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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Wake up! You were dreaming:)

Sorry bro but we Turks have been hearing these excuses for years now about how ""Turkey should not intervene with Syrian sovereignty" and now Iran is doing that very same thing. Those Iranian soldiers die for their little forward base against Turkey, Israel and other regional countries. Those arent martyrs that die protecting their country, those are puppets dying for a selfish cause.

You know my words are justified. Dont get my harsh words wrong, they dont apply to every Iranian citizen or Iranian soldier protecting their country.
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Bullshit. As I said many times rebels got some TOWs only AFTER Assad invited Hezbollah and Iraqi mercenaries. They are still firing cooking gas cylinders.

What changed in Tunisia, what changed in Egypt? No regime lasts forever. If u cant change regime democratically then its changed violently. In case of Syria its even more heavy since it is dominated by religious minority.

You are a joker if you say that US and Saudia and Jordan and Qatar are supplying weapons from the very first day to the terrorists in order to establish democracy in Syria.
If US, Saudia, Jordan and Qatar want democracy, then US only has to look under it's nose where Its best friend Bahrain is run by a dictator.
You cannot dictate a democracy upon others till the time you don't dictate it in your own house.
Only one word for you... you people are hypocrites.
Bullshit. As I said many times rebels got some TOWs only AFTER Assad invited Hezbollah and Iraqi mercenaries. They are still firing cooking gas cylinders.

You keep mentioning cooking gas cylinders. There are multiple reports that groups received funding. This was not hidden initially. It was out of the open. What do you think Qatar was supporting them with in the initial days? Gas cylinders? Stop being so willfully obtuse.

You think the opposition to the government, for the past 5 years has been fighting with gas cylinders? How much of a child do you have to be to have such 5th grade political understanding? Seriously, dude, grow up.

I don't care which side you defend, but no need to constantly talk about of your *** so much.
Those Iranian soldiers die for their little forward base against Turkey, Israel and other regional countries. Those arent martyrs that die protecting their country, those are puppets dying for a selfish cause.

Same as nearly 500 Turkish soldiers killed in illegal invasion of Cyprus, right? :) They all died as puppets dying for a expansionist ideology of Turkish leaders. That's your own argument used against yourself.
Sorry bro but we Turks have been hearing these excuses for years now about how ""Turkey should not intervene with Syrian sovereignty" and now Iran is doing that very same thing. Those Iranian soldiers die for their little forward base against Turkey, Israel and other regional countries. Those arent martyrs that die protecting their country, those are puppets dying for a selfish cause.

You know my words are justified. Dont get my harsh words wrong, they dont apply to every Iranian citizen or Iranian soldier protecting their country.

They are actually protecting our country. What do you think will happen if Syria & Iraq falls to Islamic Jihadists like ISIS and Al Qaeda? Do you think they will suddenly become a enlightened nation, and help advance the region, or do you think they will start moving towards Iran? Our country has a huge land borders with Iraq & Turkey on the west and Pakistan and Afghanistan on the east, and if we do nothing, and terrorists gain more power in both these neighbors, who will lose out?

When they start attacking Iran from our land borders, do you think Erdogan will come help us? USA will help us? Saudi will help us? Who will help us, when bombs are being set off in our markets and schools? We're not going to wait and do nothing, until our borders are full of terrorist scums, and then fight them in Iran, while your countries will make a statement, "We do not support such actions" and "These are not real Muslims" whenever a suicide bomb blows up something in Iran.

Our soldiers are dying so these scum, who's only use in this world is to be the fertilizers in the ground, don't reach our citizens.

If Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi, instead of helping to give strength to these terrorist scum, and instead erased them completely in Libya, Syria, and Iraq, trust me, not one Iranian soldier would step foot out of Iran.
Guys with AK-47 and Toyotas destroyed tank platoon supported by 2 air forces in open desert.

Funny how you 'intentionally' forgot that IS has many ATGMs. Otherwise, every Tom Dick and Harry knows that you can't destroy a tank with Toyotas and Ak-47s, dear think-tank. ;)


Oh the irony, let's see what this piece of crap called Zahran Aloush, leader of Islamic Front (Satanic Front) has to say about minorities. (watch the video in Tweet)

He is considered a 'moderate' terrorist btw.
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Funny how you 'intentionally' forgot that IS has many ATGMs.
That's simply not true. U can count on fingers all ATGMs they fired in 4 years.

Territory siezed by ISIS as result of Russian "anti-ISIS" operation:


Oh the irony, let's see what this piece of crap called Zahran Aloush, leader of Islamic Front (Satanic Front) has to say about minorities. (watch the video in Tweet)

He is considered a 'moderate' terrorist btw.
As far as I understood he talks about Shia mercenaries who imposed blockade over Ghouta. He did not say he wants to slaughter Shias in Tartus, Iraq and Lebanon where they belong.
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Same as nearly 500 Turkish soldiers killed in illegal invasion of Cyprus, right? :) They all died as puppets dying for a expansionist ideology of Turkish leaders. That's your own argument used against yourself.
I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a large Persian minority in Syria under threat of racist discrimination (heavy sarcasm). And no, the alawites don't count. Until recently, they were enemies of the Iranian ayatollahs.
Sorry bro but we Turks have been hearing these excuses for years now about how ""Turkey should not intervene with Syrian sovereignty" and now Iran is doing that very same thing. Those Iranian soldiers die for their little forward base against Turkey, Israel and other regional countries. Those arent martyrs that die protecting their country, those are puppets dying for a selfish cause.

You know my words are justified. Dont get my harsh words wrong, they dont apply to every Iranian citizen or Iranian soldier protecting their country.

Iran has been asked to support it's ally in region and that's based on a defense pact signed in 2006 .

But I'm not sure who gave your Sultan the right to organize and arm ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria ! .

Maybe he thinks he lives in ottoman era otherwise there will be no reason for supporting terrorism in region .

You need to pray that , AKP does not win the coming election otherwise your children and generations after them will curse you for supporting Sultan Erdogan .
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That's simply not true. U can count on fingers all ATGMs they fired in 4 years.

Territory siezed by ISIS as result of Russian "anti-ISIS" operation:


As far as I understood he talks about Shia mercenaries who imposed blockade over Ghouta. He did not say he wants to slaughter Shias in Tartus, Iraq and Lebanon where they belong.

ISIS is no body. They don't have TOWs and they are easily dealt with.
So ...if they possess few TOWs maybe will eat another bunch of missiles, maybe from submarine ?

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