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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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Turkey's own air defence network called SkyWatcher/HERIKKS.


With HQ-9B long range missile batteries to be joined into inventory, The system will be integrated into SkyWatcher network by Aselsan engineers. SAme engineers will integrate following domestic air defence systems to same network at similar years.

Roketsan/Aselsan collaboration programs:

-Korkut Self Propelled Anti-AirCraft Gun
-New VSORAD/MANPAD missile platforms
-Towed Low Altitude SAM system
-Autonomous Low Altitude SAM system
-Medium Altitude SAM system


Turkey gives more time for missile deal offers
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey has extended a deadline for missile system tender offers for three more months amid continuing talks with Western bidders despite provisionally awarding the deal to China

Turkey has again extended the deadline for bidding companies to send revised offers for its anti-ballistic missile air defense system.
The new deadline for rival bidding companies to submit their proposals is April 30, allowing U.S. company Raytheon Co and Lockheed Martin Corp and Italian-French team Eurosam SAMP/T to revise their offers and try to head off a Chinese company, with which Turkey is still in talks.

In the meantime, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who accompanied French President François Hollande during his visit to Turkey on Jan. 27, met with Murad Bayar, Turkey’s head of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), for discussions on the missile deal.

Officials from Eurosam and Raytheon are in contact with the SSM from time to time, but offers from any bidders will only be examined if contract negotiations with the Chinese company fail before April 30
, a Turkish official familiar with the process told the Hürriyet Daily News.


Yes,i know we've talked about that and believe i know that many turks are aware of Erdogan's intentions,i see it here,i see it in other forums,i see it when discussing with my turkish friends.

And congratulations on the next submarine,but don't forget that Germany helped you in getting technology.
Arent you worried about the weather there?
Snow storms?
No,Turkey is far from Iran as of now but it's heading towards dictatorship.

Man,sacking police officers .prosecutors who handled the corruption cases is a gross violation of power separation within a democratic state.

Who will ever dare to question Erdogan and comp. in the future if they know they face a quick sacking ? Not mentioning that his clique is in all key posts:army,judges,police,prosecutors.This is how an entire state gets owned by a few individuals.

I know that many of you don't like "western meddling" but this is just empty "Turkey Strongg!!" rhetoric.Look at the last few days,the EU is pressuring David Cameron not to change laws affecting EU immigrants warning of reprisals if he does so.This is the norm,the EU is a club with certain rules,they see strict laws for democracy (now we can debate if some of this rules/laws are just or can function for everybody) and they will insist on these rules to their partners.Turkey is a partner of the EU if not a future member.Turks are a big community in Europe,sure, there are cases of anti turkism but that is not the norm and you know it.

And yet,german firms still work with Turkey as of now,see the submarine project.

The percentage in Turkey that would allow Turkey to turn into an Iran is only a small percentage, i'm confident majority of akp supporters want nothing to do with Iran and its politics or ideologies.

Either way, there will always be corruption, the only possible thing is to reduce it as much as possible. I prefer that those prosecutors and policemen undergo a check on their background etc. than to let them operate freely as if they have immunity, because if they were to be checked it would violate rights. What if a portion of those prosecutors and policemen are indeed guilty of being men of Gulen's movement? At the moment it's basically choosing between two evils; one being allowing a possible internal/external party to allow operating in high positions or to clean those high positions and the assumption that the ruling party will put its own men there until the elections. If cleaning internal matters in Turkey is seen as an undemocratic act, then so be it, Turkey had and still has internal issues. I'm for cleansing internal issues, but i too want that these matters happen in a justified manner. So Erdogan's way of handling may have mistakes, which i also do not tolerate.

It has nothing to do with 'Turkey strong!', it's just that Turks don't want foreign countries to exploit the situation in Turkey for their own benefits. What's wrong with opposing that?
How do Turkish members actually view the HQ-9 air defense system from a militaristic point of view?
The percentage in Turkey that would allow Turkey to turn into an Iran is only a small percentage, i'm confident majority of akp supporters want nothing to do with Iran and its politics or ideologies.

Either way, there will always be corruption, the only possible thing is to reduce it as much as possible. I prefer that those prosecutors and policemen undergo a check on their background etc. than to let them operate freely as if they have immunity, because if they were to be checked it would violate rights. What if a portion of those prosecutors and policemen are indeed guilty of being men of Gulen's movement? At the moment it's basically choosing between two evils; one being allowing a possible internal/external party to allow operating in high positions or to clean those high positions and the assumption that the ruling party will put its own men there until the elections. If cleaning internal matters in Turkey is seen as an undemocratic act, then so be it, Turkey had and still has internal issues. I'm for cleansing internal issues, but i too want that these matters happen in a justified manner. So Erdogan's way of handling may have mistakes, which i also do not tolerate.

It has nothing to do with 'Turkey strong!', it's just that Turks don't want foreign countries to exploit the situation in Turkey for their own benefits. What's wrong with opposing that?

