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Tactical Uqab UAV detailed

epool, our UQAB UAV has optical sensors. you could see optical sensors being introduced to our UAV platforms, after the induction of the Falco UAV. I seriously doubt your claim of multi-million dollar investment, not even NESCOM would spend that much money on UAV's, it would be hard for them to spend that much even on air-launched Raad. to totally brush that assumption aside, UQAB wasn't even a govt. project to begin with. it was a tender released by our govt. for an indigenously built UAV, with several companies competing; IDS, ACES, and Albadeey. ACES, a privately-owned company won that tender with their Eagle-Eye platform.

as for the babur cruise missile, there is no doubt, the cruise missile relies on TERCOM. the difference between the Babur and the block III tomahawk that fell into our areas, is that the tomahawk at that time used TERCOM along with GPS updates, and the Babur cruise missile relies on a multi-navigational system using GPS updates, INS, and TERCOM. It's quite similar to the chinese navigation systems for their cruise missiles, and the reason for that is because we weren't fully able to comprehend and absorb TERCOM technology back in '98.

The current block of tomahawks use a combination of GPS updates the DSMAC-digital TERCOM-which is more accurate and precise. Babur cruise missiles cannot rely only on GPS updates, otherwise it can't fly low enough to be considered a terrain-hugging missile. If our cruise missiles were only using GPS, they would crash into mountains or buildings in the way. We would need to update their flight controls during flight to change altitude to avoid obstacles, which would require communication and navigation satellites we don't have.

ACES is NOT privately owned! ;) UQAB or Eagle Eye is developed by the GoP! Enough Said!

The multi-million dollar investment was made by the Army into PMO UAV Complex starting from 2001! Army pulled the plug on PMO UAV program due to non-performance in 2007 but then Gen Kiyani gave them a fresh lease of life after seeing the demo of UQAB last year. However, PMO is still on its own to sell UQAB because neither the Army or the Air Force has officially bought it yet!

FALCO is a Italian made platform by Selex-Galileo Avionica. This contract was placed in 2006 for development of 12 bird system by PAF. The sensors installed on FALCO are from Galileo and NOT Pakistan.

Lastly, you may be correct regarding the terrain-conformance ability being used in conjunction with GPS guidance in the cruise missiles though!
GPS guidance canot support 3D imaging. While terrain-conformance ability can be best utilized to generate 3D images which would greately enhance guidance capabilities.
HI , i think that PAK military should try to concentrate on doing MALE projects like make UCAV the size of preditor-B but in a nishan design so that it can take heavier payloads than preditor-B and also its jet version which may go supersonic and make the history that country like PAK make such UCAV/UAV that can fly supersonic
According to Jane's, the UQAB uav is being fitted for a military strike role (eg; AGMs) with chinese assistence.
According to Jane's, the UQAB uav is being fitted for a military strike role (eg; AGMs) with chinese assistence.

Highly unlikely!!!

UQAB is a small platform and does not have the required wing span, weight carrying ability or the engine rating to target and fire any ATGW or AGM's!
Pakistan is closing in on introducing A2G weapons on its UAV's, however, I doubt UQAB will be the candidate for the same reasons, epool stated above. what we do know for sure is that a Reaper crashed into our territory last year, and there has been some progress made...and my lips are sealed ;)
According to Jane's, the UQAB uav is being fitted for a military strike role (eg; AGMs) with chinese assistence.
Thanks for that information sir. Surely the current model cannot carry enough weight for armament? Sounds like they will enlarge the Uqab, fit a bigger motor and add a hardpoint under each wing. How hard can it be? Make it stealthy enough to not get detected, strong enough to carry 2-4 PGM (bombs and/or missiles), aerodynamically efficient enough to cruise for ages.
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HI, I think that they should try to make a bigger version of NISHAN_MKI like the size of Preditor-B with more wing area than the current one in this way it will be able to take much havier loads than the Preditor-B and also its jet version which may go supersonic and make the history that country like PAK make such UCAV/UAV that can fly supersonic and also u people should consider the fact that FALCO has a very small wing area which is prime thing to wing loading other than span and strenghtof the wing altough the statement that was given by Mr. Kyani that now it will be integrated with weapons.Also they should try to integrate it with newer version of ATGW (PAK BAKTAR-SHIKAN) like which is able of LASER/Infrared guidence system including an ECCM/WE pod or unit fitted inside and may be radar in front nose and a FLIR could be added like they did in UQAB/FALCO.IF we have done that we might ave an UCAV more capable than Preditor-B .
For asaad-ul-islam & epool i want to say that:
for the guidence system of UQAB and for BABUR & RAAD cruise missile they should add some system they are making & acquiring some of them which i know like:
1.GPS/INS guidence for cruise missile and with autonomous take-off and landing for UAV's.(I have heard on this forum rom a senior member that IDS & Integrated dynamics is making it in PAK).
2.FLIR as well as IRIST(pods).So that if every thing fails then the operator could guide it through seeing the Infrared images through Sat.Com which i agree is not possible but it will be when we are going to launch those two communication SAT's which i have heared was completed in 2007 late and it was just not sheduled to be launched.
3.Front terrain following radar which the Tornados GR.4 has but a smaller version, so it can fly at even tree top level in fully autonomous mode without any collision.(this thing is missing).

But i would like to say that the bigger and improved version of nishan that im talking, with even greater wing area and even after doing bigger scale modling and enancing its design to have bigger wing area would be able to take much higher payloads and may be pods of Turkish-CIRTI infrared rockets or may be a newer version of PAK-ATGW with infrared and laser guidence and may be similar rockets(like CIRTI).

Note: i wish that the GPS/INS would be similar to 3 ring laser gyros GPS/INS which im not sure that IDS & Integrated dynamics is making it in PAK.
Can you define in detail what is TERCOM and what is ACES in full form.

Pakistan soon is making newer version of UQAB BLOCK-II which is going to be bigger in size than previous one and it will carry new Hj-10 or new turkish Long Range Anti Tank (LRAT) known as UTMAS Missile!!!

Rite now Pakistan Army is looking for some sucessfull achievements of Xianglong Unmanned Reconnaissance Aerial Vehicle if it is good enough PA will soon buy them...and PAF already has SQN of FALCO UAV's
Pakistan soon is making newer version of UQAB BLOCK-II which is going to be bigger in size than previous one and it will carry new Hj-10 or new turkish Long Range Anti Tank (LRAT) known as UTMAS Missile!!!

Rite now Pakistan Army is looking for some sucessfull achievements of Xianglong Unmanned Reconnaissance Aerial Vehicle if it is good enough PA will soon buy them...and PAF already has SQN of FALCO UAV's

Thanks for adding to what fatman has posted. Can you give us any more info on the Uqab-II?
How much bigger will it be?
How long will it stay in the air and how far will it fly?
In which areas are the Chinese assisting?
How many missiles/bombs will it carry - how many hardpoints?
Will it have retractable landing gear?
hav u guys any updates news regardin new UCAV "Burraq" ??? :oops:
ACES is NOT privately owned! UQAB or Eagle Eye is developed by the GoP! Enough Said!

The multi-million dollar investment was made by the Army into PMO UAV Complex starting from 2001! Army pulled the plug on PMO UAV program due to non-performance in 2007 but then Gen Kiyani gave them a fresh lease of life after seeing the demo of UQAB last year. However, PMO is still on its own to sell UQAB because neither the Army or the Air Force has officially bought it yet!

Epool, that UAV had performed weakly.Whatever you have said is true perhaps you can judge what i am saying by my location. ;)
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