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Taiwan sends Marines to protect South China Sea.

That is called two different interpretations of the one-China policy, but the key point is both sides believe mainland and Taiwan belongs to one China( PRC or ROC).

I know many Indians tend to disregard your government's official stance and take that action as a symbol of democracy, but I still want to remind Indians on this forum that Indian government recognizes PRC's sovereignty over Taiwan. And I think it is a better idea for people to toe their government's line while discussing international politics, because we all know personal view doesn't count. So instead of provoking us by intentionally ignoring your government's offical stance over Taiwan, why don't we stop acting like amateurs and have a professional discussion?

Oh don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about Taiwan if it is independent or with China, as long as it doesn't start a war in the region. I was just pointing out the difference in the one China policy.
I recognize the one China policy. And the PRC is the legitimate one, not Taiwan (a joke as a ROC).
Oh don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about Taiwan if it is independent or with China, as long as it doesn't start a war in the region. I was just pointing out the difference in the one China policy.

To sum up, you want to lecture me on the one-China policy?
go taiwan!

keep china's land safe from invaders.
I recognize the one China policy. And the PRC is the legitimate one, not Taiwan (a joke as a ROC).

There should be only one China, yet both parties have agreed to have their own interruption on what does one China mean.

Republic of China represented China during the WWII, earned the UNSC permanent seat, its founding member status is a part of the UN Charter. Until 1971, it represented China in the UN and UNSC.

People's Republic of China is the only legal entity that can represent China now, this fact is recognized by ALL civilized or not that civilized nations, including all other 4 UNSC permanent members. However, such well established fact should never be used as excuses to attach the Republic of China.
Oh don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about Taiwan if it is independent or with China, as long as it doesn't start a war in the region. I was just pointing out the difference in the one China policy.

whether there will be a war between the mainland of China and Taiwan is none of business. you should also "care less".

it is China's region (Asia), not india's or australia's.

Back to topic, ROC should have stationed men on all major islands after WW2, instead in 1945 they chosed to stationed only on the largest island, the Taiping island or Itu Aba in English. The Taiwan coast guards also showed its weakness about a decade ago they have to recalled a couple of coast guard vessels enroute to South China Sea patrol after the Philiipines government protested.

I don't see Taiwan's ability to protect the Greater China's interest, they simply lack the will and dertemination to do so. Only the PLA Navy can do the job.
No coorperation and Taiwan forces must be driven away from south china sea by PLA.
CCP and KMT opponents and could not tolerate each other existence.
It is 1 country because the to goverments are still technically at war over china however pakistan legally split from India.

Btw scotland is a country under a union of countrys.
Great move..all small players move forward...the arrogant giant will see another humiliation after the The Hague verdict if they dont accept it sportingly!

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