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Taiwan sends Marines to protect South China Sea.

But taiwan and china are two different countries, two different entities.

How is it possible to cooperate to drive out foreign population when china itself is a foreign country?

Makes no sense.

It is my fault to forget to mention that no Indian troll is welcome in this thread.
Yes, of course.

That's why the UN (if you consider them "the world;international community") kicked Taiwan out and replaced them with PRC. :eek:

And you forgot to mention that rumor says India supported China in this regard!
Point out who is Chinese troll!

I can bring in tons of examples. But...here is an interesting one i found today. :rofl:

yeah but black americans are still pimping Jap anese girls today for free. they even have 4P games with them. you know how i learn japanese?

itai~ itai~ itaiyo~~

And that my friend is a trailer. Full version can be found at chinesetroll.defence.pk
I know dude.......i just happened to look up everything related to taiwan. I guess i got punk'ed :rofl:

Here i was just about to start a 'free taiwan' campaign....even had them support pins ready. What a bummer...im never going to live this down...Busted. :(

Hey,free kashmir free aruchanal. Sorry dude,i just happened to look up everything related to kashmir. :tdown:
I can bring in tons of examples. But...here is an interesting one i found today. :rofl:

And that my friend is a trailer. Full version can be found at chinesetroll.defence.pk

Stop referring to other threads in order to prolong a needless argument about who is a troll.
If anyone trolls here then report it to the mods.

From the Taiwanese perspective, it is PRC which is the breakaway state. The world would much rather deal with the Taiwanese Govt. than deal with the PRC one.

Lalala,talking sh@t does"nt need to pay tax.From taiwanese perspective?From which perspective?Any taiwanese you know?Did you ever talk with a taiwanese?Know the history between Mainland China and Taiwan?Go get it clear before you talk sh%t and troll here.Dont act like you really understand taiwanese and represent them talk sh%t here,list 10 place or city /peoples name you know ? The world?Which world do you refer to?indian's world?ROFL,stop embarassing yourself ?If the reality same like what you said then why india dont just deal business with KMT? Know what is KMT?Go educate yourself first before troll here.
I think it is a good idea for the mainland and taiwan to cooperate with each other to drive away all the foreign forces from South China Sea and take back the islands grabbed by them.

Indian troll is not welcome in this thread!

Troll calling or attacking a nationality is against the rules, where are the Mods. Are the rules applicable to Indians only????????

Post reported to Admin.
Stop referring to other threads in order to prolong a needless argument about who is a troll.
If anyone trolls here then report it to the mods.


My apologies sir. Thank you.
Taiwan is administered by Republic of CHINA, mainland is admistered by People's Republic of CHINA.

DR Sun YS is the founder of KMT now administered Taiwan, he is known as the father of modern CHINA. Republic of China (Taiwan) still claims mainland China as its legitimate territory, including todays' People's Republic of Mongolia, all of South China Sea islands, Tibets and the lands now controlled by India in Southern Tibet.

Study China's modern history since 1900 before anyone claiming Taiwan is not China. Or just ask Taiwan's present government if they are not Chinese.
Troll calling or attacking a nationality is against the rules, where are the Mods. Are the rules applicable to Indians only????????

Post reported to Admin.

Well, that warning is intended for trolls only. If any Indian wants to put himself on the right place, be my guest.

I can bring in tons of examples. But...here is an interesting one i found today. :rofl:

And that my friend is a trailer. Full version can be found at chinesetroll.defence.pk

How about this one, the very beginning of the trolling

But taiwan and china are two different countries, two different entities.

How is it possible to cooperate to drive out foreign population when china itself is a foreign country?

Makes no sense.
The one China policy that Taiwan follows says that Mainland China is part of Republic of China, the one followed by PRC and most of other other countries is that Taiwan is a part of People's Republic of China. Slightly different One China policies?
The one China policy that Taiwan follows says that Mainland China is part of Republic of China, the one followed by PRC and most of other other countries is that Taiwan is a part of People's Republic of China. Slightly different One China policies?

That is called two different interpretations of the one-China policy, but the key point is both sides believe mainland and Taiwan belongs to one China( PRC or ROC).

I know many Indians tend to disregard your government's official stance and take that action as a symbol of democracy, but I still want to remind Indians on this forum that Indian government recognizes PRC's sovereignty over Taiwan. And I think it is a better idea for people to toe their government's line while discussing international politics, because we all know personal view doesn't count. So instead of provoking us by intentionally ignoring your government's offical stance over Taiwan, why don't we stop acting like amateurs and have a professional discussion?

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