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What is the function of Arab league?Can someone explain?

to sit around and have chaa biscuit

but what difference does it make? its no secret that theyve been supplying chemical weapons and salafascists since past couple of year into syria. now they just symbolically cement what they have been doing like cowards behind the back for so long. neither syrians, nor iran nor rest of the world is going to lose any sleep over this.
to sit around and have chaa biscuit

but what difference does it make? its no secret that theyve been supplying chemical weapons and salafascists since past couple of year into syria. now they just symbolically cement what they have been doing like cowards behind the back for so long. neither syrians, nor iran nor rest of the world is going to lose any sleep over this.

Earlier Arab Leauge envoys were kicked out of Syria for patronizing with the terrorist. Its like how the dumbest kid on the block comes home after losing a fight and break his toys to vent frustration!

Nothing but Failure? The Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council
as Mediators in Middle Eastern Conflicts

these is the only right thing they do
1979: The League suspends Egypt's membership in the wake of President Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusalem and of Egypt's peace agreement with Israel; the Arab League moves its headquarters to Tunis
and these the worst
1989: The League re-admits Egypt as a member; the League's headquarters returns to Cairo.
these is the only right thing they do
1979: The League suspends Egypt's membership in the wake of President Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusalem and of Egypt's peace agreement with Israel; the Arab League moves its headquarters to Tunis
and these the worst
1989: The League re-admits Egypt as a member; the League's headquarters returns to Cairo.

lol why? because you would rather have the hq in tunis? @somebozo your comment about the dumbest kid on the block rings a bell, it's like theyre all competing with each other for that title.

my dear, where your chaa biscuit meetings are held or headquartered does not matter. gone are the days of nasser and arafat when the words 'arab unity' had some substance, before becoming the joke it now is.
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You mean Organisation of Impotent Countries?

O=obedient---->dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority

I= Israeli-----> The authority or owners

C= council----->A body of people elected to manage the affairs of a city, county.
these is the only right thing they do
1979: The League suspends Egypt's membership in the wake of President Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusalem and of Egypt's peace agreement with Israel; the Arab League moves its headquarters to Tunis
and these the worst
1989: The League re-admits Egypt as a member; the League's headquarters returns to Cairo.

Egypt became disillusioned with Arab Brotherhood and put its own interests before those of its Arab brothers...:astagh::astagh::astagh::astagh:

god Allah loves all Muslims and specially who follow the prophet

Where are my four wives? Ohh and 1/5th from war booty as well!
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