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T20 World Cup 2022

This would be either 92 or 99. Pak won comfortably against NZ in Semi Final in 99 WC but failed miserably against Australia in Final.
When our forefathers were useless and bowed to the British it was not surprising at all that they treated us as 2nd class.
Today the freshness that you refer to are in every sphere of government and business.
Britain is home now for many and captain fo England?? I will let you name him

There are 100s of Harris babar and afridis in Pakistan...harami slect9rs are the problem

Yep you freshies love them but us originals hate there guts .
You freshies have got it easy because of us
It was us who faced the brunt of the racist English growing up here and had to fight for our rights to be treated equal .
I’ve seen how you lot interact and live ( yess sir please sir ) but we can never live like that as you must have seen how we walk how we talk how we flex .

It was us Pakistanis ,the Indian Sikhs and the West Indians who paved the way for you lot to walk safely on the streets here .

As you know we stand up tall we’re brash we’re bold we’re loud and we fight for our dignity our race our culture and our religion and to live as normal human citizens here as you seen when the freshies from India came and made the mistake they did in Leicester . There was no freshies who fought back it was us second third generation British born who ran the RSS turds out of Leicester and shut them up and made them behave from now onwards while the freshies hid .

Azeem rafiq racism scandal is still ongoing so yeah fcuk England in cricket and I hope India batter them .
And the football team I hope get knocked out and come back home with the tails between their legs .
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Yep you freshies love them but us originals hate there guts .
You freshies have got it easy because of us
It was us who faced the brunt of the racist English growing up here and had to fight for our rights to be treated equal .
I’ve seen how you lot interact and live ( yess sir please sir ) but we can never live like that as you must have seen how we walk how we talk how we flex .

It was us Pakistanis ,the Indian Sikhs and the West Indians who paved the way for you lot to walk safely on the streets here .

As you know we stand up tall we’re brash we’re bold we’re loud and we fight for our dignity our race our culture and our religion and to live as normal human citizens here as you seen when the freshies from India came and made the mistake they did in Leicester . There was no freshies who fought back it was us second third generation British born who ran the RSS turds out of Leicester and shut them up and made them behave from now onwards while the freshies hid .

Azeem rafiq racism scandal is still ongoing so yeah fcuk England in cricket and I hope India batter them .
And the football team I hope get knocked out and come back home with the tails between their legs .
So u must be like 75.
The world is moving on baba gee. I also know you can't teach an old dog new tricks and your needle is stuck and so be it. But at least open your mind a little.
Azeem rafiq is a terrible injustice and he took action and it sent shock waves through the establishment. If your generation made so many changes why did azeem rafiq happen. Oh its because like everything else your generation didn't do the job properly.
Going forward nasser Hussian was the captain ok England. Other black players have represented England and now Moin Ali leads England.
So baba gee please try to adjust or u will get left behind. I hope u r not still watching black and white TV
So u must be like 75.
The world is moving on baba gee. I also know you can't teach an old dog new tricks and your needle is stuck and so be it. But at least open your mind a little.
Azeem rafiq is a terrible injustice and he took action and it sent shock waves through the establishment. If your generation made so many changes why did azeem rafiq happen. Oh its because like everything else your generation didn't do the job properly.
Going forward nasser Hussian was the captain ok England. Other black players have represented England and now Moin Ali leads England.
So baba gee please try to adjust or u will get left behind. I hope u r not still watching black and white TV

Baba Jee lol I’m not old it’s the way I’ve been bought up .( first time I got smacked by a white bully my old man sent me back to smash he’s nose in . I did and never looked back . I got hit with police truncheon for no reason by white racist split my eyebrow open and after getting stitched up at A&E my brother gave me a hammer to smash he’s head in . I did .
I was a kid . Felt oh so good

Azeem rafiq is a freshi they don’t have fight in them like us it was because he stayed quiet and made the white guys walk all over him all he’s life , just like all freshies or mangethers as we call them fondly .

Moin Ali’s family is from Sparkhill Birmingham he’s brother kadeer was better than him and they learnt cricket in Sparkhill park where they still weren’t the best players of their time . Props to he's dad for how he turned out .

