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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

''Osso Slams PYD “Separatist” Practices

Vice president Mustafa Osso denounces the Democratic Union Party’s (PYD) declaring of the town of Tal Abyad in northern Syria a canton subjected to the PYD’s administration. Osso described the move as illegal and unilateral by the party that wants to impose its will and its ideology by force in another part of Syrian territory.

Osso stresses that "the Assad regime is the main beneficiary of the PYD’s “abnormal practices, adding that the Kurds are the biggest losers as these actions will deepen the rift between the components of Syrian society.

“The real Kurdish project in Syria is the constitutional foundation of their rights, culture and language in a unified Syria that enjoys democracy, freedom and dignity for all its citizens. The Kurds are part of the Syrian people and their national cause.” Osso said.

"The attempts to impose a governance that reflects the ideology of one party without consensus with the other components of Syrian society that will cause harm the Kurds and their cause, let alone serving their enemies represented in the Assad regime and its allies.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)''

Osso Slams PYD “Separatist” Practices
so everything happening in syria is right and fair except this ?a town or a city is nothing because if not kurds it would be some terrorist faction in control
He will cry more when Assad's head will be on a pike soon enough. Iranian presence will disappear in its entirerly, and when that happens i hope they will have a picture of Ahmedinejad then. Lets send more of Iranians back in coffin's :)

Reported for wishing deaths upon others.

Alliance claims to have captured Mansoura in Ghab after Alliance Mi-24 attack helicopters killed most of the insurgents in and near the town.

Syrian Army Captures Al-Mansoura Inside the Al-Ghaab Plains

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Reported for wishing deaths upon others.

Alliance claims to have captured Mansoura in Ghab after Alliance Mi-24 attack helicopters killed most of the insurgents in and near the town.

Syrian Army Captures Al-Mansoura Inside the Al-Ghaab Plains

And when rebels are wished death on or u your self are orgasming when the Russians are dropping bombs regardless who it hits. You sit here and bark that Alliance has time and anyone who supports the rebels is fair target then what happens. Now a pig who is responsible for the death of 250k people is wished death on and suddenly u have an issue. How pathetic and such a loser u are. Really get a life. Try getting out of ur basement sometimes, those noises u hear outside are humans not zombies. They won't eat ur brain. Heck even if they were brain eating zombies u still had noting to worry about.
He will cry more when Assad's head will be on a pike soon enough. Iranian presence will disappear in its entirerly, and when that happens i hope they will have a picture of Ahmedinejad then. Lets send more of Iranians back in coffin's :)
Wake up! You were dreaming:)
Reported for wishing deaths upon others.

Alliance claims to have captured Mansoura in Ghab after Alliance Mi-24 attack helicopters killed most of the insurgents in and near the town.

Syrian Army Captures Al-Mansoura Inside the Al-Ghaab Plains

wishing death on civilian protector + terrorist + anti-shia groups = okay

wishing death on government protector + terrorist + anti-sunni groups = feel disturbing

what a hypocrite, lol
Rebels are still stomping foreign smurfs :

#RIH: An Incompetent Tatbirist was Stomped By the Rebels


Name: Muhammad Zhahiri
Nationality: Iranian
Allegiance: IRGC
Rank: 3rd Lieutenant

A moderate tatbirist from the 1st Brigade Sabireen.

Sources (Farsi): A | B
#RIH: Two More Incompetent Tatbirists Have Perished

Names: Rouhullah Imadi and Sajjad Tahirnia
Nationality: Iranians
Allegiance: Basij

Source (Farsi): Sedayiran.ir
#RIH: An Incompetent Tatbirist Senior Commander Has Perished

Name: Muhammad Ridha Khawri
Nationality: Afghan
Allegiance: Fatimiyoun

Senior Commander of the so-called Fatimiyoun, may you burn in Hell forever.

