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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Neither does Iran send weapons, funds and terrorists to other countries to topple their government, which is exactly what Turkey is doing, along with U.S, Arabs and others. ;)
1001th time. So several hundred ATGMs were sent only AFTER Assad invited foreign terrorists.
Meanwhile in neighbouring Lebanon, happened just today:

Saudi Arabia’s Royal Drug Problem | Foreign Policy


Oman foreign minister Yusuf bin Alawi was in Damascus today:


Arabs sure know how to party
1001th time. So several hundred ATGMs were sent only AFTER Assad invited foreign terrorists.

ATGM is not a game changer. It is only one component of the modern army. Without counter battery radars, air defense, a modern army is not effective.
1001th time. So several hundred ATGMs were sent only AFTER Assad invited foreign terrorists.

Thousands of foreign terrorists were already in Syria when Hezbollah started its first operation in Syria and as long as legitimate government of Syria asks for help, it's perfectly legal for us to send help anyway we can. The only terrorists are IDF, Nusra, ISIS, IF, Ahrar al-Sham etc.
IS takes another checkpoint guarded by some Iran payed mercenaries:







Ayatulas did not give them even proper weapons to defend themselves. I guess Iran hires them at 100$ for dozen.

Thousands of foreign terrorists were already in Syria when Hezbollah started its first operation in Syria and as long as legitimate government of Syria asks for help, it's perfectly legal for us to send help anyway we can. The only terrorists are IDF, Nusra, ISIS, IF, Ahrar al-Sham etc.
They come on individual basis as volunteers, it happens in every civil war. Hezbollah, Abbas, Zulkifar etc are foreign invading armies.
are foreign invading armies.

They are perfectly legitimate and legal since they are invited by government of Syria and they came after thousands of terrorists came to Syria through Turkish border.
individual basis

When thousands come on individual basis... ta daaa, you have a full blown terrorist army which is exactly what most of 'rebels' are now, mixed with domestic terrorists.

IS takes another checkpoint guarded by some Iran payed mercenaries:

Funny, just at the same time that there is military offensive in South Aleppo, ISIS attacks to cut Ithriya-Aleppo road to stop supplies going to south Aleppo. Again, helping their brothers in harsh times.
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ATGM is not a game changer. It is only one component of the modern army. Without counter battery radars, air defense, a modern army is not effective.
Rebels managed to capture 2/3 of Syria even without ATGMs and they would capture the remaining 1/3 if not the massive involvement by Iran and Russia.
Rebels managed to capture 2/3 of Syria even without ATGMs and they would capture the remaining 1/3 if not the massive involvement by Iran and Russia.

2/3 mostly desert. It's not very important for Alliance. IS is an easy opponent. No country arms IS and they lack arms and ammo. Alliance can easily beat IS after western Syria is secured.
They are perfectly legitimate and legal since they are invited by government of Syria.
U can print that legitimacy, put in frame and hang in ur room. Thats only thing it is good for.

When thousnads come on individual basis... ta daaa, you have a full blown terrorist army which is exactly what most of 'rebels' are now, mixed with domestic terrorists.
As I said thats typical for every civil war. The overwhelming majority of fighters are Syrians. Foreigners play little role. For example the first cities to kick out Assadists were Rastan and Talbise, without single foreigner.

Funny, just at the same time that there is military offensive in South Aleppo, ISIS attacks to cut Ithriya-Aleppo road to stop supplies going to south Aleppo. Again, helping their brothers in harsh times.
Assadists idiots were first to attack IS. They had a nice idyll in Aleppo, IS even gave Free Zone to Assadists as a present. But then Assadists decided that with Russian mega support they will crush IS in minutes. Probably they believed own propaganda.

PressTV-600 terrorists flee Syria: Russia
Intercepted ISIS comms show 'growing panic' after Russian airstrikes - combat report — RT News
Islamic State: ISIS so weakened by Russian bombs its Caliphate could be defeated in hours | World | News | Daily Express
Russian military claims it has destroyed 'most' Isis munitions and heavy weapons with Syria air strikes | Middle East | News | The Independent


2/3 mostly desert. It's not very important for Alliance. IS is an easy opponent. No country arms IS and they lack arms and ammo. Alliance can easily beat IS after western Syria is secured.
These 2/3 contains all resources of Syria: oil, gas, Euphrates river and arable lands.
Alliance captured Snisil and al-Mahta in the northern Homs pocket.

These 2/3 contains all resources of Syria: oil, gas, Euphrates river and arable lands.

Like I said, IS is an easy opponent since every country in the world opposes it because it is a caliphate and that means every Muslim leader fights it.

Alliance bombers attack insurgent infrastructure.

Tanks of the skies. Alliance Mi-24 attack helicopters.

Alliance ground grunts in Golan.

He is considered a 'moderate' terrorist btw.
Yes he is ( Alouesh ) is oderate to them since he is fighting and killing shiite.

the filthy coalition of the west and Arab and Sunnis against the shiite.

As far as I understood he talks about Shia mercenaries who imposed blockade over Ghouta. He did not say he wants to slaughter Shias in Tartus, Iraq and Lebanon where they belong.
I can't believe, you think us stupid where you expect us take that!!!!.
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Thousands of foreign terrorists were already in Syria when Hezbollah started its first operation in Syria and as long as legitimate government of Syria asks for help, it's perfectly legal for us to send help anyway we can. The only terrorists are IDF, Nusra, ISIS, IF, Ahrar al-Sham etc.

Your people blow up Jewish centres in Argentina, blow up peace-keepers in Lebanon, blow up tourists on buses in Bulgaria.

You want to talk about terrorists, look no further then Iran - the poster child of terrorism.
Your people blow up Jewish centres in Argentina, blow up peace-keepers in Lebanon, blow up tourists on buses in Bulgaria.

You want to talk about terrorists, look no further then Iran - the poster child of terrorism.

Not even a single one of them proved. Most likely, they were inside jobs by Mosad, since they benefited Israel much much more than anyone else.
Not even a single one of them proved. Most likely, they were inside jobs by Mosad, since they benefited Israel much much more than anyone else.

Umm, traced back to Hezbollah. Bulgarian prosecutors even named the Hezbollah terrorists.

Just like the Hezbollah terrorist recently captured in Cyprus planning attacks on civilians.

Remind me again who is the evil parent of Hezbollah?
So now it's official, all parties agreed to split the country. After 5 years of suffering, Israel, Iran, Arab regimes satisfied with current deal/situation and now Iran secured interests there, Arabs secured interests, Israel secured interests. The blame ultimately lies on the fucktard Arab citizen morons who buy their regime propaganda and supported coup against MB and support 'war on terror' ie murder of self determined orthodox Muslims. You useless manayeek idiots tolerated all of this and now put us in much worse situation than before. Nobody can change anything now unless ISIS inspires a revolution in the Arab world.
How's "it" official? What are you referring to?

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