muslim.I do not see this in a religious point of view,as being brought up in a multi racial and religious society.I look this from my OWN humanistic perspective.I do not know about Pakistan,but im sure they wont base justice on religious wise
How can you compare the French soldier who is here fighting for someone else versus Taliban who despite being of same religion, same race etc, are brutalizing entire subcontinent including your homeland of Pakistan?

If that is the case,why is people opposing the war?

In January 2009, an independent analysis by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington D.C. found that "the majority of Afghans are now deeply opposed to the foreign troops on their soil" and that the presence of a foreign occupier in Afghanistan is the single most important factor behind the Afghan insurgency

There are two type of Taliban,Afghan and TTP.Even the Afghan Taliban admitted they are not related to TTP,but back to the topic.Whatever the Pakistani French guy was saying,which is actually my whole points is that its his view,he has his rights to express his opinions on this forum.

Even I myself,totally do not believe about the 9/11 incident after having done some analysis myself.You do not see my putting my beliefs on other?I am neither supporting the Americans,neither am i supporting the Taliban.
And you sit in a Western country, living of Western benefits and yet cursing NATO forces? What do you say about your hypocrisy?

RIP to the dead from Both Sides.

For the people of Afghanistan and us both are wrong. Taliban as well as US/NATO soliders who have invaded a country for own interests.

We have no different opinion for both.

Whats your views on world war I and II?

Indeed your hero is my terrorist and my hero is your terrorist.
Huh.. I would like to first see the face of a mother who lets her sons conduct such acts of horrors as Talibans. No true mother would ever want her son to be like a Taliban ever. How can you all support them after the kind of inhuman treatment they gave the Afghans? Didn't you see the condition of young women, men and children there? Why do all you see them with religious glasses on?

Friend, aren't there thieves, murderers etc in Pakistan? Do they go unpunished because they are also of your faith? Please think about this logically. This is a simple example to make you see what the Taliban is. You won't be able to live one day under Taliban, now that you are living in Singapore.

How can you compare the French soldier who is here fighting for someone else versus Taliban who despite being of same religion, same race etc, are brutalizing entire subcontinent including your homeland of Pakistan?

Ahhh dear dont talk about horrors . What US backed terrorists are doing in Palestine and arround the world is also a point to ponder and in the same breath we would also like to see the face of such mothers who bore sons who are part of US, NATO led terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq and so on.
"So what about the mother of a Taliban soldier?Do you want them to spit on you?"

Read the story and tell me if this taliban mother will be spitting in my face. Her son, btw, operates in both Pakistan AND Afghanistan sending his youngest sister to be a suicide bomber in AFGHANISTAN.

Bombs And Beatings: Life Among The Taliban-BBC Feb. 5, 2010

"There are two type of Taliban,Afghan and TTP.Even the Afghan Taliban admitted they are not related to TTP,but back to the topic."

That view explains much. You managed to miss the taliban's rule in Afghanistan between 1996-2001 yet the parallels to their conduct in SWAT and Buner were perfectly symmetrical. No difference in function. They inflict their misery without regard to borders but you find convenient distinction.

Omar is no fool. Nor Haqqani and Hekmatyar. They enjoy sanctuary...for now. As such, they're careful to not rock the boat. The boat will be rocked regardless and already Pakistani army forces have had clashes with elements of Haqqani's men in North Waziristan.

Clear, therefore, that you're happy to foist on the afghans that which you won't accept for yourself in Pakistan. Why? Do Afghans deserve less? Afghans accept the taliban everywhere that the taliban can point a gun without interference.

You likely would refuse to acknowledge what all know-that is the afghan taliban have killed more afghan civilians than the ISAF forces you clearly despise. Too bad. The facts are clear enough to those that google or actually read threads carefully before spouting their half-baked untruths.

Last year the afghan taliban killed 1630 of 2412 dead afghan civilians according to U.N.A.M.A. Do you even KNOW who UNAMA might be? If so, google the info. I could easily provide it but I prefer that you learn how to debate with facts rather than myths.

You don't know SH!T about your immediate neighbors to the west other than you'd love to see them dominated by a taliban government that's never submitted to elections and never intends such. They know they'd lose.

ISAF operates in Afghanistan under a mandate from the U.N. and by the invitation of an Afghan government recognized by the government of Pakistan and the rest of the world. That's more than adequate legitimacy for ISAF's stabilization mission.

The taliban operate today without the recognition of a SINGLE COUNTRY throughout the world. Not even Pakistan, Saudi Arabia nor the U.A.E. They are outlaws by any definition of the word.

Who's side are you on, Ameer?

Read the story and tell me if this taliban mother will be spitting in my face. Her son, btw, operates in both Pakistan AND Afghanistan sending his youngest sister to be a suicide bomber in AFGHANISTAN.

I have read the story before,and this is just one side of the claim.There are many more to it then just this article.

Read this articleThe US has Returned Fundamentalism to Afghanistan: Afghan MP speaks about the US-backed warlords currently in power | The Dominion

Shes an Afghan MP that speaks about the US-backed warlords currently in power,which is still no change from the current Taliban.

Seriously,I don't get the whole point of your whole message,seriously.What are you trying to prove?Iam only trying to defend that he could say whatever he wanted,because the War on Afghanistan is most probably a conspiracy in his OPINION.

You likely would refuse to acknowledge what all know-that is the afghan taliban have killed more afghan civilians than the ISAF forces you clearly despise

Last year the afghan taliban killed 1630 of 2412 dead afghan civilians according to U.N.A.M.A. Do you even KNOW who UNAMA might be? If so, google the info. I could easily provide it but I prefer that you learn how to debate with facts rather than myths.