Source (Farsi): ABNA
#RIH: Two Other Tatbirists Have Perished and Gone to Hell

Names: Ameen Kareemi and Muhammad Mustafawi
Nationality: Iranians
Allegiance: IRGC (Ameen) | Basij (Muhammad)
Rank: <Couldn't find anything about it>

Sources (Farsi): A | B
This is just an example :

#Rewind: Da'ish was Not the First to Run Over Someone With a Tank
- May, 2013 | Aleppo Countryside
WARNING: The following is a graphic video, your discretion is strongly advised.
Replace "*****" with "sendvid" in the following link :
Summary :
This was taken from an 80th Brigade soldier's phone 2 years ago. It showed the moderate tatbirists running over the bodies of rebels with a tank.
Da'ish actually learned that from the too 'Islamic resistance'.
The US-backed terrorists groups slaughtered and kidnapping not only Christians, but also Alawits in Latakia, Shias and Sunnis, i.e. everyone who don't agree with their point of view.
Those who were tortured to death by the tatbirists, I guess they all agreed with Bashar's point of view.
So this is Christian Community should create their own armed militia, checkpoints control and others stuffs which is will help to protect them from terrorists..
There is the Sutoro.

But that's not the case and you won't get her point since you consider everyone 'terrorist'. She supports those 'terrorists'.
...and also they should stop to blame Assad for their own cowardly or stupidly.
Bashar's thugs attacked her for not supporting the lunatic 'resistance' of mass-murderers. She mentioned that in the video.
So what does this have with her "cowardly" or "stupidly" ?

The only reason why I shared her video is because the trolls were claiming 'only Islamists' do not support Iran and its alleged 'resistance'.

In fact, I disagree with her 'cause I don't think this has anything to do with protecting Christians. However, I have one question for you :

Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis is a tatbirist (English: terrorist) and field-commander of the Popular Mobiliziation Forces (PMF) in Iraq. Kuwait convicted him to death in absentia for involvement in 1983 Kuwait bombings and he is on the US list of designated terrorists | tatbirists.

Considering that the US supports terrorists, why doesn't the US conduct air-strikes against the PMF and claim they only targeted a certain group of the PMF which was posing a threat to the US or something like that ? Why don't they at least try to kill Al-Muhandis ?
They already did it even against the moderate rebels in Syria and if they do it in Iraq, it will make it easier for Da'ish to control the entire state and that's what the US wants according to you, I presume .
They all were bearded ayatuloids, not talking that so called president decides only price for gasoline in best case. Real power is in hands of Dear Leader.

It's like I'm talking to a child. You keep moving goal posts. You don't understand anything about political structures.
These following pictures can tell us the story of how Iran is losing in Syria. They have already used all kinds of assistance they could get, but nothing has changed for good to them.





Advisors that have gone to Syria have not gone there to sleep in hotels. They had a dangerous job to do and the job was stopping the expansion of extremist Islamism that is harming our region from Libya to Nigeria. And doing this job means that the possibility of death is there. There is only honor in such a death.

Proud of the martyrs, and proud of Ahmadenijad who had the sort of people surrounding him who, after he finished his term, continued giving their life for making the region a more stable place.
Advisors that have gone to Syria have not gone there to sleep in hotels. They had a dangerous job to do and the job was stopping the expansion of extremist Islamism that is harming our region from Libya to Nigeria. And doing this job means that the possibility of death is there. There is only honor in such a death.

Proud of the martyrs, and proud of Ahmadenijad who had the sort of people surrounding him who, after he finished his term, continued giving their life for making the region a more stable place.

who wants his country in becoming a more stable place like what the alliance had done, raise your hand


who wants his country in becoming a more stable place like what the alliance had done, raise your hand



This occurred, like Libya, after foreign players decided to pour arms and money into the hands of thugs to overthrow the government.

Look at a situation and see what variables exist and how those variables affected the outcome.

We have two Syria. Syria before 2011 and Syria after 2011. What changed?

The government before & after is the same.
The allies were the same, such as Iran and Russia.

All that changed was that after 2011, certain foreign countries poured money, arms, and logistics to violent thugs to overthrow the government. Therefore, the blame should be placed on this factor.

Well, thousands died in Hajj. Sometimes, I think Allah doesn't like any of the Muslims anymore.
This occurred, like Libya, after foreign players decided to pour arms and money into the hands of thugs to overthrow the government.
Bullshit. As I said many times rebels got some TOWs only AFTER Assad invited Hezbollah and Iraqi mercenaries. They are still firing cooking gas cylinders.

Look at a situation and see what variables exist and how those variables affected the outcome.

We have two Syria. Syria before 2011 and Syria after 2011. What changed?
What changed in Tunisia, what changed in Egypt? No regime lasts forever. If u cant change regime democratically then its changed violently. In case of Syria its even more heavy since it is dominated by religious minority.
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