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Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

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Your government spread the virus to the entire world.

If we talking about incompetent than China is still the king.
No one knows where the virus originated and this thread is not about that. US virus were mainly from Europe but still they failed to take any preventions, they have no one else to blame.
The point of the comment is that most mainland Chinese are poorer than most Taiwanese.

If you think that's hate then you need to grow a thicker skin.
Taiwan has 23 million population. Beijing city has similar population. Beijing and most first class Chinese cities are equally rich(if not richer) as Taiwan.

As I said my parents went to Taiwan several year ago. They told me Taiwanese living standard is not so much higher than mainland Chinese.
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I agree with you in most regards. Esp. about how tough it was for China in the initial stages. We all know that China has done a great job in controlling the spread in the later months.

But you are misunderstanding why the world is so angry at the CCP now. It is due to their secrecy in hiding the scale of the problem. It was Taiwan who used their intimate knowledge of China to learn the real damage.

Tragedy is that no one listened to Taiwan !
So how do you think shutdown a megacity with a population of 10 million when 500 cases reported???
This is called hiding the scale of the problem????
What's happened when US has 500 cases? US president Mr Trump is telling to his people:JUST THE FLU.
So which country is hiding the scale of the problem????
"According to statistics released by the government (Executive Yuan), up to 55 percent of Taiwan young graduates work in China, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and Suzhou."

How Taiwan finds new recruits for their army when over half of their youth are working in mainland China?
So how do you think shutdown a megacity with a population of 10 million when 500 cases reported???
This is called hiding the scale of the problem????
What's happened when US has 500 cases? US president Mr Trupm is telling to his people:JUST THE FLU.
So which country is hiding the scale of the problem????
With all info available, they are still hiding the scale of the problem and yet they expected China to identify the unknown virus and control it like it was walking in the park.
The question now is was Wuhan really where it originated? the vast scattering all over the US in only two months' time after their first reported case in late Jan when China's cases are mostly inside Hubei province.
Who told the "2 months"? What benefit the CCP would gain from hiding the virus information for 2 months? Did you see the video or not? The socalled whistleblowers caused million people fled Wuhan before lockdown. Which accelerated the spread.
Saving faces most likely by hiding informations.

It's not li wenliang's fault that's the government's fault for not establishing early quarantine in the 1st place.
The point of the comment is that most mainland Chinese are poorer than most Taiwanese.

If you think that's hate then you need to grow a thicker skin.

Taiwan TV report : Taiwan students and interns never expected that main land China is this modern looking and technology is streets ahead of Taiwan's. People use their cellphones to do everything instead of waiting in lines to get service as you see in Taipei. Things in mainlnd China seems to be coming from the future, most Taiwan students want to work in the mailand after they graduate.

Taiwan girl is shocked by how modern a Chinese 5th tier city looks and lauds the government policies.
Saving faces most likely by hiding informations.

It's not li wenliang's fault that's the government's fault for not establishing early quarantine in the 1st place.
If you have basic knowledge about a new contagious virus spreading mold in a moderm society, you would know Chinese government reaction from first infected case being found to locking the city is very fast.
Taiwan has 23 million population. Beijing city has similar population. Beijing and most first class Chinese cities are equally rich(if not richer) as Taiwan.

As I said my parents went to Taiwan several year ago. They told me Taiwanese living standard is not so much higher than mainland Chinese.
Compare HDI between 2 country.

China still have extreme poverty in many provinces especially in the west while Taiwanese have due away with most of it.
Saving faces most likely by hiding informations.

It's not li wenliang's fault that's the government's fault for not establishing early quarantine in the 1st place.
How many people lose their job in the US for calling out on a very well known virus? Li wenliang as an eye surgeon shared what he overheard in his family group when the patients were already under quarantine.
If you have basic knowledge about a new contagious virus spreading mold in a moderm society, you would know Chinese government reaction from first infected case being found to locking the city is very fast.
After 2 months!

The time they should be using was instead used to persecute whistleblower & hiding informations.
Taiwan TV report : Taiwan students and interns never expected that main land China is this modern looking and technology is streets ahead of Taiwan's. People use their cellphones to do everything instead of waiting in lines to get service as you see in Taipei. Things in mainlnd China seems to be coming from the future, most Taiwan students want to work in the mailand after they graduate.

Taiwan girl is shocked by how modern a Chinese 5th tier city looks and lauds the government policies.

(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.

"while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact"

sinonim: informal, unreliable, based on hearsay, unscientific

Fact of the matter is that most Taiwan does not want reunification with china due to their choice in Tsai Ing Wen hard-line anti-china policy.
Most Taiwan youth want to find jobs in mainland China, very few mainlanders like to work in Taiwan.
After 2 months!

The time they should be using was instead used to persecute whistleblower & hiding informations.
Don't want to talk to you. It's a waste. My last reply to you: From covid-19 incident, most Chinese support CCP even more.
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