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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Same as nearly 500 Turkish soldiers killed in illegal invasion of Cyprus, right? :) They all died as puppets dying for a expansionist ideology of Turkish leaders. That's your own argument used against yourself.

Same logic different scenario. Turkey invaded Cyprus and only took the Turkish part of Cyprus. If it had expansionist ideology then we would have taken the entire island. Tell again how Iran came to the rescue of Iranians in Syria oooooh but wait thats right there are none. :)
Same logic different scenario. Turkey invaded Cyprus and only took the Turkish part of Cyprus. If it had expansionist ideology then we would have taken the entire island. Tell again how Iran came to the rescue of Iranians in Syria oooooh but wait thats right there are none. :)
Guess what? Iran has a defense pact with Syria since 2006, hence our presence in Syria is perfectly legal. It would be expansionist if we had forcefully occupied a part of Syria or any other country, not when neighboring countries like Turkey are sending thousands of terrorists and arms to the country. Actually what Turkey is doing shows the expansionist and very dangerous motives of Erdogan's cult, changing the regime in Syria in order to prop up a new Muslim Brotherhood gang in Damascus.

We are defending the legitimate gov of Syria and our ally, you are sending terrorists and arms illegally to overthrow a gov, talk about expansionist policies.

Let's assume there is a civil war in Republic of Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia arm various groups in there to topple gov and Turkey send advisers, weapons to gov in order to fight back. Wouldn't you come here bragging about how justified what you do in that country is?
They are perfectly legitimate and legal since they are invited by government of Syria and they came after thousands of terrorists came to Syria through Turkish border.

When thousands come on individual basis... ta daaa, you have a full blown terrorist army which is exactly what most of 'rebels' are now, mixed with domestic terrorists.

Funny, just at the same time that there is military offensive in South Aleppo, ISIS attacks to cut Ithriya-Aleppo road to stop supplies going to south Aleppo. Again, helping their brothers in harsh times.

Perfectly legit my arze. You are as legit as ISIS declaration of an islamic state. Only dictatorships like Iran will help other dictatorships, especcialy if they are Shia puppets. You try to justify your participation within Syria all you want, i care little but dont try to act as if Iran is morally driven :lol:
Perfectly legit my arze. You are as legit as ISIS declaration of an islamic state. Only dictatorships like Iran will help other dictatorships, especcialy if they are Shia puppets. You try to justify your participation within Syria all you want, i care little but dont try to act as if Iran is morally driven :lol:

I see you didn't have any proper answer and started writing nonsense. No need to get emotional. Actually what you think doesn't matter, because in international politics, when a government is in its place and request help from allies, it is completely justified and legal to send help.

And you are not exactly in a position to talk about morality when your country has sent thousands of Nusra terrorists to Syria, closed its eyes on ISIS members going there through Turkish border and also illegally sending arms to terror groups. :)
Guess what? Iran has a defense pact with Syria since 2006, hence our presence in Syria is perfectly legal. It would be expansionist if we had forcefully occupied a part of Syria or any other country, not when neighboring countries like Turkey are sending thousands of terrorists and arms to the country. Actually what Turkey is doing shows the expansionist and very dangerous motives of Erdogan's cult, changing the regime in Syria in order to prop up a new Muslim Brotherhood gang in Damascus.

We are defending the legitimate gov of Syria and our ally, you are sending terrorists and arms illegally to overthrow a gov, talk about expansionist policies.

Let's assume there is a civil war in Republic of Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia arm various groups in there to topple gov and Turkey send advisers, weapons to gov in order to fight back. Wouldn't you come here bragging about how justified what you do in that country is?

Thats by far the most BS comment and argumentation i have ever seen. Turkey is the expansionists? Mate GTFO of here. You single handely took over Iraq and are now actively supporting terrorisme in Yemen. Combine this with your influence with Lebanon(Hezbollah) and Syria and you can already see who the really "expansionists" is. Dont come here with your "morally driven" half azzed arguments ever again. Naive kid.

Using moral arguments are irrelevant. Dont show your face here again with that naive mindset.
Thats by far the most BS comment and argumentation i have ever seen. Turkey is the expansionists? Mate GTFO of here. You single handely took over Iraq and are now actively supporting terrorisme in Yemen. Combine this with your influence with Lebanon(Hezbollah) and Syria and you can already see who the really "expansionists" is. Dont come here with your "morally driven" half azzed arguments ever again. Naive kid.

Using moral arguments are irrelevant. Dont show your face here again with that naive mindset.

Calm down. Yes Turkey (Erdogan to be precise) is having a very aggressive and expansionist policy. In none of that countries you mentioned, Iran is trying to force itself and everything we do is with the government's consent. In Yemen, there is literally zero evidence that Iran has sent any weapons or worse, rebels there despite coalition barking the same thing over and over without reliable proof.

On the other hand, Erdogan is trying to force itself on Syria, imposing a Muslim Brotherhood regime in the country and sending/arming all kinds of terrorists in there, all while the legit government of Syria is fighting those terrorists.

So yes, that's an expansionist policy.
I see you didn't have any proper answer and started writing nonsense. No need to get emotional. Actually what you think doesn't matter, because in international politics, when a government is in its place and request help from allies, it is completely justified and legal to send help.

