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the best solution for Arabs is an Arab Unity Federation ( AUF ) and country Representative be elected from the people by the people and all nations will have
*Customs Union
* The right of residence
* The right to work
* The right to vote in municipal elections where he live

No i think he is The Almighty and only he has the right to judge and decide.

yes you are right
Why? It is sunnah...beside you can all hoard them into the same room and have some fun...!
I would like to have one of each: Syrian, Morrocan, Tunisian and Yemani!

Heck, four is too less because I still missed our Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Algeria!

4 wives = loosing the money 4 times faster how you gonna feed them in this hard time some cant feed 1 family
Why? It is sunnah...beside you can all hoard them into the same room and have some fun...!
I would like to have one of each: Syrian, Morrocan, Tunisian and Yemani!

Heck, four is too less because I still missed our Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Algeria!
@somebozo apny address de saudia me, chaar paanch muttaway bejhtahoon tere paass! :devil:
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This moves certifies that Arab leagues is 100% supporter and sympathizers of terrorist. How long before they Give seat to ASWJ and TTP as leaders of pakistan.

Are you saying you support the murderous thug Assad ?
No matter what the AL does nothing is going to change. The only thing they're good at is running their blathering blabbering mouths ,that's the only thing they are good at.

Appreantly, one must know that he won't change by waving the magic stick ,but a change of heart.
Like Syrians give a crap about what non Syrians say... btw Syrians already made a funeral for the AL a year ago, because Arabism died in the AL...

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Here is the AL funeral...
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Government: Syria Rejects AL Resolutions, Warns against "Playing with Fire"


The Syrian government dismissed the resolution taken by the Arab League (AL) on March 26, 2013 as it will have serious repercussions on the League's future as well as on the joint Arab action and Arab national security.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the government considered the AL resolution as "unprecedented" in the League's history "for it blatantly violates the AL Charter and its statutes and the rules of the joint Arab action."

The statement slammed the resolution for targeting "Syria's role, position and approach of resistance," lashing out at the AL resolutions "which have contributed to increasing the bloodshed in Syria, encouraging terrorism and terrorists and hindering the latest real efforts exerted by the countries and parties which care for Syria to find a political solution."

The statement decried the AL for having gone too far to "give Syria's seat at the (Arab) summit to an illegitimate party and raise a flag other than the Syrian national flag in a flagrant violation of the AL Charter and its statutes towards a founding member."

The government reiterated that the AL resolution is "a dangerous precedent that's destructive to the League making it lose the credibility it has left and taking it off its track."

It warned that the AL resolution constitutes "a threat to the Arab regime" as other countries will be targeted tomorrow in the same way Syria is being targeted now.

The government's statement said the most dangerous about the AL approach is that "it consolidated subordination and submission to the carrot-and-stick policy followed by some countries, particularly Qatar."

"With its resolution, the Doha Summit has encouraged the approach of violence, extremism and terrorism that poses a threaten not only to Syria but also to all of the Arab nation and the world as a whole," said the government.

It stressed that the AL resolution "provides a false cover to some countries which have publicly announced their support to terrorism in Syria and offering of money and arms to the terrorist groups, including those with links to al-Qaeda."

"This leads to putting an end to any role the Arab League could play in solving the crisis in Syria by political means and makes (the Arab League) part of the crisis and not part of the solution," said the statement.

The government reiterated its warning that "those countries which play with fire through arming, funding, training and harboring terrorists won't be safe when this fire stretches to them."

It stressed that Syria will continue work to establish security and stability, protect the homeland and Syrian citizens and combat terrorism in preservation of its independence, sovereignty and unity.

The government concluded its statement by stressing that "Syria completely rejects the Doha summit resolutions on Syria and all dangerous repercussions that could result from them, and keeps its right to take whatever measures it sees suitable in defense of its sovereignty and the interests of its people."

Moscow : Arab Summit's Decisions on Syria Illegal

Russian Foreign Ministry criticized the decisions taken by the Arab League yesterday on Syria, affirming that they were illegal, slamming at the decision taken by the UN Human Rights council on Syria, describing it as "politicized."

Russia Today Website quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich as saying that what happened in the Arab Summit in Doha and the decisions that were made in it despite some members' objection raise questions and cause surprise.

He said that these decisions constitute a clear and undisputed encouragement for the forces that are still betting on a military solution for the crisis in Syria, heedless of the suffering of Syrians.

Lukashevich said that the Arab League's decisions on Syria violate international law, since the Syrian government was and still is the country's representative at the UN, affirming that these decisions contradict the concept of peaceful political settlement according to the Geneva statement which stipulates for reaching agreement between the Syrian government and all opposition groups, not confront the legitimate Syrian government with another structure legitimized by foreign sides.

He added that the mission of UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Ibrahimi has collapsed, stressing that Moscow is confident that only political settlement can end bloodshed and achieve peace and security in Syria, not encouraging destructive military scenarios.

