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Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

Nah,qing conquered mongolia totally without the resource of ming dynasty,and the war between zhungar and qing was mainly fought by manchus and mongols too,that lead to the conquest of tibet and xinjiang.the 雅克萨 war did hurt russians more than qing dynasty.Very few qing soldiers were killed in that war,much less than russia.

Those Russian peasants were several thousands kilometers from their European heartland, do you truly think they can be numerous compared to the Qing army?

The Yuan dynasty is truly a military powerhouse, its vassal state Golden Horde beat the cr@p out of Russia and many other European states, but the Qing dynasty is just average in military even in the early era, the only reason that she lasted longer than the Mongol Yuan is because she has successfully integrated with the Chinese culture, nothing more.

The late Qing is just a huge embarassment of our history, same as KMT-ROC.
Those Russian peasants are several thousands kilometers from their European heartland, do you truly think they can be numerous compared to the Qing army?

The Yuan dynasty is truly a military powerhouse, its vassal state Golden Horde beat the cr@p out of Russia and many other European states, but the Qing dynasty is just average in military even in the early era, the only reason that she lasted longer than the Mongol Yuan is because she has successfully integrated with the Chinese culture, nothing more.

The late Qing is just a huge embarassment of our history, same as KMT-ROC.

Every chinese dynasties ends pretty bad,In fact,I have to say Qing ended pretty well .At least they were replaced by beiyang army which founded by qing itself,not some western colonists.
Every chinese dynasties ends pretty bad,In fact,I have to say Qing ended pretty well .At least they were replaced by beiyang army,not some western colonists.

But not as embarassed as the Qing dynasty, but the Qing was lucky, thanks to many Han Chinese patriots helped them to preserve the major territory.

And remember this old Han guy, he alone saved 1/4 territory of the Qing dyansty, and where were those badass Manchurian eight banner warriors?

The mongol empire was not a chinese dynasty except the yuan,The mogol conquest of Rus can't not be seen as chinese achievement by any means,that's stupid.
The mongol empire was not a chinese dynasty except the yuan,The mogol conquest of Rus can't not be seen as chinese achievement by any means,that's stupid.

Yuan is the most powerful part of the Mongol Empire, and Golden Horde was still its vassal state when it conquered half of Europe.

Just read my previous post carefully, i didn't say the whole Mongol Empire belongs to China's history.
But not as embarassed as the Qing dynasty, but the Qing was lucky, thanks to many Han Chinese patriots helped them to preserve the major territory.

And remember this old Han guy, he alone saved 1/4 territory of the Qing dyansty, and where were those badass Manchurian eight banner warriors?


Every dynasty turn to be very corrupt and useless before it dies.qing was not a exception,but in the early period of qing,the eight banners was invincible in east asia.
Every dynasty turn to be very corrupt and useless before it dies.qing was not a exception,but in the early period of qing,the eight banners was invincible in east asia.

I agree that Qing was a powerful dynasty in China's history, but if you wanna put it above PRC, then i 100% disagree with you.

No Qing Emperor can ever compare to Chairman Mao, end of story.
Yuan is the most powerful part of the Mongol Empire, and Golden Horde was still its vassal state when it conquered half of Europe.

Just read my previous post carefully, i didn't say the whole Mongol Empire belongs to China's history.

Are you kidding me,Yuan dynasty can't even defeat the chagatai khanate.And golden family means the family of chingis khan,not only live in china.

I agree that Qing was a powerful dynasty in China's history, but if you wanna put it above PRC, then i 100% disagree with you.

No Qing Emperor can ever compare to Chairman Mao, end of story.

That's just your personal prefences,I have no peoblem with that.
Are you kidding me,Yuan dynasty can't even defeat the chagatai khanate.And golden family means the family of chingis khan,not only live in china.

Golden Horde ≠ Golden Family

The Golden Horde belongs to Jochi's lineage, a Turkic lineage, since Genghis Khan's wife got raped by his Turkic rival, then she gave the birth of Jochi.

Biologically speaking, Jochi is not the son of Genghis Khan, but Genghis Khan still treated him like his own son.

No matter what, the Yuan dynasty is the central part of the Mongol Empire.
Taiwan is part of China, always the territory of China.

But not part of the COMMUNIST.

Kick the Communist out of China, then we will united under just CHINA.
It's the traitorous mainland Chinese who refused unification!!! By still keeping the imported Communism.

You are right. If Taiwan unites with China under a democratic and human system, China would become a better place. CPC just fools the people and creates tensions among its neighbors.

Vietnam and Taiwan are best friends. :welcome:
You are right. If Taiwan unites with China under a democratic and human system, China would become a better place. CPC just fools the people and creates tensions among its neighbors.

Vietnam and Taiwan are best friends. :welcome:

You are China's enemy, now you live under the shadow of China thanks to CPC.

Of course you hope China to be ruled by traitor such as KMT. :coffee:
lol,qing beat russians badly in 雅克萨 easily,and if qing wasn't powerful,how come they achieved the biggest landmass in all chinese dynasties by only less than 200,000 eight banner warriors?

You mean the entire Qing empire beat Russians when they have to deploy their troops across Siberian plain without railroad? You do realize that PRC beat a UN coalition force in Korean Peninsula right?
Taiwan is populated by Ethnic Han Chinese that settled the Islands during the Ming Dynasty. Taiwan is by far more Chinese than the PRC Mainland China, because they used the traditional script rather than the simplified version, they promote traditional Han culture like ancestral worship and Confucius Ideals. Many Taiwanese I met are more proud of Chinese history than there mainland counterpart but hate the CCP in Beijing. Taiwan used the phonetic script of Bofomo for computer word input (based on Hanzi-Chinese Characters) rather than the romanized Pinyin phonetic script encouraged by Chairman Mao. Taiwan's ROC government makes the same claim to the SCS (but shows respect ot their Japanese Masters in the Senkakus) as the PRC government. In-fact, the ROC claims that Mongolia is part of Mainland China, therefore they are more nationalistic than the CCP!

They got beaten by the Chinese we consider REAL. You lose, you're out.

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