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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

Are you saying Pinoys should not support the findings of your own government? Do you not agree NBI/ DOJ's recommendations are based on findings of facts? Are you too stupid to acknowledge the truth? the only question is how will Aquino reconcile the recommendations with his plead for the country to band together against CHINA. However he treats the recommendations will define his character either as an honest person, or dishonest one with political agenda.

PLEASE, if you have any more doubts about the ramming or questions about the recommendations of your own government agency, ask your own government or consult a newspaper once in a while to stay current... sigh

Maybe they don't have newspaper in spain b/c no one reads it since everyone is too busy taking Ciestas after Fiestas!

The findings of the NBI is very highly doubtful...they wont show the shooting incident video and they wont even divulge the official RULES OF ENGAGEMENT of the Philippine Coast Guard. I would surmise the purpose of their findings is appeasement of Taiwan. Plus the fact that the Taiwanese gov't won't event show to the public their copy of the video.
Found this:


Taiwan's Combined Service Forces 1975 Map recognizing that the border of Taiwan and Philippines is the Bashi Channel.
Found this:


Taiwan's Combined Service Forces 1975 Map recognizing that the border of Taiwan and Philippines is the Bashi Channel.

You guys keep berating Taiwan like it's invisible, and now you want them to recognize a border? FU CK YOU, TAIWAN'S BORDER SHOULD BE SOUTH OF THE CELEBES SEA. Go complain to China, see if they care.
See when you people given facts you play that stupid card you guys are nothing but losers so typical

Taiwan is an unrecognized nation. Go to talk to China, instead of whining.

You guys keep berating Taiwan like it's invisible, and now you want them to recognize a border? FU CK YOU, TAIWAN'S BORDER SHOULD BE SOUTH OF THE CELEBES SEA. Go complain to China, see if they care.

Leave the trolls alone. They just like to make themselves feel better, even if they are wrong
See when you people given facts you play that stupid card you guys are nothing but losers so typical

I have no doubt, that there is more to the map that WuMao (nice name) is not telling, b/c that is what Filipinos are good at, mis-direction, mis-representation, and concealment. I just don't have the time or the will to poke holes in your story any more. If you guys can't even accept the findings of your own NBI, the highest investigative body in PH land, what's the use wasting keystrokes on you morons????
You gotta serious mental issue. Americans are not the enemy of China. You are. Mao is, Carl Marx is. China = ROC, PROC's forbearer, father of CCP. You are not even qualified as a "pure blood" as the blood of a low-life bandit coarse through your veins. You should go back to the cave of Yunnan and hide there like Mao did when KMT fought off the Japs. Communist = robbers / bandits who robbed from the rich using dumb laborers like you. You are probably a four-eye recluse living in a small apartment and jacks off to a picture of Mao's wife, wearing the same glasses as yours.

LMAO, KMT is born slaves, but don't worry, the day Taiwan got liberated, all anti-communist KMTers will be transfered into the prison camps in Xizang and Qinghai. :coffee:
LMAO, KMT is born slaves, but don't worry, the day Taiwan got liberated, all anti-communist KMTers will be transfered into the prison camps in Xizang and Qinghai. :coffee:

I doubt it. whether you know it or not, many, many, many citizens of red china have empathy for the democratic ways of Taiwan, mostly in large coastal cities. If you think otherwise, you must be from the central part, like Sichuan, where everyone is in the military; even so, many in the military ranks are sympathizers of KMT, b/c they know how wrong Maoism was, and that is why Deng took the country in the opposite direction. Mao is now a symbol and glue that binds the people, but his deeds can never withstand the scrutiny of historians.
I doubt it. whether you know it or not, many, many, many citizens of red china have empathy for the democratic ways of Taiwan, mostly in large coastal cities. If you think otherwise, you must be from the central part, like Sichuan, where everyone is in the military; even so, many in the military ranks are sympathizers of KMT, b/c they know how wrong Maoism was, and that is why Deng took the country in the opposite direction. Mao is now a symbol and glue that binds the people, but his deeds can never withstand the scrutiny of historians.

Have you visited the mainstream forum in Mainland China? The KMT supporters have been truly marginalized in the recent years.

In the eyes of the Mainlanders, the KMT has been perceived as the weak and incompetent lapdog of USA, even they are not happy with CPC, but they will still choose CPC over KMT any day.

You dared to reply against your US Master how China is militarily strong, yet you forgot who is the one deserved all the credits of making China strong?

Without CPC built up those foundations for our military industry, no way that China can become that strong even with a booming economy.

You can bash how China during the era of Mao was dirty and backward, but at least we have detonated our own H-bomb and launched own our satellite.

A so-called modern industrialized nation like South Korea couldn't even launch their own satellite that without the technology support from Russia.

Can you see the different here? This is the difference between a great nation with sovereignty and a lapdog of USA.
And you were wrong, i am not from Central China, i am a Shanghainese with the ancestry from southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang.

The most pro-KMT province is Guangdong, because it is geographically closer to HK with more influence from the western democrazy, but we do have many Cantonese members here, and very few of them seem to be pro-KMT.

And don't forget the birthplace of CPC was Shanghai!!!
And you were wrong, i am not from Central China, i am a Shanghainese with the ancestry from southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang.

