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Taking PMLN lies about Chinese investment & Presidential visit to the cleaners

Didn't get it, how you are replying me with photoshop? Check my references.
Mine was a summary of what you said ...Mind you it is refreshing to notice how the FAO just copied pasted what FO of China wrote on their website...lovely no idea who copied whom but neither stated any dates so to say they postponed something which was to be in mid sept (if later this mth means later than 6th I would assume it is mid sept)...anyway, were that the case, you cant pin this on dharna.....coz dharna may or may not still be going in mid of this week ....basically BS media at work again...

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Postponement of President Xi Jinping's Visit to Pakistan
Q: It is reported that the Pakistani side announced that President Xi Jinping's visit to Pakistan has been postponed. Please confirm that.

A: China and Pakistan have been maintaining communication for some time on President's Xi Jinping's state visit to Pakistan in mid September, and have made productive preparation for this visit. In view of the current political situation in Pakistan, the Governments of China and Pakistan have mutually agreed to postponement of the state visit of President Xi Jinping to Pakistan, which was scheduled to take place later this month. New dates for President Xi Jinping's visit to Pakistan, at an early date, are being finalized through diplomatic channels.

I don't.. I just want the system to keep running, and improvements will come what's so ever. It's meant to happen. May be tomorrow
How exactly will improvements "come" when they havent waltz in the past 60 yrs of Pakistan's life??

Its not man-o-salwa you know that it will "come" on its own...

Have you heard of this:

"God helps those who help themselves"...If you dont move a finger food aint gonna fly in your mouth even if its written as your rizkh! You have to move and do something to make something happen!
Mine was a summary of what you said ...Mind you it is refreshing to notice how the FAO just copied pasted what FO of China wrote on their website...lovely no idea who copied whom but neither stated any dates so to say they postponed something which was to be in mid sept (if later this mth means later than 6th I would assume it is mid sept)...anyway, were that the case, you cant pin this on dharna.....coz dharna may or may not still be going in mid of this week ....basically BS media at work again...

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Postponement of President Xi Jinping's Visit to Pakistan
Q: It is reported that the Pakistani side announced that President Xi Jinping's visit to Pakistan has been postponed. Please confirm that.

A: China and Pakistan have been maintaining communication for some time on President's Xi Jinping's state visit to Pakistan in mid September, and have made productive preparation for this visit. In view of the current political situation in Pakistan, the Governments of China and Pakistan have mutually agreed to postponement of the state visit of President Xi Jinping to Pakistan, which was scheduled to take place later this month. New dates for President Xi Jinping's visit to Pakistan, at an early date, are being finalized through diplomatic channels.

Mid Sept and Later this month are two different things,lolz and when both are mentioning due to political situation in Pakistan, still you need more explanation? Ohh please spare me.. I am fine, if you are fine with your own definitions :)

How exactly will improvements "come" when they havent waltz in the past 60 yrs of Pakistan's life??

Its not man-o-salwa you know that it will "come" on its own...

Have you heard of this:

"God helps those who help themselves"...If you dont move a finger food aint gonna fly in your mouth even if its written as your rizkh! You have to move and do something to make something happen!

I explained you in some different thread. How exactly it's past 60 years? out of 68 years 60% of the time we were ruled by Army, and then the monsters created by Army again. What I see (I guess you missed) first time a democratic government complete it's tenor, and handed over the another democratic team (which is what our constitutions says, which is actually democracy) and voting pattern clearly throughout previous winner. Almost all the PPP vote went into PTI or PML-N bucket. And we know if this tenor finish with bad governance by PML-N, then they will also be thrown out.

God definitely help those who help themselves. And Helping themselves doesn't mean you start destroying the system and expecting something good out of it.

All systems (Communism, Democracy, Khilfah,etc) are good, until they have a process to correct issues.

And last not the least, if you want to bring religion into this, then you need to know that Democracy basis is wrong, Pakistan runs own Riba, and I know what you gonna say, you mean it's fine to be behind playboy, who is doing mujra to make his rally a success?
Mid Sept and Later this month are two different things,lolz and when both are mentioning due to political situation in Pakistan, still you need more explanation? Ohh please spare me.. I am fine, if you are fine with your own definitions
Pry do tell me what does later this month mean when the post is dated 6th September? :pop:

I explained you in some different thread. How exactly it's past 60 years? out of 68 years 60% of the time we were ruled by Army, and then the monsters created by Army again. What I see (I guess you missed) first time a democratic government complete it's tenor, and handed over the another democratic team (which is what our constitutions says, which is actually democracy) and voting pattern clearly throughout previous winner. Almost all the PPP vote went into PTI or PML-N bucket. And we know if this tenor finish with bad governance by PML-N, then they will also be thrown out.
Do you actually think so? I mean we chose PPP for how many years to come loot us? :pop:

When does awaam actually learn? Some drug they are on! Its called illiteracy and hunger! A mixture of the 2 leads many to vote for any who will answer the 2nd even if it is 1 plate of biryani!