And you are not exactly in a position to talk about morality when your country has sent thousands of Nusra terrorists to Syria, closed its eyes on ISIS members going there through Turkish border and also illegally sending arms to terror groups. :)

In international politics the concept of "legit" is extremely vague. Lets picture a scenario here, if a brutal dictatorship goes on a killing spree just so he could retain absolute power and start displacing and killing his own compatriots systematicly, would it be oke if that very same dictatorship is asking help from lets say, other dictatorships to do his dirty work? Would that dictatorship still be a legit ruler of the country? Only in name buddy, only in name. Take a good look at Libya and ask yourself which is the legimate goverment there.

Turkey was training and arming thousands of moderate FSA fighters. If we are talking about morality here i would chose them over some brutal shia puppet dictator that prefered to throw his country into civil war instead of relinquish some of his power for the greater good and unity of his country. I hope they will chop his head of and shitt down his neck with a good public display.

When Iran stops supporting Yemeni terrorists, Hezbollah, dictatorships and etc etc. Are you people allowed to talk about morals and who the "real" terrorists are. Tell me again how Turkey is the bad guy for pissing on Iranian attemps at desperatly retaining control over their little puppet, that borders Turkey. Tell me about who the expansionist is :lol:

Piss off man.

I would love to see Ahmedinejad face when Turkey crushes your little dreams of controlling the region.

Heh at the very least Turks admit their role in Syria and the failed policies of Erdogan, whilst you people are still desperatly trying to justify your pressence in Syria. Yeah America is the expanionists and imperialist. Iran is completely innocent and is not doing that very same thing at all. Iran is not supporting proxies, taking over goverments and is actively funding mass killing brutal dictators that only cling to power for selfish reasons. Iran is the good guy here lol. Tell me, do you actually believe your own BS or are you just mad you have competition from Turkey in the region now? You have to struggle for that proxy/puppet now with Turkey in the field :)

I love all Iranians on this forum, but sometimes you just look silly :)
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Pro-ISIS coalition.


Is that a man in that burka?
In international politics the concept of "legit" is extremely vague. Lets picture a scenario here, if a brutal dictatorship goes on a killing spree just so he could retain absolute power and start displacing and killing his own compatriots systematicly, would it be oke if that very same dictatorship is asking help from lets say, other dictatorships to do his dirty work? Would that dictatorship still be a legit ruler of the country? Only in name buddy, only in name.

Same can be said of Hadi, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini. I don't think any strongman will step down just because some folks do a demonstration. Revolution is about blood.
In international politics the concept of "legit" is extremely vague. Lets picture a scenario here, if a brutal dictatorship goes on a killing spree just so he could retain absolute power and start displacing and killing his own compatriots systematicly, would it be oke if that very same dictatorship is asking help from lets say, other dictatorships to do his dirty work? Would that dictatorship still be a legit ruler of the country? Only in name buddy, only in name. Take a good look at Libya and ask yourself which is the legimate goverment there.

Turkey was training and arming thousands of moderate FSA fighters. If we are talking about morality here i would chose them over some brutal shia puppet dictator that prefered to throw his country into civil war instead of relinquish some of his power for the greater good and unity of his country. I hope they will chop his head of and shitt down his neck with a good public display.

When Iran stops supporting Yemeni terrorists, Hezbollah, dictatorships and etc etc. Are you people allowed to talk about morals and who the "real" terrorists are. Tell me again how Turkey is the bad guy for pissing on Iranian attemps at desperatly retaining control over their little puppet, that borders Turkey. Tell me about who the expansionist is :lol:

Piss off man.

I would love to see Ahmedinejad face when Turkey crushes your little dreams of controlling the region.

The average Iranian here is like "Turkey supports terrorist in Syria" -> Hezbollah, Yemen and Syria in the meantime.

Unfortunately, you lose it so fast, and you are too emotional.

Okay you are right, Erdogan and his Muslim Brotherhood gang are not expansionists at all and totally clean, they don't support terrorists, AlQaeda included in the bright daylight, they don't ignore ISIS passage routes into Syria and they don't want to force their cult on a sovereign nation by overthrowing its gov by force. They are angels actually.
Now you can rest and chill.


Raqqa? Nah, it's the new capital of 'revolution', the 'liberated Idlib'. How on earth are they even reading books?


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I follow this conflict since first day and for the first years rebels had not even mortars. They start to made them by themselves.

Come on, Assad was also not using Tanks to bomb the protestors. Why are you blind of this fact?
It all started when US and Saudia and Qatar started supplying weapons to the jihadists in the name of Democracy.

Yes Democracy, and that is why you didn't answer the 2nd part of my question, which is about your Double Standards.

But US was blind enough to see that Saudia/Qatar/Jordan/Bahrain/UAE are themselves dictatorships.

Do you have any answer to this double standards? Or do you believe every thing is forgiven to the Jews from God (including hypocrisy and double standards)?
All the ATGM in October so far 132 documented justpaste.it/OctoberATGM

i can't post links
copy and paste this [ justpaste.it/OctoberATGM ] in the Browser Address bar
Just curious, you do know one of Shia's revered female figurre ie Fatimah dressed like that too? It's not something a Caliph came up with later, it was part of Sunnah otherwise people would dispute any additions to religion.

Get with the times man. Get with the times. Fatimah never wore a bra. Sheesh!
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