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Syrian defectors - *Iranian Drones* used against Rebels

First of all this guy is not a soldier (fighter) his ID says he just works in Public department aka a person who serves other officers, so he is not a big deal... and he wouldn't now anything about military equipment and what the government use...


and those people are not even soldiers, they are just civilians or foreigners

and btw Syria and Iran have mutual defence agreements, so why is it news that Syria has Iranian weapons, we had for decades...

pure propaganda... they are trying to raise the terrorists morals, after the humiliating defeats in Damascus and Homs...
and where the heck did you get that from? hahah more lies and lies and lies
can you tell me where is that airport in Al-Qusayr? :cheesy:
Syrian Army is advancing in Al-Qusayr.. you can't deny that...

He saw in his dream last night:lol:
and Pres Asad too so when he woke up in morning he was lying on a wet bed with netanyahoo:laughcry:
Supposedly it was written and admitted in the video description that the rebels had lost many strategic villages and areas. But it has been edited out :omghaha:
So how is that consistent with the claim that the SAA is loosing morals and they are starving? Sounds like a bunch of nonsense.
Its the other way around. The opposition is loosing momentum.

Btw Iran and Syria are 3 decades old allies. They were our best and actually our only friend in Iran-Iraq war.
So if Iran is assisting Syria, to prevent it to fall to terrorists, then nothing wrong with that.
Assuming the drone story is even true, but it makes no diff anyhow.
You dont need any defectors, Iranian drones were seen on footages many times before.

Regime losing Qusayr airport = humiliating defeat of rebels?
Hehe Jew, be worried the day these Salafi and Wahabi turn their weapons against your soldiers, then you will have a big problem :)

Btw, Assad is kicking some *** in the past few weeks, the chemical weapon claim is a sign to the world that Assad is winning and it is time to bomb Syrian army. But they wont bomb because Iran is standing right behind Syria... so conclusion : Assad will free his entire country from rats in the next 6-12 months and there is nothing the Jews and Americans can do except faking videos about people with foam in their mouths :lol:
Hehe Jew, be worried the day these Salafi and Wahabi turn their weapons against your soldiers, then you will have a big problem :)
Yes after defeating Assad they can turn weapons against Israel, of course that worries me. But we are much stronger than Assad therefore it will defeat them.

But they wont bomb because Iran is standing right behind Syria...
Saudis bombed Houthis despite Iran was standing beside them, protestors in Bahrain were smashed despite Iran was standing beside them. So Iran's standing is a joke. The only reason why Syria is not bombed is because no one cares about Syria.

so conclusion : Assad will free his entire country from rats in the next 6-12 months
No he will not.
Yes after defeating Assad they can turn weapons against Israel, of course that worries me. But we are much stronger than Assad therefore it will defeat them.
The same AlQaeda you and USA are arming have many times turned their back on you and slaughtered you like sheep. Expect a black future for yourself if these Salafi animals succeed in toppling Assad (with help of NATO)
Saudis bombed Houthis despite Iran was standing beside them
Saudis didnt achieve sh*t. Even with their F16 supplied jets they had difficulties in bombing Houthi positions in Yemen :lol: Not to mention their huge number of casualties. Btw, the houthis are still there in Yemen, so again Saudi Fail. You have to accept Irans superiority in proxy warfare, for example you and the US have gathered all of your allies to fight a proxy war against Iran in Syria, but what a shame for you, this Iran is singlehandedly whooping your a$$ over and over again.

protestors in Bahrain were smashed despite Iran was standing beside them.
Iran only gave vocal support to the movement in Bahrain. Like the supreme leader said, if we armed the opposition in Bahrain the outcome would have been very different :)

So Iran's standing is a joke. The only reason why Syria is not bombed is because no one cares about Syria.
Hezbollah is there because of Iran, Syria is there because of Iran... so Irans stance actually matters alot ;)
No he will not.

Insurgents are getting currently a$$ whooped in Damascus suburbs, while infact a month ago they were supposed to massively launch an attack on Damascus, calling it ''the final battle'' now the tables have turned and Assad is on a rampage hehe :)
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