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Syria's Latakia hit by missiles hours after Russia-Turkey deal on Idlib


Jun 7, 2017
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By Tom O'Connor ON 9/17/18 AT 4:26 Pm

Syria's west coast was reportedly targeted by missiles of yet unknown origin, just hours after Russia and Turkey announced a deal over the fate of the country's last province to be under the control of an Islamist-led insurgency.

The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency cited a military source as saying the country's air defenses were engaging "hostile rockets" coming from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea and that the Technical Industries Agency in the coastal city of Latakia was targeted. No casualties have yet been announced as state-run television footage showed missile defenses firing for up to 45 minutes and the Syrian Defense Ministry said a number of incoming missiles had been neutralized.

The U.K.-based, pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights cited its own sources as saying the missiles were either fired by Israel or the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS), both of whom have targeted the Syrian government in the past. The activist monitor said that warehouses of the Technical Industries Agency had been targeted and that the skies of Latakia, Tartous and Baniyas were illuminates by explosions that "rocked the coast" and caused power outages in the region.


Missile fire is seen from Damascus, Syria, May 10, 2018. Israel has targeted Syrian military positions suspected of being associated with Iran on multiple occasions and the U.S. has twice attacked Syrian government sites in response to alleged chemical attacks, with support from France and the U.K.OMAR SANADIKI/REUTERS

In a separate incident, the Syrian Defense Ministry blamed Israel for an attack near the Damascus International Airport on Sunday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Israeli warplanes targeted a depot of weapons belonging to Iran or its ally, the Lebanese Shiite Muslim Hezbollah, in that incident. Israel routinely denies commenting on its alleged role in such attacks, but announced last month that it has launched up to 200 strikes in neighboring Syria in the past two years in an effort to stem the growing influence there of its top foe Iran.

Iran and Russia are allies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and have helped him regain most of the country in spite of a 2011 rebellion that was sponsored by the West, Turkey, Israel and Gulf Arab states. While the U.S. and its Western allies have focused on battling ISIS, they have joined Turkey in warning Assad and his international partners from pursuing an all-out assault on Idlib, which has a population of up to 3 million and is dominated by the jihadi Hayat Tahrir al-Sham coalition.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip visited the Black Sea city of Sochi on Monday to discuss the Idlib situation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the two struck a deal to create a 15 to 20-kilometer demilitarized zone in Idlib by October 15 as well as to facilitate the withdrawal of jihadi groups and the removal of heavy weapons. Turkey and the West have warned of a humanitarian crisis should the Syrian military move to retake Idlib, where militants have launched drone attacks and have shelled government-held cities.


A map shows areas of control in northwestern Syria as of September 13 and strategic areas likely to be targeted by the Syrian military in the event of an operation to retake the last province under the control of an Islamist-led insurgency.INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR/SURIYE GÜNDEMI/REUTERS

The U.S. and Russia both have a heavy military presence in the Mediterranean Sea and Russia has two major installations on the coast: the Hmeymim air base near Latakia and a naval facility in Tartous. The two powers have warned one another against intervening in Idlib and Moscow recently staged large-scale exercises as a war of words with Washington began to heat up.

The U.S. has previously attacked Syrian government sites twice in response to alleged chemical weapons attacks and threatened further action should poison gas be used. Russia, Iran and Syria have claimed the West was conspiring with local militants to stage a chemical incident to falsely provoke international action.

Russian plane disappears from radars during Israeli attack on Syria’s Latakia – MoD

A Russian military Il-20 aircraft with 14 service members on board went off the radars during an attack by four Israeli jets on Syria’s Latakia province, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Air traffic controllers at the Khmeimim Air Base “lost contact” with the aircraft on Wednesday evening, during the attack of Israeli F-16 fighters on Latakia, said the MOD.

Russian radars also registered the launch of missiles from a French frigate in the Mediterranean on the evening of September 17.

Russian plane disappears from radars during Israeli attack on Syria’s Latakia – MoD

A Russian military Il-20 aircraft with 14 service members on board went off the radars during an attack by four Israeli jets on Syria’s Latakia province, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Air traffic controllers at the Khmeimim Air Base “lost contact” with the aircraft on Wednesday evening, during the attack of Israeli F-16 fighters on Latakia, said the MOD.

Russian radars also registered the launch of missiles from a French frigate in the Mediterranean on the evening of September 17.

Most probably Assadists shot it down by mistake. They were firing air defence missiles like crazy.
Most probably Assadists shot it down by mistake. They were firing air defence missiles like crazy.

I have no idea what was the cause of that, Israeli strikes are routine and they inform Russia of them. French strikes is something else , unless that was just a military exercise.

Meanwhile people are saying it was shot down offshore, so I don't know if it were AA missiles. But here's this from twitter:

I think it was drone strikes by HTS, no? The attack was sustained and heavy and coming from both west and east and only hours after announcement of end of war.
Russia must nuke Israel .....

Putin has enough guts .....

Israel has no real reason to strike on a weekly basis, sometimes in this case back to back nights. Iran does not have much infrastructure in Syria that is intended to deter Israel, Iran's infrastructure there is mostly to assist an ally in the war on the ground against rebels. Problem is lack of deterrence from Syria and/or Russia.

Which Israel is taking advantage of to set some of its own 'rules' there. Probably wants them to adapt to routine strikes in case of full government victory in Syria in can have much better situation than pre civil war.

As for France, if it did partake in this strike than US is lying and did assist them all one way or another(not necessarily through missile firing).

Could very well be the case of an accidental targeting. I want to know if France did partake in the attack, however. Btw, even if friendly fire, can cause some future Russian opposition to Israeli strikes for a temporary basis.
CNN already pushing narrative that it was friendly fire from Syrian AA based on briefing from one unnamed US official. Russian media has not came to any conclusion, yet.
Syria says Israeli planes attacked from Lebanese air space.

Russian media seeming to suggest plane was lost over Mediterranean sea at same time French warship was firing missiles. Israeli strikes were also taking place during that period.
What a mess. I am just hoping and praying that the war ends as soon as possible and that someone is able to truly unite Syria and defend it’s sovereignty against foreign and domestic opportunists.
Internal reforms will occur eventually and Al-Assad won’t rule forever. What should not be compromised though is Syrian territory. Syrians should never allow it to occur and fight against such plans even if superpowers are involved and plotting against it.

I still blame Al-Assad for his lack of foresight, brutality and lack of reforms and involving a failed terrorist regime like the Mullah regime which was/is not needed at all. Russian involvement initially could have prevented much of the bloodshed. Now there is rivalry there that will impact Syria on the ground. SAA-Hezbollah hostilities are not a new thing either.

There are no victories in this conflict. I am glad that KSA ended its involment in early 2015. Only relief nowadays.

There is zero "achievement" in meddling in a war-torn state. Certain people who celebrate (nobody mentioned) "conquering" (not even them but local proxies) tiny areas of Syria, while the same country is burning after 7 years of civil war, are pathetic.
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Are you really gonna believe that Russian-made S300 and S400s can shoot down Russian-made aircraft? I don't think that this is Syria's doing. They will be blamed for it for sure. But it just can't be. These systems are too sophisticated to shoot down an entire plane instead of a small rocket that is coming towards the mainland. The plane has to be caught in the middle of the rocket barrage, which is highly unprobable and also sounds very stupid.

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