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Syrian troops score gains in strategic rebel-held town near Lebanon

Thank God.while Qatar and KSA have stopped arming wahhabi animals,Iran and Russia have increased their supports for Syria,considering there are 8 daily flight between Tehran and damascus now.lets hope this terrorist-Syria war is finishing soon.
Thank God.while Qatar and KSA have stopped arming wahhabi animals,Iran and Russia have increased their supports for Syria,considering there are 8 daily flight between Tehran and damascus now.lets hope this terrorist-Syria war is finishing soon.

you sure they stopped ?
sounds unrealistic where do you have that from
you sure they stopped ?
sounds unrealistic where do you have that from
there are some rumors indicating that PGCC has stopped arming them.even some Arab member here said that.sound realistic specially after Russian and American FMs and also Iranian and Saudi FMs meetings.

anyway...nope,I am not sure.
What do you mean "you" ? The majority of the SAA are Sunnis. While you sewage rat wahabis are the minorities.

The only thing going for you is the Petro dollars funding the cancerous sect of wahabiism through which you people sponsor global terrorism. Once your masters are not dependent on you for oil you bediouins will be displayed in meat markets like Qadafi and his son.

The Experts: How the U.S. Oil Boom Will Change the Markets and Geopolitics - WSJ.com

The shift has already happened a lot time ago and nothing has changed.

Only 16% of Saudi crude is supplied to USA. Their main market lies in East with japan and china accounting for 15% each and South Korea and India accounting for 11% each with far east accounting for a total of 54%.

Economic growth of world is still positive which means that energy demand would increase vis-a-vis what it was a quarter before it, thus unless world economy crashes or a significant new find of cheap oil is discovered, house of saud is not going anywhere.

And don't count upon world running out of oil. World is only running out of cheap oil. Overall there is enough oil that we can drill to the day,when climatic change force us to stop.
Latest news:There are rumors that leader of Al-Nusra terrorists,Abu Alwalid is killed in Al-Qasir,not officially confirmed yet.
Qasir is the most strategic point in Syrian war.Most of the weapons for Central and Southern rebels were sent through this port from Lebanon since the beginning.If SAA captures Qasir,it will be a strategic blow to terrorists and rebels.
Qasir is the most strategic point in Syrian war.Most of the weapons for Central and Southern rebels were sent through this port from Lebanon since the beginning.If SAA captures Qasir,it will be a strategic blow to terrorists and rebels.

How do you figure they got most of their weapons through Lebanon? I would like a source for that.
Considering the degree of control Hezballah has in Lebanon I would highly doubt that they would allow so many weapons to flow through to their enemies.

It is not as strategical as you make it seem, but it is a stepping stone to Homes, and it creates a belt controlled by Asad from Damascus to the Alawite coast region.
The shift has already happened a lot time ago and nothing has changed.

Only 16% of Saudi crude is supplied to USA. Their main market lies in East with japan and china accounting for 15% each and South Korea and India accounting for 11% each with far east accounting for a total of 54%.

Economic growth of world is still positive which means that energy demand would increase vis-a-vis what it was a quarter before it, thus unless world economy crashes or a significant new find of cheap oil is discovered, house of saud is not going anywhere.

And don't count upon world running out of oil. World is only running out of cheap oil. Overall there is enough oil that we can drill to the day,when climatic change force us to stop.

May I add one point please?

Yes, there is a market and economic shift that already had happened ,but what people seem to ignore is that the West will no longer be the sole power of dominance in the World anymore. Today, Eastern countries in general and China and India in particular are as strong as they've never been.
The US will never be energy dependent, they consume more than 21 million barrels per day.

Anonymous knows very well how to keep loud mouths shut :lol:

The so-called House of Saud will go nowhere unless the Saudi people overthrow them ,which is unlikely to happen :rofl:
FSA like their brave pally brothers is fighting from civilian centers and behind civilian population which makes COIN a lot of difficult and creates large civilian causalities for the much needed FSA anti-Assad propaganda. If rebellion in Syria fails, GCC will be next.
FSA like their brave pally brothers is fighting from civilian centers and behind civilian population which makes COIN a lot of difficult and creates large civilian causalities for the much needed FSA anti-Assad propaganda. If rebellion in Syria fails, GCC will be next.

Can't Wait to see FAA as after fall of Devil house of Saud Rest of the piglets will disappear fast.


What happened man? It has been 2 days, haven't they captured it yet? W e're getting boredom..:cry:

you as a terrorist supporter wouldn't get hat concept of avoiding civilian causalities.Killing a terrorist hiding behind kids and women isn't as easy as just blowing up buildings in a terrorist attack.

Looking forward To FJA
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