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Syrian troops score gains in strategic rebel-held town near Lebanon

I understand that the majority of the fighting there is actually between Al-nosra (and it's equivalents) and Hezballah. at least the bulk of the casualties from either side are from those parties. anyone got similar information? (or contradictory)
Can't Wait to see FAA as after fall of Devil house of Saud Rest of the piglets will disappear fast.

you as a terrorist supporter wouldn't get hat concept of avoiding civilian causalities.Killing a terrorist hiding behind kids and women isn't as easy as just blowing up buildings in a terrorist attack.

Looking forward To FJA

My dear dear friend, KSA is prospering and moving up from glory into another glory, while Iran is crumbling. The piglets are being taken care of very well in Syria, they should because they know that their turn will come in Lebanon as soon as Syria gets liberated.
,The piglets are being taken care of very well in Syria, they should because they know that their turn will come in Lebanon as soon as Syria gets liberated.

My dear dear friend, KSA is prospering and moving up from glory into another glory
If sponsoring terrorism was considered a glory then yes in that category you are absolutely right KSA has no equal.

while Iran is crumbling.

Standing up for ones rights can only be considered crumbling by cowards on the other hand western troops protecting you from your own people is considered achievement.

The piglets are being taken care of very well in Syria

Indeed they are but to the surprise of syrians they are 100s more coming in but fear not syrians are ready fro them:sniper:.

they should because they know that their turn will come

Exactly thats what i said FAA (Free Arabian army) coming soon.

in Lebanon as soon as Syria gets liberated

Oh No Dicktakers Army is coming :sleep:
Gen. Salim Idriss, the Supreme commander of the FSA Military Council said that FSA have just received 36 tons of arms from KSA to fvck up Iranian terrorists in Qusair:yahoo:
@Yzd Khalifa
youkal.net -

Why arent these terrorist welcome in Jordan? It needs a revolution too especially when it is much more poor than Syria.
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My dear dear friend, KSA is prospering and moving up from glory into another glory, while Iran is crumbling. The piglets are being taken care of very well in Syria, they should because they know that their turn will come in Lebanon as soon as Syria gets liberated.

you mean jihadists will cross the border and enter Lebanon ? you want this?
That's not only what I want but also what will happen, HZ has to be finished.

Exactly. Which Arab country or country in the world for that matter has a terrorist organization that is a puppet of a non-Arab (foreign regime) who actively plots against us Arabs and try to end our hegemony/dominance in the region and a organization who moreover controls a significant part of the country and acts like a state within a state? All while being financed by a foreign, non-Arab regime?

The Lebanese, those 60 percent who are not Shias, all want Hezbollah in hell and to leave Lebanon.

In fact I can only think about Afghanistan (Taliban) and other failed countries that have such a situation. Somalia especially comes to mind.

We don't need that in the Arab world especially not in Lebanon that is a very beautiful country. They deserve better.
The Lebanese, those 60 percent who are not Shias, all want Hezbollah in hell and to leave Lebanon.

That's not true, check who is allied with Hezballah in Lebanon. I know it's shifting a lot yet they are not alone atm.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah gets support of Druze leader

In Lebanon, Hezbollah gets support of Druze leader


Franjieh reiterates support for Assad, Hezbollah

Franjieh reiterates support for Assad, Hezbollah | News , Politics | THE DAILY STAR
That's not true, check who is allied with Hezballah in Lebanon. I know it's shifting a lot yet they are not alone atm.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah gets support of Druze leader


Franjieh reiterates support for Assad, Hezbollah | News , Politics | THE DAILY STAR

That has only changed very recently due to the Syrian Civil War since the Druze leader and Christians in Lebanon fear an ethnic cleansing that will never take place anyway. But that is the propaganda that comes out from the Child-Murderer and his allies.

Also are you sure about that? I am 100 percent sure that the Druze leader, in either Lebanon or Syria, support the Syrian opposition.

Lebanese Druze Leader: It Is Permissible to Kill Anybody Who Is with the Syrian Regime - YouTube

The majority of the Lebanese do not want Hezbollah around.