When England fans used to chant “ I’d rather be dead than a P*** or a ni***r “ and Micheal Vaughan England cricket captain throwing around racial slurs like sweets to young kids
Ian Botham the cricketing English superstar racially abusing the whole of Pakistan and then the Tory mp Norman tebbitt and he’s cricket test uproar .

I have off the boat mangethers in my family and they have no back bone no fight in them like us British born Pakistanis and are more loyal to the UK than the white English .

And the bottom line is if any trouble between the far right broke out nowadays in UK the freshies would hide in their locked bathrooms and side with the racists against us . The West Indians and the Indian sikhs would stand side by side with us as we will with them and we know it as we grew up together played together and fought the national front together .
Pakistanis in UK should forever be grateful to the Azad Kashmiris the hinko speaking Chachees the pukhtoons the Indian Sikhs and the West Indians who made it safe for them to live here meekly .
Not forgetting the Bengali’s who also stood and fought and still fight up until these days together against the far right while the freshies from Pakistan cower in their bathrooms .

Come on India smash the racist English tomorrow . 😁

Just stating the truth no offence pal
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Rahul Dravid needs to be dropped as coach of T20 side at least, need to bring in someone like Sehwag Or Yuvraj for that role. His style of batting isn't suited for T20 format and that's started to reflect in our teams batting display. I am a huge Dravid fan myself, but this is how it should be.
Baba Jee lol I’m not old it’s the way I’ve been bought up .( first time I got smacked by a white bully my old man sent me back to smash he’s nose in . I did and never looked back . I got hit with police truncheon for no reason by white racist split my eyebrow open and after getting stitched up at A&E my brother gave me a hammer to smash he’s head in . I did .
I was a kid . Felt oh so good

Azeem rafiq is a freshi they don’t have fight in them like us it was because he stayed quiet and made the white guys walk all over him all he’s life , just like all freshies or mangethers as we call them fondly .

Moin Ali’s family is from Sparkhill Birmingham he’s brother kadeer was better than him and they learnt cricket in Sparkhill park where they still weren’t the best players of their time . Props to he's dad for how he turned out .

When England fans used to chant “ I’d rather be dead than a P*** or a ni***r “ and Micheal Vaughan England cricket captain throwing around racial slurs like sweets to young kids
Ian Botham the cricketing English superstar racially abusing the whole of Pakistan and then the Tory mp Norman tebbitt and he’s cricket test uproar .

I have off the boat mangethers in my family and they have no back bone no fight in them like us British born Pakistanis and are more loyal to the UK than the white English .

And the bottom line is if any trouble between the far right broke out nowadays in UK the freshies would hide in their locked bathrooms and side with the racists against us . The West Indians and the Indian sikhs would stand side by side with us as we will with them and we know it as we grew up together played together and fought the national front together .
Pakistanis in UK should forever be grateful to the Azad Kashmiris the hinko speaking Chachees the pukhtoons the Indian Sikhs and the West Indians who made it safe for them to live here meekly .
Not forgetting the Bengali’s who also stood and fought and still fight up until these days together against the far right while the freshies from Pakistan cower in their bathrooms .

Come on India smash the racist English tomorrow . 😁

Just stating the truth no offence pal
Oh and there it is.
British born kashmiris. Sad you are all that yet none of you go and fight to free Kashmir from Indian rule.
It's very sad that you grew up in a violent racist 2nd rate environment.
I can here as a child. Went through schooling. University became an engineer a scientist and subsequently my own business. Opportunities that only UK can afford us and not pakistan. I will not bad mouth a country that has helped me.
You seem very bitter bro. There are rotten apples in the UK but there are worse apples in Pakistan. I just spent 7 years there and some people are totally mofo's
If you hate England so much leave no one is forcing yoh to stay. And if you want yo support India over England tomorrow that's your choice. Make sure you remember your kashmiri background and what those Indians are doing to Kashmiris today's and the only ones that ever stand up to India are the Pakistani that you look down at.

Have a nice day.
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