Do not make generalizations about what I acknowledge and what I don't,and I am definitely aware of the civilians death rates caused by both Taliban and USA.
Who's side are you on, Ameer?

I am definitely not on the USA side,and I am definitely not supporting the TTP.No offence,but after all the hypocrisy the American Govt have done,I have no faith in them,and before we begin,can you please try to prove your point again?Cos I do no understand your argument
Forget about who is who this is not the business of any American.

The main point is Americans are the invaders. They got eggs on their face once again and now want to have some face saving. When you agreed to talk to Taliban then have the courage not to show a double face.

Lets see with massive air-strikes how much Taliban you will kill and how many civilians you kill who will curse you forever and you will see no end to your foolishness
I've no tolerance for my enemies. PWFI is a clear enemy of my nation and is also a clear enemy of the Afghan people. He'd foist upon Afghans that which he won't accept for himself in Pakistan or France. If he DOES accept such in either of those countries, then he's the enemy of every good Pakistani here.

I have no hard feeling towards America or Americans!

Your wrong, Pakistanis are increasingly becoming more Islamist type than western "secular" minded! It has even been noted by Semour Hersh (spelling?) that in his latest visit to Pakistan, he met with many senior and junior Pakistani military officials and unlike before they didn't offer him Wine or any alcohol beverage but instead plain Tea!

He also noticed that most middle class Pakistani youth are also turning more religious and "antiAmerican"!

And this is happening all thanks to good o'l Uncle Sam and his policies towards Pakistan and the Muslims;)!

Haven't you noticed, that ever since America invaded Afghanistan and imposed this corrupt western democratic government on us, Pakistani people have become more Anti-American? Studies show that most Pakistanis consider America a much bigger threat than india and the TTP!

Your country is falling apart, your soldiers are dying for a false cause, and you want to push on! Lol, be my guest:welcome:, your only digging your own grave in the same graveyard that the Persians, Macedonians, Mongols, British, and the Soviets are buried in!

The thing is, you Americans think you can get whatever you want whenever you want, wherever you want, and its this arrogance of yours that is destroying you and that will bring you down to your knees! But how can i forget, your already on your knees begging Taliban and Pakistan to give you a safe exit!

Mind your own damned business, fool, and learn to read.

Last time i checked in history its you people who can't keep your noses out of others business!

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Ameer219, Jana and Silent Ninja:
That was a very decent way of arguing but I am afraid this Guy does not undertand this language. I wud have replied in a very different manner to his calling me and others fools.
I feel he is trying to unnerve me - only he doesn't know is I am not made of the stuff that flinches.
Next time he tries to kick any one around - just kick him hard where sun don't shine and consequences be damned.

Jana nice to see you again after a long time
oki oki calm down babys, i think i have missed a lot of comments against my comment"good job talibs" !

First of all i really don't need any lecture on talibs from any idiot ,i know who are TTP terroristes (don't call them talibs plese) and who are afgan talibs!

Americans perhaps don't know every afgan is a talibs,(talibs=freedome fighter) NATO have killed and continu to kill thousand of civilian=creation of talibs!

Better is to keep quiet when you don't know the reality! =) Hope my comment will help lot of idiots,who still belive they will defete afgan talibs by force! LONG LIFE PAKISTAN ARMY AND AFGAN TALIBANS!
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Casualties are always expected and no doubt the Taliban have suffered some also.

I personally don't support Western presence in Afghanistan hence will not curse the Taliban either as I do not know about the stories pointed out about the Taliban are true or not and the evidence for 9/11 is lame to say the least, the evidence that has been made public.

However, I wish the families of the dead soldiers (and never forget, soldiers too have a family waiting for them along with kids who are eager to see their parents return) and the family of the Taliban fighters my sincere condolences.
And you sit in a Western country, living of Western benefits and yet cursing NATO forces? What do you say about your hypocrisy?

IF you have a brain plese use it(not offence)
Casualties are always expected and no doubt the Taliban have suffered some also.

I personally don't support Western presence in Afghanistan hence will not curse the Taliban either as I do not know about the stories pointed out about the Taliban are true or not and the evidence for 9/11 is lame to say the least, the evidence that has been made public.

However, I wish the families of the dead soldiers (and never forget, soldiers too have a family waiting for them along with kids who are eager to see their parents return) and the family of the Taliban fighters my sincere condolences.

All those suicide bombings, killing of the civilians, killing of the teachers, killing of the jounalists, blowing up school kids etc dont look true to you? if you dont believe this then you shouldnt believe what the TTP do either, otherwise you are nothing but a hypocrate.
oki oki calm down babys, i think i have missed a lot of comments against my comment"good job talibs" !

First of all i really don't need any lecture on talibs from any idiot ,i know who are TTP terroristes (don't call them talibs plese) and who are afgan talibs!

Americans perhaps don't know every afgan is a talibs,(talibs=freedome fighter) NATO have killed and continu to kill thousand of civilian=creation of talibs!

Better is to keep quiet when you don't know the reality! =) Hope my comment will help lot of idiots,who still belive they will defete afgan talibs by force! LONG LIFE PAKISTAN ARMY AND AFGAN TALIBANS!

this is called hypocracy, you dont want the taliban and their crimes for yourself but you want it for the afghans.
I personally don't support Western presence in Afghanistan hence will not curse the Taliban either as I do not know about the stories pointed out about the Taliban are true or not and the evidence for 9/11 is lame to say the least, the evidence that has been made public.

The false propaganda by the west is all lies! if you want to know the Truth about the Taliban and what happened from their point of view then i suggest you go to this thread:


And i recommend the above thread to S-2 and other members who have no clue about the reality of Taliban!
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