The most pro-KMT province is Guangdong, because it is geographically closer to HK with more influence from the western democrazy, but we do have many Cantonese members here, and very few of them seem to be pro-KMT.

And don't forget the birthplace of CPC was Shanghai!!!

I bashed the CCP only in response to that idiot IJii whatever his name was, only to **** him off. Truth hurts. What you said about KMT is true to some extent, but don't forget KMT engaged in a frontal war with Japan while Mao diligently conserved and build his forces in secret, contrary to the agreement he had with KMT. You guys always bashed Japan for atrocities and distorting history, without looking inward and admitting the dark days inflicted by Mao on China. If KMT had won the war, China would have modernized in the 80's, 30 years sooner than CCP, and China would not be perceived as a threat in Asia.

Don't get puffed up.. i'm just telling like it is.

p.s., you are not gonna find any military uniforms walking around in Shanghai these days, unlike central China. HOw ironic CCP ended in the same place in started. Rightfully so. My mom is from Shanghai, but she hates the communist so much she vowed to never return there. My dad is from Jiansu, he came from a family of educators. My grandfather ran a school in Jiansu, which CCP converted into a communal center in the 60's. All of my grandfather's brothers persecuted and died in jails, and my uncles on father side killed during the cultural revolution. So, don't tell me how glorious CCP is. Preach that to your comrades

Unless you came from a lineage of poor,, stupid laborers, I'm sure you have predecessors who were persecuted by the CCP in the 60's -70's.
I bashed the CCP only in response to that idiot IJii whatever his name was, only to **** him off. Truth hurts. What you said about KMT is true to some extent, but don't forget KMT engaged in a frontal war with Japan while Mao diligently conserved and build his forces in secret, contrary to the agreement he had with KMT. You guys always bashed Japan for atrocities and distorting history, without looking inward and admitting the dark days inflicted by Mao on China. If KMT had won the war, China would have modernized in the 80's, 30 years sooner than CCP, and China would not be perceived as a threat in Asia.

Don't get puffed up.. i'm just telling like it is.

First, his rude behavior was not acceptable.

The KMT soldiers who sacrificed their life to defend their motherland deserved more respect, but the KMT leadership is/was incompetent and corrupt as hell.

You can say there is corruption among the CPC leadership, but at least CPC never failed to defend China, that's why the Chinese people support it.

CPC made China military strong to fend off against any possible invasion from foreign nations.

If China has been controlled under KMT, while it would have a weak military strength without nuclear teeth, Xinjiang and Xizang will follow the same fate as Outer Mongolia.

China has already given KMT a chance to prove themselves, but they failed, so we will never accept them again.
Don't get puffed up.. i'm just telling like it is.

p.s., you are not gonna find any military uniforms walking around in Shanghai these days, unlike central China. HOw ironic CCP ended in the same place in started. Rightfully so. My mom is from Shanghai, but she hates the communist so much she vowed to never return there. My dad is from Jiansu, he came from a family of educators. My grandfather ran a school in Jiansu, which CCP converted into a communal center in the 60's. All of my grandfather's brothers persecuted and died in jails, and my uncles on father side killed during the cultural revolution. So, don't tell me how glorious CCP is. Preach that to your comrades

Unless you came from a lineage of poor,, stupid laborers, I'm sure you have predecessors who were persecuted by the CCP in the 60's -70's.

Because they were KMT sourgrape losers since CPC always kicked their a$$.

Even i do agree with that white racist troll USA Hawk, you are their slave, your eunuch President Ma already spoke for himself. "Because US is my daddy, i can't do anything against him."
First, his rude behavior was not acceptable.

The KMT soldiers who sacrificed their life to defend their motherland deserved more respect, but the KMT leadership is/was incompetent and corrupt as hell.

You can say there is corruption among the CPC leadership, but at least CPC never failed to defend China, that's why the Chinese people support it.

CPC made China military strong to fend off against any possible invasion from foreign nations.

If China has been controlled under KMT, while it would have a weak military strength without nuclear teeth, Xinjiang and Xizang will follow the same fate as Outer Mongolia.

China has already given KMT a chance to prove themselves, but they failed, so we will never accept them again.

KMT leader was corrupt and stupid-- agreed

CPC didn't fail to defend China -- disagree. Like I said Mao never engaged imperial forces of Japan toe to toe.

China controlled by KMT = weak military -- disagree. Taiwan has nuclear capabilities, but can't make nukes at U.S. demand.

You sound pretty young. I am almost 50. I would urge you to look closer to the civil war of China. many KMT turned coat for the reason you stated about KMT leadeshipr. It's not b/c KMT forces were weak, it's b/c its leadership could not garner the support of the soldiers and the people. But, you have to admit Mao abused the power he had and betrayed China.
Because they were KMT sourgrape losers since CPC always kicked their a$$.

Even i do agree with that white racist troll USA Hawk, you are their slave, your eunuch President Ma already spoke for himself. "Because US is my daddy, i can't do anything against him."

I understand it's a sensitive issue for you, b/c it took my wife a long time to accept the truth. If you look deeper into the issue, it will appear to be a normal course of everyday occurrence in history. Take off the edge and sensitivity. It is not as serious as you have been told.
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