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Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

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(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.

"while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact"

sinonim: informal, unreliable, based on hearsay, unscientific

Fact of the matter is that most Taiwan does not want reunification with china due to their choice in Tsai Ing Wen hard-line anti-china policy.
I know most don't, I never claimed most do, don't try to twist my words. but the two parts of China had already economically intertwined and inseparable, that's the foundation for future reunification, not the military force.
The time they should be using was instead used to persecute whistleblower & hiding informations.
He didn't lose his job like the people in the US if you would like to compare, with all info available, what has the US done in combating the virus after their first reported case with their supposedly much better health care system?
Closing down a city of 10 million population when there were 500 reported cases was unprecedented.
Lots of people being picked and incarcerated in hong Kong after the new legislation. Not everyone is impressed by shiny buildings because once your basic needs are met, people aspire to non materialistic targets.
Look how shiny dubai is put down by posters here even though they are dependent on it for employment.
I don't see Taiwan ever being a part of communist China. Hong Kong is already decimated by the communists , all downhill now.
Knowing what's going on and knowing the statistics are two different things.The death toll of 25,000 people must be counted effectively.This is not something that anyone can just look at and know.When you believe in a story, you must consider the feasibility of the story.

For example, if I take a handful of rice and scatter it on the ground, can you tell me how many grains there are?A handful of rice is far less than 25,000. If you can't even count the rice, how can you count 25,000 bodies?

So the simple question is, who knows how many dead people are scattered across dozens of hospitals and crematoria?To exclude the number of natural deaths and find out exactly how many people died from the virus?

we do not need to justify ourselves to them. why should we waste our breath?

instead we should ask - what are they going to do about it if what they say is true? the answer will only reveal their powerlessness.
Below is a list showcasing 15 of Taiwan’s top trading partners, countries that imported the most Taiwanese shipments by dollar value during 2019. Also shown is each import country’s percentage of total Taiwanese exports.

  1. China: US$91.9 billion (27.9% of Taiwan’s total exports)
  2. United States: $46.3 billion (14.1%)
  3. Hong Kong: $40.4 billion (12.3%)
  4. Japan: $23.3 billion (7.1%)
  5. Singapore: $18.2 billion (5.5%)
  6. South Korea: $16.9 billion (5.1%)
  7. Vietnam: $10.8 billion (3.3%)
  8. Malaysia: $9.4 billion (2.9%)
  9. Germany: $6.5 billion (2%)
  10. Philippines: $6.2 billion (1.9%)
  11. Netherlands: $5.9 billion (1.8%)
  12. Thailand: $5.5 billion (1.7%)
  13. United Kingdom: $3.6 billion (1.1%)
  14. India: $3.3 billion (1%)
  15. Australia: $3.2 billion (1%)
Every country in the world called the Covid-19 virus as the name of the virus. No country accuses China of directly causing 17 million sicknesses and 7 hundred thousand deaths. (Yes, I know Trump did, but it is not official USA position).

Except in Taiwan, the official name of the disease is Wuhan flu and the official position is China (by purposely hide the disease) directly cause 18M sickness and 700k death.

The following is the link to the official statement of Taiwan government:

I will provide the translation as follows:

I want to again state that People Republic of China (PROC) never governed Taiwan for one day. Of course they have no right to talk about Taiwanese people. Only the government democratically elected by the Taiwanese has the right to represent Taiwan in the world.

If they want to force their “One China principle” unto other countries and Taiwanese, it would only cause resentment and disgust. Before PROC would criticize other countries, we suggest they see their own problems. We see PROC has become the global trouble maker (global trouble maker, emphasize in English). We see them purposely hide the Wuhan flu so that it spread to the whole world, directly caused 18 million sickness and 700k of death. We see them militarily invade neighborly countries such as Taiwan, Japan, India, and Asean countries over and over. They destroy status quo and cause crisis in the neighborhood. They try to bully neighbor countries.

Let us see how they treat their own people. Let us see how they treat HongKonger from last year protest to this year’s National Security Law. Let us see how they suppress people’s freedom, from Xingjiang’s Uyguur, to Tibeten. Let us see how they suppress religion from Catholic, Protestant, Muslin, and other religions. Let us see how they destroy people’s human right. We all see what they did.


Ever since the current Taiwan president was elected 5 years ago, this is the kind of cr*p I had to listen to.

Problem with the above video is that there is no evidence or facts to back up the claims made.
Lots of people being picked and incarcerated in hong Kong after the new legislation. Not everyone is impressed by shiny buildings because once your basic needs are met, people aspire to non materialistic targets.
Look how shiny dubai is put down by posters here even though they are dependent on it for employment.
I don't see Taiwan ever being a part of communist China. Hong Kong is already decimated by the communists , all downhill now.

Indian govt has revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s constitutional autonomy.
And you are talking about HK without shame.
How many people lose their job in the US for calling out on a very well known virus? Li wenliang as an eye surgeon shared what he overheard in his family group when the patients were already under quarantine.
Back then the outbreak was unconfirmed only Li & few other was the first to whistleblow about the danger of the virus.
Don't want to talk to you. It's a waste. My last reply to you: From covid-19 incident, most Chinese support CCP even more.
That's called stupidity my friend. In a normal country Xi & his cohorts would have been ousted from office after their bungling of the virus.
We are living in a weird world. Those who like to attack China by using moral excuses, always say something on proofless basis. Which is not moral at all.

they use moral arguments because they don't have the hard power to do anything about it. if they could they would but they can't even touch North Korea, never mind China.
We are living in a weird world. Those who like to attack China by using moral excuses, always say something on proofless basis. Which is not moral at all.


The same forces which are condemning and maligning China are EXACTLY the same forces which accursed Iraq of having WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins.

Henceforth, we must be extremely wary and vigilant against baseless accusations made without ANY facts or evidence.
He didn't lose his job like the people in the US if you would like to compare, with all info available, what has the US done in combating the virus after their first reported case with their supposedly much better health care system?
Closing down a city of 10 million population when there were 500 reported cases was unprecedented.
2 months! Even then the quarantine was a failure because half a million people left during the initial outbreak.

If China actually was serious about the quarantine we would not be going out in public wearing a face mask right now.
That's called stupidity my friend. In a normal country Xi & his cohorts would have been ousted from office after their bungling of the virus.
We will see who is the one fooled. So far I didn't see any CCP lie about Taiwan but tons of lies from Taiwan. I know who is the lair.
Back then the outbreak was unconfirmed only Li & few other was the first to whistleblow about the danger of the virus.
You are so misinformed, he is an eye surgeon, he overheard about some sort of "SARS alike virus", the whole quarantine and tracing originate process has already begun for quite some time, he didn't get sacked but asked not to spread unconfirmed info unlike so many who lose their job in US for calling out on a known virus.
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