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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Faylaq Al Sham commander died waiting saudi ground forces
"Waiting for Saudi Ground forces"
You say as he & his men wrecked enemies on the ground in Aleppo.
Whatever you say, Farsi.

They are actually Iraqis. Here more POWs:

Their country in total disarray and they go to fight for Assad.

What also absolutely puzzles me is how rebels manage to advance against army with thousands of tanks and jets in open plain!

Look at the area:

Its open damned plain! o_O
Stuff like this happens when you're on God's side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No chance. SAA and co too strong. Rebels need like 20,000 warriors for this op. They don't have that many men.
You say as SAA & Shiite militias got demolished. Casualty counts are upwards of 125 for regime.
Try to push your emotions beside. Who destroyed existing systems in Iraq, Libya and in Syria for its own profit ?
Nothing lasts forever. First there were kingdoms they were overthrown and came military regimes, now its time of military regimes to be overthrown. Extremely silly to see a conspiracy here. U seriously think that without megaconspiracy Alawites would rule Syria forever?
while Syrian Army (SAA) is advancing towards Raqqa , Kurdish led forces are set to liberate Munbij

KOBANI, Syrian Kurdistan (Kurdistan24) – On Friday, the US-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) with the Manbij Military Council liberated six villages and a strategic hill near the northern Syrian town of Manbij, a Kurdistan24 correspondent embedded with the SDF reported.

Manbij is a key Islamic State (IS) stronghold northwest of Aleppo.

"Waiting for Saudi Ground forces"
You say as he & his men wrecked enemies on the ground in Aleppo.
Whatever you say, Farsi.

Stuff like this happens when you're on God's side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You say as SAA & Shiite militias got demolished. Casualty counts are upwards of 125 for regime.

some how al nusra are going to bring justice to your city as your proclaiming. saudis and qataris cant help your cavemen with ground forces nor can they take in refugees and you cant say bad word about them true servant who doesn't bite the hand that feeds them or his salafi horde. Wants freedom but believes nusra is going to give it:cheesy:

LMFAO, exactly these hazaras came from the caves and mountains in central Afghanistan, they live in most isolated place in Afghanistan.


figure of speech to describe your and @boca120879 brethren who have sub-human attributes, look and act like they are from planet of the apes.
LMFAO, and how do you look ? - I can even imagine no -lifer, with stomach to the ground, sitting in front of his computer every day and trolling around.

I will suggest you, that you shold go to your beshar, he needs more cannon fodder.

definitely better than those neck-beards, You go fight for the jihadis..they are in limited supply since GCC will not send their overweight soldiers.
LMFAO, it is not true, so called "saa" (now bunch of afghan and lebanese mercenaries) is losing teritory around Aleppo and can not save 2 villages, now wants to liberate Raqqa with 300 000 of people, so funny.

Manbij is also big bite for PKK/YPG, maby they took few villages around, but Manbij has 100 000 of people, by census in 2004, now it can be even 130 000.

They can only "liberate" Manbij for money, if ISIS sell them teritory, like they did in the past on some places.

Like you sense of humour ..

IS is over rated - most of their military successes were due to surprise or suicide attacks

Syrian regime fighters have advanced into the Islamic State group-held Raqqa province after a series of victories against the jihadi force.


But if they decide to fight, esepecially becouse stories are circleing that Kurds are deporting Arabs from "liberated" areas, then PKK terrorists will find themselves in bad position.

regardless of the amount of false propaganda levelled @ YPG/PKK by Jihadists, they are liberating IS's Yezidi captives in Raqqa. Soon Manbij residents will be celebrating their liberation from IS

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The FSA is using Uzbeks as cannon fodder, while the SAA is using Hazaras as cannon fodder.

Shameful stuff.

Both sides should stop recruiting foreign fighters. There's nothing Syrian about this war anymore.
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