Look what the former LEADER of Hezbollah says:

Former Hizbullah Leader Subhi Tofeili: Iran Forces Hizbullah to Participate in the Syrian War - YouTube

Former Hizbullah Sec.-Gen. Subhi Tofeili: Hizbullah Members Killed in Syria Go to Hell - YouTube

Hezbollah was supported by most of us Arabs before the Syrian civil war and before they started attack Sunnis in Syria under the disguise of being "terrorists".
Lebanese Christians, most of them joined the Lebanese Forces and Kataeb in the 80s civil war fighting alongside Israel against all other groups including massacring Palestinians, you can look it up.
These guys do not want to be associated with Arab identity and brotherhood.
That has only changed very recently due to the Syrian Civil War since the Druze leader and Christians in Lebanon fear an ethnic cleansing that will never take place anyway. But that is the propaganda that comes out from the Child-Murderer and his allies.

Though recently the Druze-Hezballah alliance happened just before the civil war. The Druze in Lebanon are constantly shifting their alliance to the strongest faction at that moment. Jumblat was part of the 14 March alliance in 2009 Lebanese elections (the guys who made Syrian troops leave Lebanon, anti Assad and Hezballah). Yet as the power in Lebanon was swinging back to Hezballah and Syria favor (before the civil war) he switched sides:

Lebanon's Druze leader Walid Jumblatt has thrown his full support behind Hezbollah as the country struggles to pick a new prime minister. :

(even if you don't trust the source I remember this happening and I can probably find this from other sources.)

PressTV - Druze leader supports Hezbollah

Assad is increasingly criticized by the Druze leaders recently, but it seems like they still support Hezballah. We'll have to wait and see their reaction to the increasing Hezballah involvement and the current campaign.

I am not sure about the Christians though. It seems they are more or less split in half, half with hezb and half with the 14 march movement. The half that is allied with Hezballah did so before the Syrian civil war though (about a year prior iirc).
Lebanese Christians, most of them joined the Lebanese Forces and Kataeb in the 80s civil war fighting alongside Israel against all other groups including massacring Palestinians, you can look it up.
These guys do not want to be associated with Arab identity and brotherhood.

Some of them not. But most are still Arabs. At least in Syria. I do not know about Lebanon. That is maybe different. But there are ancient Christian Arab communities in Syria, Jordan and Palestine. Ancient Christian Arab kingdoms existed in Syria, Iraq, KSA and Yemen once many years ago. The remains of a 1700 year old church (Nestorian), one of the very first, was found in KSA in 1986. In current day Jubail precisely.

Have you heard about this iconic Arab poet and the saying that evolves around him?

Hatim al-Tai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

أكرم من حاتم

I hope that you understand:D

A famous Christian that went to Semitic Assyria long ago was born in current day Eastern Province of KSA.

Isaac of Nineveh was his name. Here he is if we believe the Orthodox Christians:


Our "friend", Syrian Lion is an Christian Arab who said that he can trace his ancestry to KSA and Yemen long, long back and he is an Arab nationalist I believe.

Though recently the Druze-Hezballah alliance happened just before the civil war. The Druze in Lebanon are constantly shifting their alliance to the strongest faction at that moment. Jumblat was part of the 14 March alliance in 2009 Lebanese elections (the guys who made Syrian troops leave Lebanon, anti Assad and Hezballah). Yet as the power in Lebanon was swinging back to Hezballah and Syria favor (before the civil war) he switched sides:

(even if you don't trust the source I remember this happening and I can probably find this from other sources.)

PressTV - Druze leader supports Hezbollah

Assad is increasingly criticized by the Druze leaders recently, but it seems like they still support Hezballah. We'll have to wait and see their reaction to the increasing Hezballah involvement and the current campaign.

I am not sure about the Christians though. It seems they are more or less split in half, half with hezb and half with the 14 march movement. The half that is allied with Hezballah did so before the Syrian civil war though (about a year prior iirc).

Don't quote Mullah TV. It's useless. Very anti-Sunni and anti-Arab and very biased in the Syrian conflict. They often make false reports from Syria which everyone knows about.

Did you watch my video. It is from your Israeli sources even (Memri TV) and from this year:

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