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Taimur SLV - Pakistan

Thread trolled ........ Thank you Indians.

Its our SLV, Missles we will name what we want.... What the FUKC is your problem.... We'll name it Taimur, Tipu, Raam, Bhense ki Tang, ******,,,,,,,,, We will name whatever we want,,,,,,, You fukers always destroy every thread like this,,,,,,
Its fine. Lets get back to the topic.
In my opinion,considering the missiles Pak has in its arsenal,it should be a piece of cake for suparco to develop a slv. I wonder why haven't they tried it yet.
Pakistan infact don't wanna spend money for anything it don't considers necessary .........:smokin:
As a matter of fact I have nothing against Pakistan or it's missiles developement...It may be homegrown , imported or gifted by martians.. I don't care...
I only posted in this thread because some idiot brought Brahmos in post 38..

Actually you're the idiot here because you didn't even bother to check that it was your countrymen who made a retarded claim (a common trait in all indian trolls here) that Pakistan uses "imported names for imported missiles".

So get that straight fool.
Can someone please COME BACK TO TOPIC and give some specs of the SLV??:hitwall:
2 ghante pehle question post kara tha par sabh ke sab ek doosre ki lene main itne busy the ki kisi ne anwer hi nahi kiya..................:angry:
imported missles

As you weren't taught any better or haven't figured it out as yet, let me be the first to inform you that hypocrisy is objectively considered to be a blameworthy attribute, rather than a praiseworthy one.
A program started in 1980 and today is 2012....... Thankyou for your contribution......You have successfully trolled the thread.

The developement started only in 1993 and you are right this is 2012...
then why are u wasting ur time on this thread discussing a mythical Taimur SLV..u can send ur satellites to China..or ask China to build one for u..as it is more economical than asking ur nearly non-existant SUPARCO...

Why do you care so much ? :azn: ... This is none of your business where I am wasting my time ...

I have seen many like you who have nothing useful to contribute to the thread and instead raise their post count by trolling ... They get painted pink in the end :lol:

If SUPARCO cant deliver something , then they do not even make far fetched claims of developing 5th Gen Fighters or Star Wars Lasers like some ! :P ... Got it , kid ?

One thing more , military projects are kept under wraps in Pakistan ... Did you know that Islamabad was working on Cruise missiles until one day you were perplexed after seeing Raad and Babur in the Sky ? :azn:
Why do you care so much ? :azn: ... This is none of your business where I am wasting my time ...

I have seen many like you who have nothing useful to contribute to the thread and instead raise their post count by trolling ... They get painted pink in the end :lol:

If SUPARCO cant deliver something , then they do not even make far fetched claims of developing 5th Gen Fighters or Star Wars Lasers like some ! :P ... Got it , kid ?

One thing more , military projects are kept under wraps in Pakistan ... Did you know that Islamabad was working on Cruise missiles until one day you were perplexed after seeing Raad and Babur in the Sky ? :azn:

I dont care about ur missiles as our missiles and BMD will be enough to take care those of urs...i am only commenting on this thread as i have nothing better to do now..;)

Dont worry..i was only perplexed about ur Raads and Baburs was that their paint did not come off and did not reveal Chinese characters on it...But i guess Pakistanis are very good at paint job..!!

And about SUPARCO making far fetched claims will be very silly as it has to yet to produce a single component for a satellite...really pathetic for an organisation that in 50 yrs of it existance, it has yet to produce anything...
when jealous indians have their brain get fart and have nothing to say on topic they start things like import/paint/names etc.
taimur a mangol warrior do pakistan has any hero from its own land or just use imported name for imported missles
remember taj mahal :D =)) mere bhaii every thing u are proud of some how its related to muslims for for exmpl taj mahal , atom bomb we dont forget we also ruled u for like 1000 years :D cz as muslims were are not bounded into states or geographic boundaries

Shaheen-III Programme
Main article: Shaheen-III
Pakistan began to concentrate to developed its first SLV in sometime in 1998. On March 2001, Science Advisor to the President Abdul Qadeer Khan publicly announced that Pakistani aerospace scientists were in the general process of building the country's first Expendable Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) and that the project had been assigned to SUPARCO, which also built the Badr satellites.[14]
Abdul Qadeer Khan also cited the fact that India had made rapid advances in launch technology and satellite manufacture as another motivation for developing an indigenous launch capabilities. Abdul Majid, then-chairman of SUPARCO, confirmed Khan's statement and said "Pakistan envision a low-cost SLV and Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) inroder to launch light-weight satellite into low-earth orbits. Abdul Qadeer Khan also added that" Pakistan has very robust IRBMs which can launch geostationary orbiting satellites. All Pakistan has to do is to erase Delhi or Kolkota from the target and point it towards the sky. Instead of Hydrogen bombs and Atomic bombs the missiles can easily carry a payload of a satellite".[14]
In March 2005, President General Musharraf authorized renewed research and development on an indigenous launch capability, which would be able to orbit a planned domestically built satellite, the PAKSAT-IR. During the IDEAS 2002 defence exhibition Pakdef spotted two similar models of Pakistani Satellite Launch Vehicles.
The first model points out a possible three stage of Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). Judging from other similar SLV's, it is estimated that it can place a payload weighing around 80–100 kilogramme to an orbit 450–490 kilometres above Earth's surface. However the exact data remains unknown. The second model of the Satellite Launch Vehicle seems similar to the first model however, with four extra boosters. Many nations with SLV technology developed boosters based on their missile technology. Therefore it is fair to assume that the boosters on the second model might also be based on one of Pakistan's ballistic missiles.
On August 2006, after Prime minister Shaukat Aziz's official visit to People's Republic of China, Prime Minister Aziz called a meeting of Suparco's scientists and engineers, where Prime minister was briefed by SUPARCO's scientist on the status of the both SLV programme. At present, the status of such programme is remained unclear and unknown.
In August 18, 2009, Samar Mubarak Mand reported that Pakistan would launch its own satellite in April 2011 it made some things seem all to obvious to analyst familiar with the subject.[16] According to Global Security.org, it is expected the satellite would be launched from Shaheen-III booster from unknown Pakistan's space facility.
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