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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Now that you brought it up, show me the break down numbers of Iranians killed in Syria in past month and tell me how many of them were generals or colonels and how many of them were regular fighting forces.

This is a trap for you, whether you do it or not do it, it will lead to an embarrassment.
Confirmed loses:
2 generals (command ~5000 people each)
3 colonels (command ~2000 people eacb)
5 lieutenants (command ~200 people each)

As I said, I was very cautious about the amount of Iraqi/Afghan cannon fodder expended in Syria.
2 generals (command ~5000 people each)
3 colonels (command ~2000 people eacb)
5 lieutenants (command ~200 people each)

lol :lol:

Man you don't cease to amaze me ever. You are talking about number of people they command as if they are fighting in Iran itself, not Syria. Qassem Soleimani for example, in 'theory', should command 20,000 troops, but he doesn't. he goes to Syria mostly to sort things out, plan things, not leading battles. Just like Hamadani, which created the NDF, but not commanding them, and managing advisers sent on various fronts, which was killed in a car accident in Khanasser road.

Till now, there are nearly 2500 IRGC troops inside Syria which entered the country 4 weeks ago. So here goes your theory of 'for every general, millions regular troops die' directly to trash bin. It's not like being killed is a calculated move by death angel, for example he says now that a colonel has died, 2000 people must be also dead, because screw the logic.

You never give up, do you?

Besides, rebel casualties are few times larger than SAA/Iran side in south Aleppo battles.

Now their brothers in ISIS have came to their help and trying to cut off Aleppo road, and they have succeeded in helping the rebels, because the road is temporarily closed for now.

Another huge cooperation between rebels and ISIS, brothers in arms.
Till now, there are nearly 2500 IRGC troops inside Syria which entered the country 4 weeks ago. So here goes your theory of 'for every general, millions regular troops die' directly to trash bin. It's not like being killed is a calculated move by death angel, for example he says now that a colonel has died, 2000 people must be also dead, because screw the logic.
I am talking about the order (number of digits) not exact numbers.

Besides, rebel casualties are few times larger than SAA/Iran side in south Aleppo battles.
During Iran/Iraq war there were 3 Iranian dead per Iraqi. I guess ratio is same here since commanders from Iranian side are same.
3 Iranian dead per Iraqi

Official number of casualties on Iran side, civilians and military is 218000 belonging to number of bodies buried, known or unknown (while another gov org putting casualties at 190,000 and 155000 in the past and I stated the highest numbers). Number of Iraqi casualties is about the same and according to some data, even more.

Iraq targeted cities savagely and used chemical weapons on cities and troops, while Iran barely targeted Iraqi civilians, yet despite all that, number of casualties are equal at best.

Read this:

Death Tolls of the Iran-Iraq War – Charles Kurzman

But if we believe the census figures, the death toll from the Iran-Iraq war was far less than the scholarly estimates of 600,000 or 1,250,000. It may even have been lower than the government figures of 250,000 Iraqi fatalities and 155,000 Iranian fatalities.

The Iran-Iraq war was, by any measure, a terribly bloody cataclysm. But it may not have been so bloody as we imagined.

Embarrassed again? :)
Official number of casualties on Iran side, civilians and military is 218000 belonging to number of bodies buried, known or unknown (while another gov org putting casualties at 190,000 and 155000 in the past and I stated the highest numbers). Number of Iraqi casualties is about the same and according to some data, even more.

Iraq targeted cities savagely and used chemical weapons on cities and troops, while Iran barely targeted Iraqi civilians, yet despite all that, number of casualties are equal at best.

Read this:

Death Tolls of the Iran-Iraq War – Charles Kurzman

But if we believe the census figures, the death toll from the Iran-Iraq war was far less than the scholarly estimates of 600,000 or 1,250,000. It may even have been lower than the government figures of 250,000 Iraqi fatalities and 155,000 Iranian fatalities.

The Iran-Iraq war was, by any measure, a terribly bloody cataclysm. But it may not have been so bloody as we imagined.

Embarrassed again? :)
All his calculations are based on this chart:


Made by Ayatula regime and does not include any other data like migration, mortality during borths etc. Its also know that during wars birth rate increases and more boys are born.
1001th time. So several hundred ATGMs were sent only AFTER Assad invited foreign terrorists.

For the millionth time, US/Saudia/Qatar were supplying the weapons RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING in the name of Democracy.
But US was blind enough to see that Saudia/Qatar/Jordan/Bahrain/UAE are themselves dictatorships.
Made by Ayatula regime and does not include any other data like migration, mortality during borths etc. Its also know that during wars birth rate increases and more boys are born.

