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Tactical Uqab UAV detailed

Even the predator and the reaper are both propeller driven, what are you talking about. Propeller driven does not mean it cant carry missiles. The only valid points are raised by epool here.
Predator and reaper 'launch' their missiles, not collide themselves with the target. This harpy thing does'nt lauch the missiles, rather acts like one. That is what I am talking about.
Turkey and Pakistan have already signed a co-operation agreement about UAV technology in 2007 so I do not think that Pakistan will go to order Chinese UAV's instead of developing your own strategic MALE UAV's with brother Turkey so It is possibile to see an introduction news about a startegic MALE on your media that developed by Pakistani engineers similar with Turkish Tiha-A version....;) The Solidarity of Brothers....

UAV Projects Signature Ceremonies (May 23rd, 2007)

In the scope of Indigenous UAV (MALE) Development Project,

The Signing Ceremony concerning cooperation agreement between Turkey (TAI) and Pakistan (AWC),


Program Definition:

The contract of the Turkish Indigenous Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) – TIHA Program was signed between the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) and TAI on December 24, 2004, to meet the requirements of Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) The program covers design, development, production, test and delivery of three air vehicle prototypes, all related ground systems and technical documentation. The program is composed of "Conceptual Design," "Preliminary Design," "Detail Design and Development" as well as "Tests and Evaluation" phases. During the development phase, a Systems Integration Laboratory (SIL), where system elements and their interfaces will be developed and integrated, will be established. Following the integration of the system, the first flight of TIHA is planned to be realized in 2009.

System Definition:

The TIHA system comprises of aerial platform, Ground Control Station (GCS), Transportable, Image Exploitation Station (TIES), Portable Video Terminal (PVT) and miscellaneous Ground Support Equipment (GSE). The system composition is shown in the figure given below.

With TIHA system, which is developed for day and night real time image intelligence for surveillance, reconnaissance, fixed/moving target detection, identification and tracking missions; the following payload can be carried on board:

* Electro-Optical Day Camera (EO Day TV),
* Day Camera (EO-Electro Optic) / Thermal Camera (IR-Infrared) / LRF-Laser Range Finder & LD-Laser Designator and Spotter,
* SAR-Synthetic Aperture Radar / MTI- Moving Target Indicator & ISAR-Inverse SAR.

Full composite airframe is composed of monocock fuselage, detachable wing and V-Tail, retractable landing gear, equipment bays, service doors and other structural components. The air vehicle is powered by a pusher type piston-prop propulsion system. The airframe is equipped with miscellaneous sub systems like fuel system; de/anti-ice devices; environmental conditioning system for cooling/heating requirements of the compartments.

The avionics system includes a Flight Management System (FMS); integrated to FMS, flight sensors (pitot-static sensor, embedded GPS/INS, magnetic heading, displacement, temperature, pressure transducers), actuators; dedicated communication and identification devices; mission control, record; and other control and interface units.

Technical Specifications:

TIHA system basic performance parameters are as follows:

* Service Ceiling: 30,000 ft
* Endurance: 24 hrs
* Cruise Speed: >75 kts
* Environmental Conditions: 15 kts side wind, 20 kts head wind; temperature, humidity, rain and icing limits as defined in MIL-HDBK-310

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Awesome introduction video of Tiha-A. Tiha-B will capable to carry 70mm Cirits, Laser guided bombs and Bunker blasting bombs up to 500kg load to attack enemy troops, vehicles....

Tiha-A in Pakistan Army....

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Tiha-A development phrases are proceed according to planned time schelue. TAI is planning to perform first test flight of Tiha-A in this year. Turkish Milsoft company has also finished to develop-produce terminal shelters of Tiha-A. STM-Havelsan is integrating indigenous command-control softwares to systems.

Transportable Image Exploitation System, Remote Video Terminal’s shelter...

Predator and reaper 'launch' their missiles, not collide themselves with the target. This harpy thing does'nt lauch the missiles, rather acts like one. That is what I am talking about.

What ever Pakistan will get or or perhaps co-develop will be on the same line as predator or reaper meaning they will fire missiles and not hit something itself as harpy does and so propeller driven does not effect the capability.
Pakistan is currently seeking a long-range MALE UAV system that can also be adopted to UCAV role. The Army is impressed with the performance of the Reaper UCAV armed with Hellfire Missiles as operated by the CIA in the WANA areas.

Politics aside, this UCAV system is actually filling a very important operational gap for the Pakistan Army in that area by taking out the foreign element of the Al-Qaeda. Hence the Army is now desperately seeking a MALE system (something like the Israeli Heron or US Reaper both of which are not available to Pakistan at this time).

Pakistan wants the MALE UAV to be armed and compatible with the Baktar Shikan long range (5-km) guided weapon system. The best bet in this regards would be to invest locally and have a MALE developed quickly with the assistance of foreign friendly countries (such as the Turks) but that will still take a few years before we could even see a mature platform being launched.

Between now and then the Army is in pressure to perhaps have a stop-gap measure and purchase a MALE off the shelf and arm it in Pakistan. In this way they could literally say thanks but no thanks to the CIA assisted attacks by the Reaper UCAV and take the matters into their own hands by using their own MALE UCAV for the neutralization tasks to be carried out in the area between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Whats the possiblity of Pakistan developing an Airbourne UAV laucher ?
the US has one and trying to develop one that would fit on the Apche Helicopter.

Would anyone would like to comment on that ?
Whats the possiblity of Pakistan developing an Airbourne UAV laucher ?
the US has one and trying to develop one that would fit on the Apche Helicopter.

