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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Stupid insurgents versus an Alliance Syrian Su-22. Turn close caption on.

I wonder once inshAllah this war will be over what this Chinese retard will do then. It seems his entire life revolves around munching on ruso/Persian butts these days.

This war won't end in my life time. Assad is only 50 years old. In 20 years Assad will be as old as Hadi.
This war won't end in my life time. Assad is only 50 years old. In 20 years Assad will be as old as Hadi.
Really numb nuts. How can u guarantee that asad will live that long or u as a matter of fact. The one thing in life that has no guarantee moron is how long one will live. So take off the tin hat and go out of ur moms basement try talking yo people outside front change.
How can u guarantee that asad will live that long or u as a matter of fact. The one thing in life that has no guarantee moron is how long one will live.

Insurgents have no power to take Damascus. Assad cannot be killed. Nearly 5 YEARS and insurgents can't do anything to Assad. Besides, even if Assad flees to Sochi, the war will not be over until Assad returns to Damascus with the help of Alliance.
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This war won't end in my life time. Assad is only 50 years old. In 20 years Assad will be as old as Hadi.
First u say that insurgents days are numbered 5 minutes later that this war wont end in ur life time. Supaboy, make up ur mind.
''Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu on Monday said that the Turkish military has struck (US backed) PKK-affiliated PYD (YPG) across the border in northern Syria twice.''
LATAKIA (Syria), October 27. /TASS/. The Islamic State (IS) militants have been airlifted from Syria by Turkish aircraft to save them from Russian airstrikes, spokesman for the Syrian Armed Forces Brigadier General Ali Mayhub said on Tuesday.

"On October 26, according to the reconnaissance data, four planes from Turkey arrived to the airport of the city of Aden (Yemen). Two of them belong to Turkish Airlines, one — to Qatar Airways and one more aircraft owned by an airline of the United Arab Emirates," said the Syrian army spokesman. "There were more than 500 militants of the Islamic State terrorist organization on board, they were taken from Syria to save them from Russian airstrikes," General Mayhub said.

According to him, "the militants were met by officers of the Saudi coalition that took them from the airport in three groups. The first went to the city of Al-Bab in Mandeb province (Yemen), the second — to Marib (Yemen), the third — to the Saudi regions of Jizan and Asir."

TASS: World - IS militants airlifted from Syria to Yemen, Saudi Arabia — Syrian army spokesman
LATAKIA (Syria), October 27. /TASS/. The Islamic State (IS) militants have been airlifted from Syria by Turkish aircraft to save them from Russian airstrikes, spokesman for the Syrian Armed Forces Brigadier General Ali Mayhub said on Tuesday.

"On October 26, according to the reconnaissance data, four planes from Turkey arrived to the airport of the city of Aden (Yemen). Two of them belong to Turkish Airlines, one — to Qatar Airways and one more aircraft owned by an airline of the United Arab Emirates," said the Syrian army spokesman. "There were more than 500 militants of the Islamic State terrorist organization on board, they were taken from Syria to save them from Russian airstrikes," General Mayhub said.

According to him, "the militants were met by officers of the Saudi coalition that took them from the airport in three groups. The first went to the city of Al-Bab in Mandeb province (Yemen), the second — to Marib (Yemen), the third — to the Saudi regions of Jizan and Asir."

TASS: World - IS militants airlifted from Syria to Yemen, Saudi Arabia — Syrian army spokesman
Russian bears seem in love with these bullshit, so here I have another one for you that you will be 'crazily' in love with:

''Saudi Arabia and Turkey are spending huge sums to open their path into the Ukrainian army's missile depots to transfer the surface-to-air SAM-8 and SAM-9 missile systems to Northern Syria to strengthen FSA, the Arabic-language Lebanese al-Akhbar reported on Tuesday.


The daily underlined that the Ukrainian army officials are opposed to Russia and its military strikes against FSA in Syria.

According to al-Akhbar, certain sources have revealed that the Saudi-Turkish plan has already made so much success that Russia has revised contingency plans after assessments showed a strikingly higher possibility that their helicopters could be targeted by these anti-aircraft missiles now.'' :tup:

I find such news tastier than bullshit with no proof:
Parents receive body of first Russian to die in Syria, doubt suicide| Reuters

You better ask Natasha how Turkish Airlines work instead some bullshit :dirol::

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LATAKIA (Syria), October 27. /TASS/. The Islamic State (IS) militants have been airlifted from Syria by Turkish aircraft to save them from Russian airstrikes, spokesman for the Syrian Armed Forces Brigadier General Ali Mayhub said on Tuesday.

"On October 26, according to the reconnaissance data, four planes from Turkey arrived to the airport of the city of Aden (Yemen). Two of them belong to Turkish Airlines, one — to Qatar Airways and one more aircraft owned by an airline of the United Arab Emirates," said the Syrian army spokesman. "There were more than 500 militants of the Islamic State terrorist organization on board, they were taken from Syria to save them from Russian airstrikes," General Mayhub said.

According to him, "the militants were met by officers of the Saudi coalition that took them from the airport in three groups. The first went to the city of Al-Bab in Mandeb province (Yemen), the second — to Marib (Yemen), the third — to the Saudi regions of Jizan and Asir."

TASS: World - IS militants airlifted from Syria to Yemen, Saudi Arabia — Syrian army spokesman
I LOLed. Obviously these stories are not designed for people with more than 1 digit IQ.

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