Okay, let's believe @500 on an internet forum rather than official number given by Iran (all of which have known names and graves).

I am not talking here to convince you, you are in state for denial since years ago, I am writing for others to see why you can not b taken seriously.
For the millionth time, US/Saudia/Qatar were supplying the weapons RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING in the name of Democracy.
But US was blind enough to see that Saudia/Qatar/Jordan/Bahrain/UAE are themselves dictatorships.
I follow this conflict since first day and for the first years rebels had not even mortars. They start to made them by themselves.

Okay, let's believe @500 on an internet forum rather than official number given by Iran (all of which have known names and graves).

I am not talking here to convince you, you are in state for denial since years ago, I am writing for others to see why you can not b taken seriously.
There is very telling fact in ur article: Iran with population 3 times of Iraqi was recruiting 15 years old kids (like Hitler in 1945), while Iraq only from 18.
There is very telling fact in ur article: Iran with population 3 times of Iraqi was recruiting 15 years old kids (like Hitler in 1945), while Iraq only from 18.

The only thing Iran had no shortage of was manpower. And they were not recruited, there are hundreds of stories were teenagers even manipulated their ID cards illegally to change their age and be able to go to front lines and some of my relatives are among them. Many were caught and returned to their families, some martyred, wounded.

You just lied again and you don't know what to do with it, so you will create more nonsense.

The discussion about Iran-Iraq war is over as you tried to divert attention from another lie you just said: That 'hundreds of Shias' have been killed in South Aleppo only because a retired general and few retired colonels are killed.


AP Photo/Bilal Hussein
by JOHN HAYWARD 25 Oct 2015

The Lebanese army reports the arrest of three Palestinians linked to the Islamic State, who were building an ISIS cell in the refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh.

Lebanese Hezbollah’s media operation further stated that one of these men, named Jihad Fadl Kawaash, has confessed under interrogation to being the “legitimate leader” of ISIS affiliates within the camp. He was allegedly planning a series of bombings and assassinations in Lebanon at the time of his arrest.

The Daily Star of Lebanon describes the arrests as “surprise” operations, with Kawaash taken into custody as he was trying to cross into Syria from northern Lebanon. Members of the cell said they had previously met with ISIS leaders in the Islamic State’s capital of Raqqa, Syria, to coordinate terrorist actions in Lebanon.

Disturbingly, the captured terrorists claimed there were ISIS cells in all of the Lebanese Palestinian refugee camps, and they were planning to coordinate suicide bombings against Lebanese Army posts, the assassination of Lebanese and Palestinian politicians, and car bombings in suburban Beirut.

According to the Daily Star, both ISIS and their Syrian rivals, al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, have a presence in northern Lebanon, and have fought both each other and Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist organization currently fighting in Syria on behalf of the Assad regime and its Iranian patrons. Lebanese Army officials warned that increased Hezbollah activity in Syria, under Russian air cover, could lead to retaliation in Lebanon by ISIS and the Nusra Front, but were confident they could deal with such threats.
RAW: Russian jets taking off from Latakia base in Syria

LIVE from Hmeymim Air Base in Syria as Russian jets take off on anti-terror sorties 30 minutes video

good news for Syria
The only thing Iran had no shortage of was manpower. And they were not recruited, there are hundreds of stories were teenagers even manipulated their ID cards illegally to change their age and be able to go to front lines and some of my relatives are among them. Many were caught and returned to their families, some martyred, wounded.
Thats not what YOUR link says:

The bulk of casualties on both sides was concentrated upon young men of military service age — 18 and above in Iraq and 15 and above in Iran. (Almost a third of Iranian fatalities were age 15-19 at their death, according to the Basij’s count. About 3 percent of fatalities were age 14 and younger.)

You just lied again and you don't know what to do with it, so you will create more nonsense.

The discussion about Iran-Iraq war is over as you tried to divert attention from another lie you just said: That 'hundreds of Shias' have been killed in South Aleppo only because a retired general and few retired colonels are killed.
LOL assume that hundreds died when AT LEAST 2 generals 3 colonels and 5 lieutenants killed is false? Also KHAPUASS offensive stalled since over week ago. hat basically shows that cannon fodder they prepared for this offensive was expended,
Their hidden motive is to stop the spread of terrorism in Syria & Iraq, which in turn would mean that they would be at our land borders, and cause terrorist actions in Iranian cities.

For God's sake or Hussian's sake or whatever shut the fu*k up already, no one's buying your BS here, go spread that garbage in some western forum or something!
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