Would anyone would like to comment on that ?

This is not a feasible option at this stage for UAV or UCAV operations. All UAV's in service worldwide are currently independently launched and recovered. Pakistan at this stage simply need three types of UAV's, short range, medium range and long range in fixed wing or VTOL categories. Launching or development of an airborne launcher to be attached to manned platforms as you have suggested is not foreseen in the future.
Pakistan managed to get its hands on the MQ-9 Reaper that fell into our tribal areas, therefore, we won't need technology from other countries. we already get the best technology from straight from the US, just like we did in 1998 in the form of intact tomahawk cruise missiles.
Pakistan managed to get its hands on the MQ-9 Reaper that fell into our tribal areas, therefore, we won't need technology from other countries. we already get the best technology from straight from the US, just like we did in 1998 in the form of intact tomahawk cruise missiles.

Making an airframe is not rocket science. In case of the Tomahawk's you mention, the reverse engineering was relatively simple. However, in a MQ-9 Reaper its not the airframe but the sophisticated sensors (which is beyond our manufacturing capability at this stage) is what matters.
Making an airframe is not rocket science. In case of the Tomahawk's you mention, the reverse engineering was relatively simple. However, in a MQ-9 Reaper its not the airframe but the sophisticated sensors (which is beyond our manufacturing capability at this stage) is what matters.
actually, making an airframe is quite difficult-although not rocket science in the literal sense. The airframe must be designed with extensive use of composites, to be able to achieve the designated range. The reverse engineering was not simple at all. Keep in mind the year was 1998, and Pakistan was far too behind when it came to technology. It wasn't easy for us to develop TERCOM guidance systems, along with a mini-turbofan, and throttle control technology-something China doesn't even have on its cruise missiles.

Pakistan is not too far behind when it comes to sophisticated sensors, we can make them. We have the infrastructure, knowledge base, and manpower at hand. Reverse engineering the MQ-9 Reaper is actually proving to be more easier than reverse engineering the Tomahawk. Our engineers have already started to crack the SATCOM uplink and downlink.
actually, making an airframe is quite difficult-although not rocket science in the literal sense. The airframe must be designed with extensive use of composites, to be able to achieve the designated range. The reverse engineering was not simple at all. Keep in mind the year was 1998, and Pakistan was far too behind when it came to technology. It wasn't easy for us to develop TERCOM guidance systems, along with a mini-turbofan, and throttle control technology-something China doesn't even have on its cruise missiles.

Pakistan is not too far behind when it comes to sophisticated sensors, we can make them. We have the infrastructure, knowledge base, and manpower at hand. Reverse engineering the MQ-9 Reaper is actually proving to be more easier than reverse engineering the Tomahawk. Our engineers have already started to crack the SATCOM uplink and downlink.

I have yet to see any optical or electronic sensors for airborne unmanned platforms being developed in Pakistan either privately or by a Government funded agency! Our Cruise Missile (BABER) is not terra-conforming as per my information rather it is GPS coordinated! The Tomahawks fired by Bill Clinton on Afghan camps were all GPS guided as terra-conforming technology is now outdated and generally expensive compared to GPS guided tech.

While I agree that we have the required infrastructure etc for UAV since the past 10 years or so but I would not be too much excited about the level of expertise that comes with it as the result of the 10-year multi-million dollar investment has come out in the shape of the rudimentary UQAB UAV!!:undecided:
I have yet to see any optical or electronic sensors for airborne unmanned platforms being developed in Pakistan either privately or by a Government funded agency! Our Cruise Missile (BABER) is not terra-conforming as per my information rather it is GPS coordinated! The Tomahawks fired by Bill Clinton on Afghan camps were all GPS guided as terra-conforming technology is now outdated and generally expensive compared to GPS guided tech.

While I agree that we have the required infrastructure etc for UAV since the past 10 years or so but I would not be too much excited about the level of expertise that comes with it as the result of the 10-year multi-million dollar investment has come out in the shape of the rudimentary UQAB UAV!!:undecided:
epool, our UQAB UAV has optical sensors. you could see optical sensors being introduced to our UAV platforms, after the induction of the Falco UAV. I seriously doubt your claim of multi-million dollar investment, not even NESCOM would spend that much money on UAV's, it would be hard for them to spend that much even on air-launched Raad. to totally brush that assumption aside, UQAB wasn't even a govt. project to begin with. it was a tender released by our govt. for an indigenously built UAV, with several companies competing; IDS, ACES, and Albadeey. ACES, a privately-owned company won that tender with their Eagle-Eye platform.

as for the babur cruise missile, there is no doubt, the cruise missile relies on TERCOM. the difference between the Babur and the block III tomahawk that fell into our areas, is that the tomahawk at that time used TERCOM along with GPS updates, and the Babur cruise missile relies on a multi-navigational system using GPS updates, INS, and TERCOM. It's quite similar to the chinese navigation systems for their cruise missiles, and the reason for that is because we weren't fully able to comprehend and absorb TERCOM technology back in '98.

The current block of tomahawks use a combination of GPS updates the DSMAC-digital TERCOM-which is more accurate and precise. Babur cruise missiles cannot rely only on GPS updates, otherwise it can't fly low enough to be considered a terrain-hugging missile. If our cruise missiles were only using GPS, they would crash into mountains or buildings in the way. We would need to update their flight controls during flight to change altitude to avoid obstacles, which would require communication and navigation satellites we don't have.
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