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Tajiks, one of three aryan nation in China----The Keeper of Chinese frontier.

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Swastika originated from Aryan. Who are the Aryans? They're a nomadic tribe from Caucasus region, South Russia, who swept across from Eastern Europe and Central/south Asia during Neolithic era. The oldest Swastika are found in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Southeast Europe region, prominently known as Vinca culture as early as 5000 BCE. Swastika found in Indus Valley came during/after Aryan migration/invasion around 1500BC-1750BC.

Indus Valley civilization is non-Aryan, its language has not been deciphered.

The Aryans in Indian subcontinent are the ones who composed Rig Veda in Vedic Sanskrit, a language that share strikingly similarity Persian's Avestan, ancient Greek and Latin. The Aryans later founded Vedic spin-off religion like Buddhism and Hinduism. Hence, the use of Swastika as their religious symbol.

The descendants of Aryans are today's Slavic, Eastern Europeans, Iranian, central Asians tribe, Pakistani, and high caste Hindu Brahmins in India.


Aryan migration, Iranian source

015 Iran Aryan Migration Routes & Archeological Sites Map.jpg

For those who read Chinese.
You have no relationship with the ancient Minoans,Greeks or Romans.

Same reason why I'm not from Han China,or modern day Pakistanis are the heir of the IVC.

From the history of your posts,it seems you take pride in the achievements of extinct civilizations,while trying to belittle other civilizations by making spurious claims.

PIE originated outside western Europe,while Indo Aryans are also foreign to Europe.

Well IVC skeletons found in Pakistan confirm even today similar people live there. But we don't have any ancient DNA yet to prove this 100%.
You have no relationship with the ancient Minoans,Greeks or Romans.

Same reason why I'm not from Han China,or modern day Pakistanis are the heir of the IVC.

From the history of your posts,it seems you take pride in the achievements of extinct civilizations,while trying to belittle other civilizations by making spurious claims.

PIE originated outside western Europe,while Indo Aryans are also foreign to Europe.

of cours i have relationship with ancient romans. What bullshit are you talking? my family lives there since hundreds of generations. I´m italian...not someone who comes from a country with no history at all.
so Aryan killed ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Babylon?! and only china escaped?
no wonder they all want to be ayran....

anciant greece as aryan as well and founded rome.
so Aryan killed ancient Egypt, ancient India and ancient Babylon?! and only china escaped?
no wonder they all want to be ayran....

Aryans destroyed some civilizations, but also merged into the local population creating new civilization. The linguistic evidence is obvious. Not just the Swastika symbol.

Hitler wants to be Aryan too. Hence, his propaganda of Aryan race.
you name one german out of 80 million. I know not one hans personal.

Sure, the name 'Hans' for Germans is vastly overstated in the stereotype view of the Chinese.

But as I said before, it only represents the stereotype view among the Chinese people towards Germans.
I struggle to tell Koreans/Japs apart but I can normally tell a Chinaman easy enough unless hes young and from a big city. I think its because of the lack of money in China in recent decades, alot of the older Chinese I have known have had darker skin than any of the ones ive met recently, looked older than they were, small in height. Now its a bit different, China is becoming wealthy so people are more office based so their skin isnt as dark, more nourished so are bigger. I think on average Japanese tend to be a bit taller, more "sharp" looking and sometimes have what seems like a longer face, I can always spot the Korean tourists in my city aswell, they just look Korean and are super happy.

Maybe its a European thing because your surrounded by so many nations but I can see small unique looks that can apply to over half a population in each nation, I notice differences in Wales to England where in Wales people tend to have darker features, brown eyes and black hair being far more common than in England where they were obviously more susceptible to invaders. Then in France the skin isnt quite swarthy but its not as pale as mine and there is also a certain French look, Portugese/Spanish are normally easy to tell apart and look unique to that part of Europe, go along to Italy and you can often see a more Semitic look from central/southern Italy whilst northerners can be hard to tell. Alot of Turks look like dark skinned Italians but with a more arab look so they are not difficult to tell often.

Obviously these generalisations only apply for like half a population but when theres a group of people there are normally a few that stand out as being from "that" country.
As for the erst of your bullshit:

minoan vase:


greek helmets:


roman coin:


your pathetic little indus culture is totally irrelevant so crawls back under your rock...and take a shower.

Why edit your post like a little sh!t?

As for pathetic little indus civilisation... it predates your half arse sister marrying ancestors by thousands of years... they built cities with sewage system,drainages,great bathes while your ancestors were roaming around the bush naked ,, and licking their own feces thinking it was food?

This was one of the cities of IVC... 12000+years ago:



If her family has been in Sri Lanka for that long, then there are chances she may have some South Indian ancestry as well. And true to what you say, environment really does play a role in phenotype.
Sri Lanka has ethnic malay minority.
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I struggle to tell Koreans/Japs apart but I can normally tell a Chinaman easy enough unless hes young and from a big city. I think its because of the lack of money in China in recent decades, alot of the older Chinese I have known have had darker skin than any of the ones ive met recently, looked older than they were, small in height. Now its a bit different, China is becoming wealthy so people are more office based so their skin isnt as dark, more nourished so are bigger. I think on average Japanese tend to be a bit taller, more "sharp" looking and sometimes have what seems like a longer face, I can always spot the Korean tourists in my city aswell, they just look Korean and are super happy.

Most Japanese are shorter than Chinese, and many of them have the cosmetic surgery to have the Caucasian-like sharp features.

Just check the military parade between China and Japan to see who is taller.
Why edit your post like a little kunt?

As for pathetic little indus civilisation... it predates your half arse sister marrying ancestors by thousands of years... they built cities with sewage system,drainages,great bathes while your ancestors were roaming around the bush naked ,, and licking their own feces thinking it was food?

Sri Lanka has ethnic malay minority.

romans never married their sister. And nobody in rome roamed the bushs naked. Actually the indus civilisation was pathetic compared tom rome. It did not even have concrete ...and lived in mud houses. Look...you guys could not even make a human looking statue like we do. Thats why we rule the world and you...well you know yourself.
romans never married their sister. And nobody in rome roamed the bushs naked. Actually the indus civilisation was pathetic compared tom rome. It did not even have concrete ...and lived in mud houses. Look...you guys could not even make a human looking statue like we do. Thats why we rule the world and you...well you know yourself.

BTW, according to your own pictures, you can pass as an Arab, so why you keep thinking yourself as Aryan?

According to the definition of Nazi, an Aryan has to be blonde and blue eyed Nordic.
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