God definitely help those who help themselves. And Helping themselves doesn't mean you start destroying the system and expecting something good out of it.
How is pointing out its flaws breaking it? Breaking had already started from PPP and is still going on...maybe many maybe blind to that underground form of breaking!

All systems (Communism, Democracy, Khilfah,etc) are good, until they have a process to correct issues.
Sorry I dont believe so...Each system has a flaw which is called the Human....when he is wrong the whole system goes down the drain with him...either remove him (resignation) or renew the system to remove him itself (anti-corruption)

Latter isnt happening anytime soon and hopefully 1st part happens soon!

And last not the least, if you want to bring religion into this, then you need to know that Democracy basis is wrong, Pakistan runs own Riba, and I know what you gonna say, you mean it's fine to be behind playboy, who is doing mujra to make his rally a success?
Nope...I wouldnt mind throwing him out or back to his charity works (which mind you are really good...) as soon as he manages to throw this bigger piece of garbage out.
Pry do tell me what does later this month mean when the post is dated 6th September? :pop:

Do you actually think so? I mean we chose PPP for how many years to come loot us? :pop:

When does awaam actually learn? Some drug they are on! Its called illiteracy and hunger! A mixture of the 2 leads many to vote for any who will answer the 2nd even if it is 1 plate of biryani!

How is pointing out its flaws breaking it? Breaking had already started from PPP and is still going on...maybe many maybe blind to that underground form of breaking!

Sorry I dont believe so...Each system has a flaw which is called the Human....when he is wrong the whole system goes down the drain with him...either remove him (resignation) or renew the system to remove him itself (anti-corruption)

Latter isnt happening anytime soon and hopefully 1st part happens soon!

Nope...I wouldnt mind throwing him out or back to his charity works (which mind you are really good...) as soon as he manages to throw this bigger piece of garbage out.

Will discuss this later some time, but let me explain two main points.

1) If system continue running then it will fix itself, we have example of Singapore (even with corruption it's growing), India (Even with corruption it grew tremendously), China was also corrupt in 1957 check where are they now. Why USA is so stable? Since their political setup is stable. Other examples we can go with on n on, Ukraine, Egypt, Turkey (even with less corruption, link with EU, isn't doing so good), if political setup was unstable.
2) The thing which you are saying, We are selecting them. No dear, we aren't, it's establishment which is choosing us these people for us. Even Imran Khan this drama came from X-ISI chief. Even PPP got way to governance, because of NRO. Even NS was made up by zia and co. So it's a game of creating idols and then breaking it and then creating a new idol.

And I am not going for this game anymore, I want system to run and remove these leaches to bring up visionary people up.
Kharbozay ko dekh ke kharbuza rang pakarta hai

Imran Khan has become typical politician with bunch of lies every now and than

China has historically never given us loans besides humanimatarian aids and small loans... They in fact were never in position to give us loans due to chinese internal issues

All they have done for us is mutual cooperation, investments in most sectors of Pakistan, supplying military hardware and support at diplomatic level

China had invested about 20 billion dollars of investment in Pakistan since last 10-12 years if my memory is correct but you wouldnt hear about china giving us direct loans
2) The thing which you are saying, We are selecting them. No dear, we aren't, it's establishment which is choosing us these people for us. Even Imran Khan this drama came from X-ISI chief. Even PPP got way to governance, because of NRO. Even NS was made up by zia and co. So it's a game of creating idols and then breaking it and then creating a new idol.
Can we stop blaming everyone but our own mentality...

Tell me how many Pakistanis do vote based on the credentials of the candidate over:

  • He is from my village/ district
  • My dad voted for his part so will I
  • He gives us benefits (tax relaxations)
  • He fed me biryani everyweek this week
  • He came to say hi to our village when we were hit with a flood several years ago
  • My feudal lord supports him and wants my family to vote for him
  • Lets go with the flow
  • He paid us to do so
  • He threatened us to do so

Did I miss any other reasons?
Can we stop blaming everyone but our own mentality...

Tell me how many Pakistanis do vote based on the credentials of the candidate over:

  • He is from my village/ district
  • My dad voted for his part so will I
  • He gives us benefits (tax relaxations)
  • He fed me biryani everyweek this week
  • He came to say hi to our village when we were hit with a flood several years ago
  • My feudal lord supports him and wants my family to vote for him
  • Lets go with the flow
  • He paid us to do so
  • He threatened us to do so
Did I miss any other reasons?

Again same thing, I replied already. If you don't let system to run, how you will make people to understand goodness or crons of the system?