Nothing wrong with that,in fact is perfectly reasonable to defend your country but in my opinion you can do that without falling in the other extreme,creating an "us vs them " scenario.
And let's be honest,Turkey was at the mercy of the West before Erdogan ? Please,when Turkey's interests were threathened you guys always acted (Cyprus invasion anyone ?) without considering Western opinion.

I"m not saying not to open Turkey to others ,to Asia,to trade with other muslim countries but like it or not you guys are linked with Europe ,economically and historically more than with the others .You fought against europeans,you fought alongside europeans against other europeans,your economy and trade is intertwined with Europe,you're a NATO member and so on.

This neo ottomanism is counter productive.

Just my 2 cents.
The HQ-9 could have been bought just like the way Turkey got ballistic missiles + tech from China. Turkish government could have bought some of the Patriot systems stationed at the Syrian border, and make a discrete agreement with China for the HQ-9 tech. We could have then introduced the HQ-9 as an indigenous product, just like we did with J-600T Yildirim; obviously they would have further developed it.

Instead of that, the government choose a political stunt; which aimed to say '**** you' the west, and hype the some 'fan boys'.
The HQ-9 could have been bought just like the way Turkey got ballistic missiles + tech from China. Turkish government could have bought some of the Patriot systems stationed at the Syrian border, and make a discrete agreement with China for the HQ-9 tech. We could have then introduced the HQ-9 as an indigenous product, just like we did with J-600T Yildirim; obviously they would have further developed it.

Instead of that, the government choose a political stunt; which aimed to say '**** you' the west, and hype the some 'fan boys'.

Well that's good, the West should stop playing games with them. Especially after Cyprus and Greece.
How do Turkish members actually view the HQ-9 air defense system from a militaristic point of view?
On par if not better then the other offers,but the goal is to develope a more advanced indigenous system.
All Turkish projects with foreighn companies have the same goal;advanced indigenous defence industry.
On par if not better then the other offers,but the goal is to develope a more advanced indigenous system.
All Turkish projects with foreighn companies have the same goal;advanced indigenous defence industry.

So build off of that? I like that idea and think it can do many positive things.

-bring jobs at home
-export future weapons
-increased military expertise

......and what you said about having the option to build a sensitive military aspect at home.

If it's on par with others why not just go with it?
So build off of that? I like that idea and think it can do many positive things.

-bring jobs at home
-export future weapons
-increased military expertise

......and what you said about having the option to build a sensitive military aspect at home.

If it's on par with others why not just go with it?
To stay on par you have to develope further,in a couple of years this system will be outdated as it happens with evrything.
The US have THAAD,the Russians S-500,the Chinese HQ-29,and all of these countries still developing better systems.
You cant sit still,you have to move.
Nothing wrong with that,in fact is perfectly reasonable to defend your country but in my opinion you can do that without falling in the other extreme,creating an "us vs them " scenario.
And let's be honest,Turkey was at the mercy of the West before Erdogan ? Please,when Turkey's interests were threathened you guys always acted (Cyprus invasion anyone ?) without considering Western opinion.

I"m not saying not to open Turkey to others ,to Asia,to trade with other muslim countries but like it or not you guys are linked with Europe ,economically and historically more than with the others .You fought against europeans,you fought alongside europeans against other europeans,your economy and trade is intertwined with Europe,you're a NATO member and so on.

This neo ottomanism is counter productive.

Just my 2 cents.

well, technically speaking you're right, less 'us vs them' would be better, everywhere, but Turks have seen enough hypocrisy coming from the west, what can we do? hug the west while being unfairly humiliated and treated as a 2nd rate country? they have an agenda, which has been and still is against us most of the time. enough is enough. We might not have been at their mercy at some times, but our politics at that time stroked with theirs, so all was good and acceptable according to them. Now Turkey, its politics and people, have a general anti-EU tone, coupled with a reasonable economical growth and quick growth militarily, and suddenly we see Turkey being considered a threat by the west in the long run. do you think this perception will change if another anti-EU/west-dependant Turkish party takes the lead and wants to maintain this military independence and economical growth? i do not think so, but will hope otherwise.

with all respect, no one needs to tell us to whom we are linked. we know that we can play the europe, central asia, middle east and caucasus cards up to some degree, so that's enough for us to know where we belong. we never pushed ourselves to be either this or that, it has always been the Europeans that say 'you belong to Europe because of this and that tie' and then 'you don't belong here because of religion, cultural values etc.' it's the Europeans that need to make up things first in their own mind regarding Turkey. as a last point, almost no one talks about establishing the Ottoman empire, just we wish to have economical and cultural ties with the parts that once belonged to the Ottoman empire, what's wrong with that? should we just cut all ties with those regions just to avoid getting called 'neo Ottomans'? then tell the Englishman and Russian to stay away from doing business with former British/Russian empire regions, because they are looking for their old glory again?
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