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Tactical Uqab UAV detailed

Pakistan soon is making newer version of UQAB BLOCK-II which is going to be bigger in size than previous one and it will carry new Hj-10 or new turkish Long Range Anti Tank (LRAT) known as UTMAS Missile!!!

Brothers, Can anybody post the specifications of Chinese HJ-10 Anti-Tank missiles to compare with UMTAS ?
Brothers, Can anybody post the specifications of Chinese HJ-10 Anti-Tank missiles to compare with UMTAS ?

well brother here you go:

HJ10 is a serise of chines developed anti-tank missile system. basically HJ10 is the land launched version. it have a weight of 50 Kg and range of 10 Km. originally it was designed with tandem warhead and now can carry HEAT and other conventional warheads. one of its key features is the ability to defeat ERA. the missile features ImIR, semi-active laser hoiming, TV, and MMW SARH guaidance and moves at supersonic speed.

for you as you want to compare it with UMTAS the better system is the AKD10, this is the air launced version of HJ10.

AKD-10 is an air-to-surface derivative of HJ-10, though like HJ-10, it can also be launched from various platforms. The development of AKD-10 rooted from the fact that on the modern battlefield, over 70% of the targets are not armored, but instead, soft-targets such as bunkers, fortifications, and vehicles without armor. This ratio would increase further in urban environments and the dedicated anti-armor missile is not effective against these softer targets. As a result, AKD-10, a cheaper alternative to HJ-10 is developed for soft targets. Externally, AKD-10 looks nearly identical to HJ-10, and the operators would use the weapon exactly as HJ-10, without any difference.

Some Chinese military enthusiasts have suggested that AKD-10 is only a temporary measure, because China is already developing a multipurpose warhead / fuse like that of BILL 2 Anti-tank guided weapon and FGM-148 Javelin, so that a single missile can be used against both the armored and soft targets. However, this claim was rejected by China North Industries Group Corp at the defense exhibitions, because the missile with multipurpose warhead / fuse would be more expansive, and AKD-10 would still have a place of its own on the battlefield, like in the cramped areas where it is difficult for armored forces to deploy, such as mountainous and some urban areas. Unless there is someway to bring down the cost of the multipurpose warhead / fuse under development (so far the developer hasn’t find any), the cheaper AKD-10 would thus remain in service for sometime in the foreseeable future after the multipurpose warhead / fuse developed for HJ-10 has been completed. Another reason of the predicated longevity of AKD-10 is that it can be used as an anti-ship missile against smaller boats like the AGM-114 Hellfire. The armor-piercing HJ-10 is not effective in this role because it would often penetrate on side of boat and come out from the other, without inflicting any real damage, while AKD-10 designed for softer targets would be more effective when it explodes, causing huge damage serious enough to sink the boat.

thus it can be suggested that AKD 10 is some what inferior to HJ10 when it comes to dedicated anti-tank strike.
the fact is that HJ10 is not merely a missile, rather it is the name of a serise of indegeniously build missiles for anti-armour role.

the HJ10 is the land launch version, can be launched from portable system or armoured vehical.
the AKD 10 is the air launched version for the WA10 or other attack helicopters

as the thread is dedicated to UAV so the most important one to mention here is the AR1

AR-1 is reportedly another development of HJ-10, and it is a missile specifically designed to be carried by unmanned combat air vehicles, such as the CH-3 UCAV, which was revealed as one of the carriers of AR-1 at the 7th Zhuhai Airshow held at the end of 2008, when AR-1 made its debut. AR-1 is similar in size with HJ/AKD-10, but differs in shape. The diameter of AR-1 is the same throughout the entire length of the missile, as opposed to the smaller section in the front for HJ/AKD-10. The control surfaces for AR-1 are also different than that of HJ/AKD-10. Two sets of control surfaces of AR-1 are placed further apart, as opposed to immediately right next to each other in the case of HJ/AKD-10. Instead of having a much larger set than the other, the sizes of two sets of control surfaces of AR-1 are similar. The set of control surfaces at the front is swept instead of trapezoid shaped like in HJ/AKD-10, and they are closer to the tip of the missile. Although the developer has claimed that AR-1 can be armed with three types of seekers, including TV, Imaging IR (ImIR), and semi-active laser hoiming, only the TV guided version were shown to the public. AR-1 cannot be guided by MMW radar because radars are too heavy to be carried by UAVs. AR-1 can be used against a various targets from individual soldiers to tanks and small boats. At the 7th Zhuhai Airshow where AR-1 made its debut, it was not displayed as an independent exhibit, but instead, as a subsystem of CH-3 UCAV, whose developer is not the same one who developed AR-1, and thus could not provide much details about AR-1. Staff of CH-3 UCAV developer claimed AR-1 can be armed with a various warheads for different missions, but since AR-1 was not their products, they did not know the exact types of warheads that have been developed for AR-1. Judging from its appearance, it is safe to assume that the warhead arming AR-1 at the air show is similar to that of AKD-10.

i wish my post was helpful and informative for you brother!

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