These all things was conquer by us, in last elections due to education since we realize the value of our vote.
Again same thing, I replied already. If you don't let system to run, how you will make people to understand goodness or crons of the system?

These all things was conquer by us, in last elections due to education since we realize the value of our vote.
how can u use the same excuse used by zardari. If you wouldnt have killed people in model town and accepted for vote audit then u should have not seen the mess .
Again same thing, I replied already. If you don't let system to run, how you will make people to understand goodness or crons of the system?
System didnt start yesterday...however they have been not an iota of change...
These all things was conquer by us, in last elections due to education since we realize the value of our vote.
When IK was doing dharna's in different towns raising awareness of the value of a person's vote...people were still crying he is wasting money...utilization of money to educate people on the power of their vote is called wasting money but it is ok to make and remake poor quality roads every 6mths...gives people job, yeah?
System didnt start yesterday...however they have been not an iota of change...

Ohh bhai what iota changes, go and check what happened in last 68 years, initial 9 years some power game from berucracy, then marshall law, then separation, then new constitution and debate, then again marshal law, then political musical chair then again marshall, and then NRO for PPP. Come on where you let the system run?

When IK was doing dharna's in different towns raising awareness of the value of a person's vote...people were still crying he is wasting money...utilization of money to educate people on the power of their vote is called wasting money but it is ok to make and remake poor quality roads every 6mths...gives people job, yeah?

Ohh please, it losing much more then the some little gains you are mentioning, but I don't want to shift to now third topic..

PS: Banday ko marr do or phir complain karo yeah nahin chalta.. haad hey :-s

how can u use the same excuse used by zardari. If you wouldnt have killed people in model town and accepted for vote audit then u should have not seen the mess .
Since it's a valid point.. and I already provide good enough examples about it.. And I don't need to answer on something unproven things. I say, this model town incident was planned by X-ISI chief to show PML-N wrong (JH interview was one example), audit was accepted right away (even I shown you the proofs which you rejected because of what ever wrong reasons you have). So your both points are invalid.
Ohh bhai what iota changes, go and check what happened in last 68 years, initial 9 years some power game from berucracy, then marshall law, then separation, then new constitution and debate, then again marshal law, then political musical chair then again marshall, and then NRO for PPP. Come on where you let the system run?
May I ask what is the problem with Marshall Law? I dont understand why soo many think soo less of it? Is it because the stupid West frowns at it? Well when they wanted to they shook hands with Saddam, Qadafi and other's like him...

I dont find anything wrong with Martial Law (yes that is how it is spelled) ....The only problem with it is the lack of acceptance and the brainwashing of it being portrayed as an evil!

Ohh please, it losing much more then the some little gains you are mentioning, but I don't want to shift to now third topic..
PS: Banday ko marr do or phir complain karo yeah nahin chalta.. haad hey :-s
Sorry i didnt get you...
May I ask what is the problem with Marshall Law? I dont understand why soo many think soo less of it? Is it because the stupid West frowns at it? Well when they wanted to they shook hands with Saddam, Qadafi and other's like him...

I dont find anything wrong with Martial Law (yes that is how it is spelled) ....The only problem with it is the lack of acceptance and the brainwashing of it being portrayed as an evil!

Where did I say "Martial Law" is wrong. I said earlier, all systems are good. Infact my favorite time in history was
Zia ul Haq. Who ruled like a boss. And if he would have alive he or next COAS would still be ruling and we wouldn't be in such ridicules place. Might be much ahead of India and other countries.

But system has to run. If army isn't comfortable with democracy then fine. Finish it, but the next system has to run throughout the Pakistan existence. No Democracy which divide people into many, based on ethnicity, language, and sects.

Sorry i didnt get you...

it's means I have a long list of losses due to dharna, which I don't want to discuss here.
Where did I say "Martial Law" is wrong. I said earlier, all systems are good. Infact my favorite time in history was
Zia ul Haq. Who ruled like a boss. And if he would have alive he or next COAS would still be ruling and we wouldn't be in such ridicules place. Might be much ahead of India and other countries.
But system has to run. If army isn't comfortable with democracy then fine. Finish it, but the next system has to run throughout the Pakistan existence. No Democracy which divide people into many, based on ethnicity, language, and sects.
My thoughts exactly except let the system run...I want it stopped and those responsible to be hung...dissolve the whole shitty assembly, parliament and run trials for each and every bloody liar!
My thoughts exactly except let the system run...I want it stopped and those responsible to be hung...dissolve the whole shitty assembly, parliament and run trials for each and every bloody liar!

So you want the victim card should be played like BB did? or bhuttoos still doing so?

Dear, stop doing same when you know it's a wrong way of doing.. System has to run, and cure itself. There is no otherway of doing so..

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