Lukashevich asserted that Russia will continue exerting all possible efforts to realize a political settlement, urging relevant regional and international sides to do likewise.

On the UN Human Rights Council resolution on Syria, Lukashevich said "unfortunately this document, as other previous decisions, bears a politicized, unbalanced feature as responsibility for what has happened are blamed on the government side while the war crimes, explosions and others acts of the armed illegal groups are deliberately disregarded."

Churkin: Giving Syria's seat at the Arab League Doha Coalition is of no help to solution
Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, criticized giving Syria's seat at the Arab League (AL) to the opposition 'Doha Coalition', saying this is of no help to the efforts seeking a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

"This means that the Arab League has got out of the process of searching for a political settlement to the crisis," Churkin was quoted by Russia Today website as saying in a statement.

He added that the AL, in dealing with the Syrian issue, "has form the very beginning come under the influence of certain extremist forces and countries with special agendas."

He pointed out that handing Syria's seat to the 'Doha Coalition' contradicts the laws, stressing that Syria's membership in the AL was not dropped but only suspended.

"The issue of freezing Syria's AL membership from the start indicated that the AL is not inclined towards a serious negotiated solution," said the Russian official.

He cited other steps taken by the AL which raised Moscow's wonder, referring particularly to the AL resolution in 2011 to send observers to Syria and then terminating their mission when they conveyed objective information on the events in the country.

Algerian Foreign Minister: Handing Syria's AL Seat to "Opposition" Is Inconsistent with AL Charter


Algeria reiterated commitment to its stance which calls for solving the crisis in Syria politically through dialogue among the Syrians themselves without any foreign interference and with respecting Syria's sovereignty and the unity of its people.

Algerian Foreign Minister, Murad Madlassi, stressed in a televised statement on Wednesday his country's reservation on handing Syria's seat at the Arab League (AL) to the "Syrian opposition" in violation of the AL Charter.

"The AL Charter should be respected with all its articles, particularly Article 8, and if we look at the issue of representing the Syrian opposition in the League from this angle, we must point out that this decision does not conform with this Charter," said Madlassi.

He noted that Algeria does not interfere in the others' affairs, whether a neighbor or a brother, "yet it exceptionally accepted the idea of it getting engaged into a ministerial group of the Arab League with the aim to mediate between the parties in Syria to find unity among the Syrians."

The Algerian Foreign Minister however noted that "when Algeria notices that some parties support one side against the other, it does not follow this position which seeks to divide the Syrian people, because for Algeria the Syrian people are one and the same."


Ambassador Ahmad: Replacing Legitimate State with Illegitimate Non-Viable Entity Is Illegal Precedent


Ambassador Youssef Ahmad stressed that replacing a completely sovereign legitimate state with an illegitimate non-viable monstrosity entity by the Arab League is an unprecedented step as it allows all the oppositions in the Arab countries to demand the same specialties of Istanbul Council with its new form.

In an interview with al-Mayadin Satellite Channel, Ahmad said that the goal of this step is to take Syria away from the League's meetings so as to facilitate implementing the plan required from it as the League has made itself a part of the Syrian crisis and not a part of the solution.

He added that Syria is not concerned with any decision issued by the league with its various levels as long as it doesn't attend its discussions, therefore this decision is null and void and has no legal effect.

Ahmad said that the League's decision before the call for arming the terrorist groups in Syria is dangerous as it is a brazen violation of the League's charter and its internal system, and it is also considered a flagrant interference in Syria's internal affairs.

Suspending the participation of the Syrian delegations in the League's meetings aims at taking it away from the meetings of the League to liquidate the Palestinian issue according to a decision taken by the US, the Western countries and Israel, Ambassador Ahmad said.

He indicated that the practices of the Arab League regarding the crisis in Syria since its beginning haven't been related to its charter or its internal system or the principles of the joint Arab work as well as the interests of the national security.

He added that those practices have been governed by four factors, the first of which is a gulf violation of the League's decisions led by Qatar and Saudi Arabia with the aim of imposing a political agenda related to the interests of the US and the West.

The second factor is the complete collusion and subordination of the League's Secretariat-General represented in its secretary-general and his assistants who manage the League and its meetings in the way dictated by the Gulf Cooperation Council, Ahmad said.

He added that the third factor is the silence and the negative interaction of most of the Arab states due to the political and economic crises which they are threatened with or their subordination to the decision of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

"While the fourth factor is the moderate role of the countries which reject this gulf violation are few and they can't affect or thwart the statements and decisions issued by the League such as Iraq, Algeria and Lebanon to some extent," he said.

He pointed out that the scheme of Qatar and Saudi Arabia aims at sowing sedition in the region in implantation of US-Israeli agendas.

so at the end the so called "Arab" league or actually the SLAVES LEAGUE, broke its own laws and charters... therefore, the AL is nothing but a joke... Thank God Syria is not part of the slave league...
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